Past Lives Can Make A Difference - Cheryl_and_Liz - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

July 30, 1995

Harry Potter laid on his bed in the smallest room at #4 Privet Drive. He was sun burnt from working in the garden, but thankfully the threat of his serial murderer godfather kept Uncle Vernon from beating him too much. Luckily for Harry though Uncle Vernon had gone on a business trip a few days ago. Unfortunately, he will be back tomorrow.

This had been the worst summer ever and after the events that transpired at Hogwarts last year, he didn’t think it could get much worse. He was forced into a tournament meant for adults, where he had almost died several times, had watched a classmate die and the Dark Lord been resurrected. Said Dark Lord then proceeded to torture him, and he only escaped through sheer dumb luck. He was then almost killed by fake ‘Moody’. After that he was interrogated, once he answered all he could, he was ignored. Then after all that he was abandoned at #4 Privet Drive, at his, could care-less about him, relatives' house. He had heard nothing about anything from anybody. Not even his best friends, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger.

However, he was hopeful that he would soon get a letter, after all in 5 hours he would officially be 15 years old. Normally he would be cleaning up the Dursleys dinner at this time, but his Aunt Petunia decided to take her precious Duddydums out for dinner. Harry watched the clock praying, he would hear something from someone.

He watched the clock strike 7:30pm before promptly blacking out.

His name is Hendricus Slytherin-Gryffindor the third son of Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor. He grew up in Hogwarts with his family. His Father happily cheered when he went to his house, Gryffindor. His Papa teased him about being outnumbered now… It was his O.W.L. year but his friend hasn’t shown up. He would go check on him… He couldn’t move. The muggles were getting closer, but Alexander stunned him. Alexander told them that he was a witch and was controlling him… Just before he took his last breath, his Papa appeared looking horrified as he was burned alive…

His name is Harris Brown. He was born in 1202 and was an orphan. He worked as a stable boy from a very young age, until he got his Hogwarts letter. He found a home in the Hufflepuff common room… Summer time means working in Hogsmeade… Graduation comes with an offer to apprentice for Transfiguration in France… He’s getting married to his beautiful Veela, Gabriella Delacour... It was fake. She used her allure on him… He stabbed her through her treacherous heart. He transfigured her body into a stick before placing it into the fire. Nobody would know what he had done. The kids were away at school and the bitch had informed everyone she was going to England tonight. No one will know… He can’t live here anymore. Time to go home…

His name is Hendrik Nott born 1368, the second son of Lord Tiberius Nott and Lady Ravenna Nott née Rosier. His older brother was Heir Theodore Nott. Even with all Theo’s training he still made time for him… His Father and Mother were very harsh on him and liked to hurt him when his brother wasn’t around… Finally, he could go to Hogwarts with his brother… Slytherin House was amazing just like Theo said… Thankful he’s done Hogwarts, now time to get a Mastery in Dark Arts… Family dinner to honour Theo becoming Lord Nott. He is so happy for him. They take a drink. It burns all the way down. He hears loud buzzing. Father is watching. Shouts of denial from Theo. His vision blurs. Theo is pulling him in his arms…

His name is Henry Longbottom. In 1527, he was born to Lord Franklin Longbottom and Consort Ignatius Longbottom née Prewett. He was trained from a young age to be heir and then one day to be lord… Gryffindor the hat shouted; he wasn’t surprised. He was a lot like his Father… The cup chose him. He was Hogwarts Champion… Thomas, his boyfriend, is mad and worried that he entered. Thomas agreed to marry him if he won… He won the 1544 Triwizard tournament. Thank goodness he had past life knowledge and experiences… His Thomas Greengrass was now Thomas Longbottom… He became a Master of Herbology and Runes…He is Lord Longbottom now… His family grew once, twice, thrice… He passed on the Lordship to his son… He lost his Thomas to Death… It was a lie. Thomas was in love with another. A Potter…Potter! He couldn’t breathe. Water filled his lungs. Darkness soon took him

His name is Harrison Eduardus Garlot. Born 1788 to Eduardus Garlot and Elizabeth Garlot née Lestrange… He was strictly trained to be heir and lord of his house… His mother was disappointed he went into Ravenclaw, but his Father was proud. Knowledge was power after all… Hogwarts comes to an end, once again… He Mastered Dark Arts, Charms, Potions, Runes and Duelling, with plans for more… His parents died in a suspicious house fire. He became Lord with the death of his Father… He sided with the Malfoys when they declared a blood feud on the Weasleys for making a fake marriage contract to tie their unmarried pregnant daughter to the Malfoy heir… Castor Black, furious at him for not agreeing to marry him… Assassination attempts… He took precautions as he was the last of his line. Magically willing his heirship to his future self. Leaving a blood adoption potion in the heir trust vault… Leaving the Ministry, hearing Avada Kedavra, seeing Castor with his wand out…

Harry groggily woke.

