Draco is not an idiot - Chapter 19 - Doccbm - Harry Potter (2024)

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Chapter 19

The next day Harry was punctual and rang the doorbell at 7:01. Hermione answered in a Sundress and a carrying a backpack.

Thinking that Hermione looked very good, Harry said, “You look very nice. The backpack has your Witch outfit, formal wear for dinner, potion supplies, and study materials? Do you have your wand?”

Hermione after giving Harry a hug. “Wow, so that is what it’s like when asked too many questions at once. No wonder people don’t like it. Thank you, you look nice too, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.”

Meanwhile, Juliet came to the door, “Good morning, Harry. We will expect Hermione back by bed time. Dowager Lady Longbottom will be here to discuss the Betrothal. This is a preliminary meeting so you and Lady Tonks are not needed. Have a good day.”

Harry bowed “Ma’am, 9pm at the latest. Any changes and you will be asked, or at least notified.” and Harry called the elves to pop them to the Tonks. Harry had asked the elves to pop them to the apparition court so she could learn how that worked. When they landed in the court, Hermione saw the door and the large mirror next to it and looked to Harry for an explanation of what she was seeing.

Harry then explained, “This is an apparition court. In proper wizarding homes, they have wards keeping strangers from apparating into the house, but leave a ‘hole’ where wizards can come here. Usually these are courts with a door and an intercom magic mirror. Don’t touch the door as the wards will reject you until you are invited in.”

Harry then went to the door and opened it. Hermione saw it opened on a beautiful garden smelling of many different flowers including Lilac, Jasmine, Pine, Violet and Rose. There was a sweet song of birds and bees while a breeze rustled through the leaves of the trees. She also heard girls laughing over by a large pool. They were bare.

Harry noticing Hermione seeing the girls by the pool, said “Let me introduce you to my family”, and led her over to the pool. Harry called to them and the three girls came over acting completely unconcerned about being bare. Harry went down the line, “This is Chastity Tonks of House Tonks, member of House Black.” Chastity the one girl who looked to be developing breasts, but was still strangely hairless, curtseyed “Call me Chastity”. “And these two hellions are Emily and Sophia Malfoy of House Malfoy, members of House Black.” Emily and Sophia curtseyed “Call me Emily. Call me Soph.”.

Harry then turned to Hermione introducing, “This is my best friend, protectee Hermione Granger of new House Granger, protectee of House Longbottom.” Hermione gave an answering curtsey “Pleased to meet you, call me Hermione”.

Emily said, “Are you two going to join us in the pool?”

Harry, replied, “Maybe after lunch. We need to get some school work done first. Hermione being in a muggle home can’t cast magic there. Where’s Mum?”

Chastity replied, “One of her partners needed help at Mungoe’s and called her in. She said she would be back for dinner.” Looking at Hermione, “Are you staying for dinner? You will need formal robes to do so.”

Hermione said finally able to answer something she understood, “I have my witch robes in my nap sack. I had planned on joining you for dinner if it was OK.”

Chastity shrugged and said, “It should be fine. Give your robes to the elves and they will get them cleaned and straightened for dinner.”

Hermione looking confused, “Elves?”

Chastity replied casually, like this is something everybody knows and does, “House Elves. They live with us, feed off our magic, and in return enjoy helping us.”

Getting concerned, as she couldn’t help, but fight for an underdog, Hermione asked “Like employee’s? Do you pay them?”

Harry explaining patiently, trying to deescalate the situation, says, “They don’t want money having no use for it. They just want to be attached to a family, and enjoy helping their family.”

Looking argumentative, Hermione begins to rant “But..”

Harry realizing the de-escalation didn’t work, cuts her off and, commandingly says, “Hermione! Remember the first lesson Tonks gave you about JUDGING things? You are dangerously approaching being rude and judgmental. When a child, that’s anyone prior to 2nd maturation, is visiting another house in the wizarding world, “in loco parentis” is always assumed. That means my mother will be more than willing to tan your bottom if she feels you’ve earned it! I earned 20 bare from Aunt Cissa while staying at the Malfoys, and she had no problem delivering. Now apologize so we can get to work!”