He had once again remembered his past lives, like he did every 15th birthday. Though he had not realized that using the time turner in third year would affect something like this.

He has retained all his past memories. He remembered all of the details, even the ones he wished to forget.

“Wake up!” Aunt Petunia banged on his door. She unlocked his door before heading downstairs.

Seeing that it was 7am, Harry got up. More disgusted by his cousin’s hand-me-downs than usual. Right, first stop Gringotts. He knew the Garlot Heirship would be waiting for him. He should have already had the Potter Heirship, but no one told ignorant naïve Harry about it.

He scoffed.

He sent Hedwig out and told her to find him tomorrow. Gathering up his precious few things, like his photo album and wand he headed down the stairs. Stopping at the cupboard under the stairs, he unlocked the door grabbing his school trunk. He quickly placed everything but his wand inside.

He then walked past Petunia, ignoring her as she shrieked at him. He walked out the back door, heading towards the back fence. Just as he was near the fence, he stepped out of the wards that he could feel.

Harry turned to look at his still shrieking Aunt, gave her a wave, then apparated to Diagon Alley.

Arriving in Diagon Alley, Harry shrunk his trunk with a spell he remembered as Henry Longbottom. He was glad underage magic couldn’t be tracked in the Alley. Putting the trunk in his pocket, Harry made his way towards Gringotts the wizarding bank as quickly as he could. It was still early enough that very few people were out shopping.

As Harry walked into Gringotts, he ignored the gleaming marble around him. Walking up to one of the bank tellers, he was glad the bank was mostly empty and therefore did not have to wait.

“Greetings Master Goblin.” Harry spoke once the goblin looked at him. “I need a blood inheritance test. I have been informed that there are other vaults I’m entitled to.”

“Is that so?” the Goblin sneered. “And you are?”

“Harry Potter, and I’m afraid my key has never been given to me.” He responded, knowing keys are a way to be used for identification.

“Very well, Mister Potter, if you are indeed him.” The Goblin scowled, “Follow me.” The Goblin came around the counter and headed towards the back of the bank, not even looking to see if Harry was following.

They went down a long marble hallway lined with doors. The goblin led him to one of the doors before knocking on it. Another goblin inside yelled something in Gobbledegook. The one leading him opened the door, replied in Gobbledegook before gesturing to Harry to enter. Once Harry was in the room, the door slammed shut.

“Mister Potter.” A goblin behind a mahogany desk spoke, gaining Harry’s attention. “I am the Potter Account Manager, Gornuk.” He gestured to the empty seat in front of his desk.

“Hello Gornuk. I am in need of an in-depth blood inheritance test.” Harry informed him, taking a seat.

“Two gallons for that test.” Gornuk told him.

“You may take it out of my Potter trust vault.” Harry stated.

“You do realize what will happen if you're not who you say you are?” Gornuk gave a toothy grin.

Harry arched a brow.

Gornuk pulled out a sheet of parchment and a knife, which he handed to Harry. “Seven drops.”

Harry made a shallow cut on his palm with the knife, then allowed seven drops of his blood to fall onto the parchment. After he wandless and wordlessly banished his blood from the knife and healed his palm before banishing the rest of his blood.

Gornuk picked up the parchment before handing it to Harry. “You are who you say.”


Harry James Licorus Potter-Black (also known as Harry James Potter)

DOB: July 31, 1980

Sire: James Potter-Black (Deceased)

Bearer: Regulus Potter-Black (Deceased)

Blood Adoption: Lily Evans (Deceased) (Illegal)

Godfather: Gideon Ignatius Prewett (Deceased)

Godmother: Narcissa Cassiopeia Malfoy née Black

Magical Guardian: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Illegal)


Potter (Sire) Heirship available, Lordship age 17 or emancipated

Peverell (Sire) Heirship available, Lordship age 17 or emancipated

Black (Bearer) Heirship available, Lordship age 17 or emancipated

Garlot (Magically willed from past life) Heirship available, Lordship available after blood adoption


See Estate(s) Statements


See Estate(s) Statements

Magical Alterations (Abilities/Blocks/Spells/Potions):

Magical Core (80% Blocked by A. Dumbledore)

Parseltongue (50% Blocked by A. Dumbledore)

Parselmagic (100% Blocked by A. Dumbledore)

Natural Occlumency (100% Blocked by A. Dumbledore)

Natural Legilimency (100% Blocked by A. Dumbledore)

Metamorphmagus (100% Blocked by A. Dumbledore)

Shadow Magic (100% Blocked by A. Dumbledore)

Wandless Magic (Block Destroyed)

Wordless Magic (Block Destroyed)

Eidetic Memory (Block Destroyed)

Reckless and Impulsive Spell(s) (Destroyed)

Low-self-esteem Spell (Destroyed)

Loyalty Spell keyed to Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley née Prewett, Ronald Weasley, Ginevra Weasley, Hermione Granger, Order of the Phoenix (43% Destroyed)

Hatred Spell keyed to Slytherin House (All Slytherins), Dark Magic, Dark Creatures (Destroyed)

Love Potion keyed to Ginevra Weasley (75% Destroyed)

Blood Glamour

Horcrux (Soul Signature: Tom Marvolo Riddle 1.5625%) Fully Merged

Past Life/Lives Recollection Activated (5)


Triwizard Tournament (Fulfilled)

Marriage Contract to Ginevra Weasley (Illegal)


Harry glared at the parchment. Everything he had been told in this life had been a lie. The only thing that wasn’t was that James Potter was his father. He was going to make them pay. He was done being betrayed by those who were closest to him.

“Gornuk, I need a cleansing ritual to remove all these blocks, compulsions, and potions. Can I also have the blood adoption of Lily Evans removed?” Harry instructed, placing the parchment down.

“Yes, however it’s a separate ritual and a most painful one at that.” He grinned.

“Okay. I first want the cleansing ritual, then a health healing ritual. After that then the blood adoption removal.” Harry directed, thankful for remembering about the healing ritual he had undergone as Henrik Nott.

“It will be done. Three rituals, 150 gallons for the first two, 175 gallons for the last.” Gornuk informed him, looking smug.

Harry narrowed his eyes but didn’t care enough to argue. “Agreed.”


Harry laid in the ritual chamber breathing hard. That last ritual was the hardest, but he was now free of Lily Evans blood. While he didn’t know her, the fact that it was an illegal blood adoption meant that no living parent agreed with it. So, there was no way he was keeping her blood. Plus, it meant he was no longer related to the Dursleys in any way.

As his breathing calmed, he sat up. He felt remarkable, better than he ever had.

One of the goblins approached him. The Goblin explained how Harry was fully cleansed with the exception of the Horcrux, he pointed to Harry’s famous scar, which they determined had fully merged with his own soul years ago in order to help keep him alive. Harry was also informed that he was at 100% health and now he looked like it, he even gained a few inches in height.

He was then escorted back to Gornuk’s office.


“Now you look like both your parents.” Was the first thing Gornuk said when Harry re-entered his office.

Harry just remembering that there was a blood glamour on him before, conjured a mirror to see his new face. He still had the jet-black messy Potter hair, but it seemed more controlled. His cheekbones were sharper, his nose a little thinner with a slight up tilt, giving him an aristocrat look. He still had his glasses though his eyes were the mercury grey that the Blacks are famous for. Having the same eyes and hair as his previous killers was a little unnerving. He was just glad that he wasn’t a direct descendant of the Potter and Black that killed him in other lives.

“I took the liberty to gather all your heirship rings.” Gornuk declared once Harry banished the mirror.

Harry looked at the 4 Heir rings on the desk. Like most Heir rings they were basic. Picking up the only gold one with a P engraved in it, he slid it on his right index finger. Next was a silver one with Toujours Pur around it which he placed on his left index finger. Placing the one with the engraved triangle on his left middle finger. Lastly, he put on the bronze embossed raven on his right middle finger.

Once accepted by the rings, Harry looked at Gornuk. “I will need to go to the Garlot heir vault. There is a blood adoption potion I will be taking. With that and being 15 years of age, I am entitled to take the lordship. I need you to gather the lordship rings, the estate records, including all vault records. I also need that marriage contract with Ginevra Weasley.”

“Right away.” Gornuk said gleefully. Being account manager for at least three of these houses would gain him prestige and a higher pay raise. Although he would have to deal with Nagnok, the Black account manager.