Hermione, looking contrite, curtseys, “I’m sorry. I still have much to learn about the magical world, and sometimes rush to judgement. I meant no disrespect.”

The three girls glanced at Harry a bit worried. There was a definite ‘Go get the strap’ DAD voice there, and curtseyed back “No problem, we will see you later.” They then ran back to the pool.

Hermione looking up at Harry shyly through her eye-lashes, and with a slight grin, “Have I earned a spanking?”

Harry snorted, “Don’t act like you want it. You very nearly did earn one, however I am not permitted to discipline anyone in this house. Rules. Now let’s go over the 2nd year charms.”

Harry then drilled Hermione on the first two charms, until she could cast them without difficulty. He then took her to the potions lab and they brewed the next second year potion. When done they went to lunch and were joined by the girls. After lunch they asked if Harry and Hermione would be joining them in the pool.

Harry looked questioningly at Hermione, “We were able to learn the spells for today, and her brewing is as good as usual. We are actually ahead of schedule so can play a while. Do you think you can get bare for the pool? No swim suits allowed.”

Hermione blushing while thinking she will finally see Harry bare, asked, “Will you be joining us?”

Harry replied knowing what she wanted, smiling, “Yes, I have mastered the necessary charm.”

Soph then asked with curiosity and innocence, “What charm?”

Harry smiling, replied bluntly, “Impotence charm. You were dragged away by your sister when I explained why I wasn’t getting hard last time.”

Soph grinned, looking at his groin, and Harry thought ‘OK, maybe not so innocent’, and said “Ohh, that explains it.” Hermione was beet red at this time, looking anywhere but at Harry…certainly trying, and failing, to not look at Harry’s groin, while ogling him intently.

Harry just ignoring it assuming she will get her fill and move on, says, “Lets clean up the kitchen and go swimming.” They cleaned up the lunch dishes and went outside. Harry starts taking off his clothes and gets down to his pants. Suddenly his wand is in his hand and a holster is visible on his right wrist.

Harry {hisss-his-hisss}, and just as suddenly the wand and holster vanish, and he removes his pants. The four girls are looking at him with some concern.

Hermione completely flabbergasted by what Harry just did, “What was that? Where did your wand come from? Where did it go? Merlin’s saggy bollocks, look at those muscles! What happened to you? You are gorgeous! Morgana, your penis is beautiful too!” And Hermione put her hands over her mouth turning beet red.

Chastity with a big grin on her face at Hermione’s gaff, “What she said!” While the twins were nodding and grinning unrepentantly.

Harry refusing to cover up, despite four girls staring right at his dick, says, “No fair ladies, if you are going to look, it’s only fair you give me something to look at too.” And the three sisters quickly strip and stand there looking at Hermione expectantly.

Harry, seeing some distress in Hermione’s eyes, grabs her hands and gives them a squeeze, “You can do this, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Tell you what, I will answer your questions if you strip down.”

Harry steps back giving her room. Hermione takes a deep breath and pulls off her sun dress. She delays things by folding it up and sets it down on a chair. She then takes another breath, pauses and releases her bra, also setting it down, on the sundress. She looks at Harry, who is looking at her with admiration and love, not the ogling she fears. Hermione then shudders and forces herself to relax. She reaches to her waist, and quickly drops her knickers folding them quickly and setting them next to her bra. She is looking down so she doesn’t see anybody’s reaction to her nudity. She has a tuft of frizzy brown hair between her legs matching the hair on her head. She finally looks up at Harry, and sees Harry staring in her eyes with a look of such devotion, it takes her breath away. There seems to be a question there.

Hermione instinctively knows he is asking if he can look at her, she pauses then nods her head. Harry’s eyes slowly scan down her body and back up. She feels the heat of him look at her, and it goes straight to her sex. She has never felt so naked in her life. As his eyes scan back up her body, he looks her in eyes and says “Absolutely beautiful, mine.”

Chastity reaches over to Hermione and grabs her arm leading her to the pool, “Stop ogling her Harry, it’s like you haven’t seen a naked girl before!”

Harry replies as Chastity is dragging Hermione away, “One NEVER tires of watching the sunset.”

Hermione stops and pulls her arm lose. She then runs back to Harry and jumps into his arms, hugging him tightly. “Merlin, that was slick, Harry.” She whispers.

With complete seriousness, Harry says “I meant every word.” And kisses her at the base of her neck. Hermione just groans.

Chastity returns and grabs Hermione again, “Morgana, I know the two of you are under 14, stop acting like you already shag like bunnies! I get enough of that with my parents!”

Hermione is blushing fiercely again. She thinks to herself, when am I going to stop blushing. She then looks over at Harry’s dick…nope not going to stop today.

Chastity starts to drag Hermione further away, and is obviously having a whispered conversation with her. It appears she is determined to become Hermione’s confidant. Sneaky witch thought Harry…have to do something nice for her.

Harry goes over to the pool and practices swimming. He pushes himself to do laps for each style he learned until his muscles are aching. After he has built up a good burn he gets out and lies down on the other side of Hermione from Chastity, they are still talking, becoming thick as thieves. Harry closes his eyes and falls asleep content he is with family.

Harry is awakened by Hermione nudging his foot. He opens his eyes and looks at his witch. He notices she is now cleanshaven.

With a grin while obviously ogling her, “So, Chastity showed you how to be a ‘proper witch’?”

Hermione feeling the heat of his gaze, but knows he is teasing with that smile. She tries, and fails, to keep from blushing, drat. She gives in with a smile saying, “Ha ha, she told me about that little gaffe. Yes, we discussed hygiene, among other things. She also has a shampoo which I can order for my frizzy hair…the top hair since I removed the bottom.”

With a smile, and no longer ogling, Harry replies “I noticed, and am very happy a certain charm hasn’t quite worn off yet, as without it I would be saluting you now.” And a bit more seriously he continued, “I am still not quite ready to explore, but your beauty is rapidly making me question my decision.”

Hermione blushes and drops her head thinking she isn’t quite ready for that either. Then she smiles and says, “Come on sleepy head, it is time to get ready for dinner.”

Hermione holds out her hand which he takes and brings to his lips kissing it, before he lets her pull him up. Once up, he pulls her into a hug just holding her tightly while kissing the base of her neck and saying, “You taste divine. You are my everything, mine. Never forget that.”

Merlin that feels good thought Hermione, then whining, “Stop it, Harry! I’m not immune to having a physical response either!”

Harry going for broke says with a roguish grin, “Well, I need a shower, care to wash my back?”

Hermione stands there gawking at him ‘I can’t believe he just propositioned me!’ Then, realizing he is teasing, gets a fierce look in her eyes, turns and pushes Harry toward the house before SMACK! she cracks Harry on his bottom, hard.

Harry not at all disappointed with that response, turns to her grinning, “Nice one! I felt that!”

Hermione, ‘my hand is numb!’ shaking her hand, “I hope so! That hurt! Your butt’s as hard as it looks!”

Going inside they ran into Andy who is talking to the twins about something, then notices Hermione shaking out her hand. “What happened?”

Hermione who can’t believe she hurt her hand spanking Harry, says disgustingly, “He got frisky, so I cracked him on his bottom. Merlin, he’s as hardbodied as he looks.”

Andy just smiled, “Well, be careful. We’ve told him he’s not allowed to discipline his sisters, but if his Lady friend hits him first…” and she looks at Hermione with clear intent.

Hermione gulped and glanced at Harry. Seeing him looking at her with a certain fierce gleam, Hermione let out an “Eeep!” and bolted upstairs with a hand covering her bottom protectively.