Harry was escorted down to the Garlot heir vault. Placing his ring against the door, it unlocked and opened. Upon entering he headed straight for the shelf where his past self placed the potion. He immediately drank it, feeling tingles wash over his entire body.

Harry’s vision began to blur. Taking off his glass he realized he had perfect eyesight. Turning he walked over to an elaborate oriental mirror. He no longer had the Black family eyes but rather one grey eye and one the Garlot sapphire blue. His hair had also grown to his shoulders in soft waves. Other than that, nothing else changed from the adoption.

Grabbing a soft strip of leather Harry tied his hair back, before leaving his vault and going back to Gornuk’s office.


When Harry enters Gornuk’s office, he is surprised to see another goblin sitting at the desk.

“Heir Potter-Black-Peverell-Garlot.” Gornuk motions for him to sit. “This is Nagnok, the Black Family account manager.”

“I was not informed that Heir Regulus had a child.” Nagnok announced looking disgruntled before Harry could speak. “Especially with a Potter.”

“I was also not informed.” Harry added, taking his seat, before looking at Gornuk. “Do you have what I asked for?”

“Yes, I have the Potter, Peverell and Garlot side of documents, while Nagnok has the Black documents.” Gornuk confirmed.

“First he must be accepted as the Lord.” Nagnok interject. “He is not yet of age.”

Harry rolled his eyes. “Garlot Family charter states that an Heir of 15 years of age may become Lord. While most family charters updated as time changed it to 17 to be an adult, Garlot family was in stasis since 1819 and therefore has not changed.” He drawled.

Nagnok glared.

“Here are the rings.” Gornuk stated, laying them on the desk.

Harry placed all the heir rings on the desk. He then picked up the familiar Garlot Lordship ring, admiring the silver with ravens etched all around and a blue sapphire set in it. Placing it on his right middle finger he felt the magic wash over him and was accepted.

He was now Lord Garlot once more. He was also now emancipated and free to do what he wished.

Picking up the golden ring with the Potter crest etched into a ruby, he placed it on his right index finger. He felt it tighten painfully on his finger before it warmed and loosened, he was accepted. The Black ring was black gold with the family crest etched in a diamond. Sliding it in his left index finger, he felt a jab from under the ring. It was testing if his blood was pure. The ring then healed him with its acceptance. Lastly was the Peverell, a silver ring with an obsidian stone that had a large triangle with a circle inside of it and a line down the middle etched into it. Placing it on his left middle finger the ring turned frigid, the cold burning him. After a moment it warmed up accepting him.

“Congratulations Lord Potter-Black-Peverell-Garlot.” Gornuk gave a sharp grin.

“Just Lord Potter-Black for now.” Harry commanded. While he never met James or Regulus, he still wanted to honour his parents. Unlike Tiberius Nott, they didn’t kill him.

“Very well.” Gornuk inclined his head. “Just so you are aware the Peverell ring had a deadly curse on it which was removed. Also, a dormant horcrux resides inside, part of Tom Riddle. The fee for the curse removal was 40 gallons and with another 50 gallons we would be willing to remove the horcrux.”

“Take all fees from today from the Garlot Family vault. I will not relocate the horcrux, for now it’ll stay in the ring.” Harry smirked.

“Here are the Black estate reports, and Black vaults you have access to.” Nagnok grumbled, interrupting whatever Gornuk would say next. “I suggest you look them over and familiarize yourself. I have another appointment to get to.” Nagnok stood and left.

Shaking his head, Harry skimmed over the Black file. The Black vaults hadn’t been touched since Lord Arcturus III Black died 4 years ago. The Family money vault holding 624,586,469 Galleons plus the Artifact vault was filled with artifacts, heirlooms, books, etc. There were a few properties listed. Everything seemed to be in order.

Looking up at Gornuk, who handed him the other files. “On top is a brief summary of what I was able to do as I am the account manager for all of them.” He said arrogantly.


Vaults of Lord Harry James Licorus Potter-Black-Peverell-Garlot

Potter Family Vault: 17,563,680 Galleons

Artifacts, Heirlooms, Books, 2 Properties

Potter Trust Vault: 500 Galleons, (Refills every month)

Peverell Family Vault: 7,825,586,654 Galleons

Artifacts, Heirlooms, Books, 1 Property

Peverell Trust Vault: 1,000 galleons (untouched since 1500s)

Garlot Family Vault: 911,856,846,630 Galleons

Artifacts, Heirlooms, Books, 4 Properties

Garlot Trust Vault: 1,000 Galleons, (Untouched since 1813)


Harry was rich. Stupid rich. He was not expecting to have that much money.

“As you can see, you’re a very wealthy individual.” Gornuk stated. “Now if you look through your estate files it has been hundreds of years since Garlot and Peverell vaults have been touch. The Potter Family vaults sealed with your parents’ death. The only active one is your trust vault.”

Harry pulled out his trust vault statements.


Potter Trust Vault


Jan-July - 200 Gallons changed to 1,000 pounds transferred to Dursley Family

- 300 Gallons transferred to Albus Dumbledore Vault 587


August - 100 Gallons withdrawn by H. Potter

- 200 Gallons changed to 1,000 pounds transferred to Dursley Family

- 200 Gallons transferred to Albus Dumbledore Vault 587

Sept-June - 100 Gallons changed to 500 pounds transferred to Dursley Family

- 400 Gallons transferred to Albus Dumbledore Vault 587

July - 200 Gallons changed to 1,000 pounds transferred to Dursley Family

- 300 Gallons transferred to Albus Dumbledore Vault 587


Harry was aghast. Why was Dumbledore taking his money?

Harry saw red. The Dursleys were getting money for him from him. All the times they said he was a burden and should be grateful. Every time he was never fed. His life with them flashing through his mind.

“Who authorized these transactions?” Harry questioned sharply.

“Your past magical guardian, Albus Dumbledore.” Gornuk informed him.

“And there’s no way to get the money back because as my magical guardian he was legally allowed.” Harry summarized before swearing. “Stop all transactions. I want the vault rekeyed. Even though he is no longer my magical guardian I don’t trust him not to try something.”

“That will be 5 gallons.” Gornuk smirked.

“Garlot vault.” Harry huffed, then he froze. “Is he the proxy over my seats?”

“I believe he is the proxy of the Potter seats.” Gornuk confirmed.

“Remove him. None of my house should have any proxies for the time being.” Harry sighed. “Let’s look at the marriage contract next.”

“Here it is.” He slides it to Harry.


Marriage Contract

Clauses between House Potter and House Weasley

Spouse 1: Harry James Potter

Spouse 2: Ginevra ‘Ginny’ Molly Weasley

Clause 1: Spouse 1 shall be required to pay a dowery of a million galleons to Arthur and Molly Weasley

Clause 2: Spouse 2 shall be considered the Head of House.

Sub-Clause 1: As Head of House Spouse 2 shall have full control of all assets, vaults, and titles

Sub-Clause 2: Spouse 1 shall have no hidden or private assets not known to Spouse 2

Clause 3: Albus Dumbledore shall be assigned as proxy to all voting bodies for life

Clause 4: Spouse 1 shall remain faithful always – infidelity will lead to immediate loss of magic, divorce and all assets going to Spouse 2

Sub-Clause 1: Spouse 2 is allowed infidelity shall the need arise

Clause 5: Spouse 2 and Albus Dumbledore shall make any and all new rules as needed for spouse 1

Basic Rules:

- No arguing with Spouse 2 or Albus Dumbledore

- No lying to Spouse 2 or Albus Dumbledore

- Decisions for care of all children is the responsibility of Spouse 2 with advice from Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley

- Spouse 1 will be required to follow any and all instructions of Spouse 2 and Albus Dumbledore

- Spouse 1 shall follow the directions of Albus Dumbledore in regard to all things outside of the marriage. This includes, but is not limited to, what side of the war Spouse 1 fights on, any and all media and publicity appearances, and career selection

Clause 4: Spouse 1 and Spouse 2 shall be required to have 3 children

Child 1: Male - James _____ Potter (Heir)

Child 2: Female - Lily Molly Potter

Child 3: Male - Albus _____ Potter

Signed by: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Margaret ‘Molly’ Elanor Weasley née Prewett, Arthur Septimus Weasley, Ginevra ‘Ginny’ Molly Weasley


Harry stared at the supposed marriage contract. It was more of a slave contract. No wonder they were keeping him in the dark about his titles. As Lord he could break this contact since it wasn’t activated but if he was married first there was nothing he could have done. Thank Morgana he remembers his past lives.

“As Lord Potter-Black-Peverell-Garlot, I hereby cancel any and all contracts between House Potter and House Weasley. So, mote it be.” Harry declared allowing his magic to flare.

The contract burst into flames.