Harry just smiled and turned back to his mother. Andy smiling happily at how quickly Hermione is fitting in, “She is special, that one. I approve.”

Harry surprised says, “Thanks, that means a lot to me.” and gives her a hug, “I think Chastity does too, they look to soon be fast friends. They both appear to be doing wonders for each other. I have never seen Hermione this comfortable bare.”

“Well, go get ready for dinner. Love you.”

“Love you too, mum” and Harry gives her another hug before going upstairs.

Harry went into the bathroom as Hermione was stepping out of the shower. She saw him, tensed up, and then forced herself to relax with a deep breath. Hermione then just threw the wet towels into the hamper, and walked into Chastity’s bedroom twitching her bottom while grinning back at Harry. Her grin just became bigger as he started to develop an obvious reaction since his charm had worn off. Harry saw Chastity grinning at him too, before Hermione closed the door.

Harry just shook his head and tried to imagine anything which would quiet things down, while he entered the shower. He gave up, and thinking of that twitching bottom, let off some pressure. Puberty was getting worse! It also looked like Hermione was going to become something of a tease, as she got over her fears…merlin help me.

As Harry exited the shower, he saw Chastity at the sink working on her hair. Nonchalantly, she said “Hermione said she wound you up, nicely.” Glancing down at his now flaccid member, “You ‘let off some pressure’ while in the shower?”

Harry shocked at the question, with some trepidation asked, “What makes you say that?”

Victoriously, Chastity replied with a grin, “I saw how she was twitching that bottom at you, and your reaction to it. If you hadn’t ‘let off some pressure’, you either recast your charm, or you would still be hard now.”

A little defeated and very irritated Harry exclaimed, “Gee thanks sis. Nice to know you care so much about the health of my dick. You really are enjoying this aren’t you.”

Apologetically, Chastity decided to come clean, and replied “Hey, I LIKE her, and I heard the stories about the troll, the beating you threw back in the professors’ teeth, and threatening to kill off the Weasleys. It’s like Lancelot and Guinevere, only its real. I’ve seen how you look at her, and how she looks at you. I would bet anything she will be my sister in a few years. I dream about finding my magus knight willing to defeat the dragon to protect me. Hermione certainly has no need for dreams anymore. She has you.”

Harry understanding and really touched by what she said, pulls her into a hug. “You will find your knight worthy of his princess. You are a very special lady, and I’m proud to call you sister.” At which Chastity, with tears in her eyes, gives Harry a big hug back.

Hermione was standing in the doorway in bra and panties with her hair done up. Grinning at the two of them Hermione says with a royal air, “Harry, stop delaying, Chastity and I still have to finish getting ready for dinner.”

Harry bowing to Hermione, “As my Lady commands.” And he kissed his sister on the forehead going back to his room to finish getting ready.

Harry was again downstairs first, playing host. As the family entered, he greeted them and offered refreshment. It seems Chastity was delaying Hermione until the last moment. Suddenly Hermione was there, looking every inch the Lady, and took Harry’s breath away. Harry was determined she would, one day, be his lady.

Hermione glided over to Harry, and deeply curtseyed to him while he bowed and kissed her hand. “My Lord, thank you for having me at your table.” She said demurely with eyes down cast.

Harry responded tipping her eyes up, and looking deeply into them, “No thanks are necessary my lady. The gift of your beauty, gracing my table, is all the thanks I would ever need.” Causing Hermione to blush prettily while her eyes sparkled at him.

Harry then led her to her chair and seated her on his left. He then seated his mother next to her, while his father seated the three girls. Harry then bowed his head to his father relinquishing control of the table. Dinner was excellent as usual, and Hermione did passably well, fitting in. It was obvious she had a lot to learn, but it was also obvious she was taking the training seriously.

Draco is not an idiot - Chapter 19 - Doccbm - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.