“Anything else today Lord Potter-Black?” Gornuk questions.

“Just a visit to my vaults.” Harry replied.

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

Stepping out of the bank Harry realized it was late afternoon and the Alley was much busier than earlier. Using his metamorphmagus ability he successfully hid his famous scar, very glad the horcrux in it fully merged with himself allowing it to be manipulated. He figured his new look would keep him from being recognized so didn’t bother to change anything else.

He had his old black leather satchel that had an undetectable expansion and featherweight charms on it. He had his estates files, books, journals, wand holster, some heirlooms, and even Harrison’s wand from his vaults inside, along with his money pouch.

Deciding clothes were needed first he headed to Twilfitt and Tattings, having shopped there as Harrison Garlot. As he headed there, he saw a picture of himself on the Daily Prophet. They were calling him a liar and an attention seeker for saying Voldemort was back. Surprisingly they were attacking Dumbledore too.

Causally he tuned in to the crowds of people as he walked, listening to what they were saying. Most were talking about random everyday things, while the rest gossiped about his supposed sanity, or lack thereof.

Sheep.’ Harry thought. Oh well, whether they believed him or not, was not his problem.

Walking into Twilfitt and Tattings, Harry was at first looked down on before he flashed his Garlot Lordship ring. Though they didn’t recognize it as Garlot, they did recognize it as a lord ring. Harry ordered a full wardrobe which included casual robes, formal/dress robes, trousers, shirts, underwear, outer cloaks, sleepwear, and footwear. He requested it be owl delivered to Garlot Manner, Somerset. After paying with his Garlot ring he walked out in a new outfit. He wore black slacks with a dark blue silk shirt, a casual black over top and black dragonhide boots to finish the look. For the first time in this life, Harry looked like the rich pureblood he was.

Since Twilfitt and Tattings didn’t do school robes, Harry slipped into Madam Malkin's to order 3 new pairs. He decided he would add growing charms to them. Though he did get a couple more inches in height from the health ritual, he was hopeful he would get a bit more of a growth spurt.

Next, he went to Flourish and Blotts to get some more books. Grabbing books in History {in order to see what he missed and what is to be currently believed}, Politics, Laws, Potions, Healing and other topics that caught his eye. Harry even talked to the cashier to get last year's books for 5th, 6th, and 7th years in every subject. While he did know they were subject to change, he wanted to see how different they were compared to in his past lives. Putting the shrunken books in his satchel he left.

Harry went to Classics Trunks & Junks to buy a new trunk. He got one with 7 compartments, consisting of a library, wardrobe, quidditch gear, cold storage {like a fridge} with stasis charm, potions/ingredients storage, school/stationery supplies, and one for miscellaneous stuff. It had a featherweight charm on it with a shrinking charm activated with a tap of his wand. He could even set up a password. Shrinking it down he placed it in his satchel before he left.

Stopping at Slug & Jiggers he bought a bunch of potion ingredients he knew were used in most potions. After that he stopped at Scribbulus Writing Instruments to buy parchment, ink, quills, etc.

Deciding to head to the Leaky Cauldron for something to eat, Harry was surprised to see Hermione, Ron and Ginny sitting at one of the tables. Wanting to know why they were ignoring him and possible if they knew about the marriage contract, he deliberately walked by. Close enough that he could silently cast an eavesdropping charm wandlessly before taking a seat in one of the booths. Harry quickly ordered a bowl of chilli and a butterbeer when he was approached. He then threw up a privacy spell.

Activating the charm, he listened in.

“.. one job to do, clean. He’s a house elf for Merlin sakes.” Ron complained.

“Right. Why do we have to clean? It’s not even our house.” Ginny whined.

“Padfoot should just release Kreacher. Its slavery and he’s useless you can tell by how disgusting Grimmauld is.” Hermione stated.

Padfoot? Sirius is with them? At this Grimmauld place?

“Didn’t you hear?” Ginny began with a giggle. “He can’t. Dumbledore ordered him to when it first became Headquarters so it couldn’t spill secrets, but only Lord Black can dismiss it.”

“Wait. I thought he was technically Lord Black as he wasn’t fully disowned and is the last Black?” Hermione questioned.

They paused as their food was delivered. The most expensive things on the menu.

“Dumbledore suspects that the last Lord Black named Malfoy heir since his mom is a Black.” Ron grumbly explained after their server left, before digging in.

“How was Padfoot able to enter Grimmauld and why does Kreacher kind of obey him?” Hermione asked, keeping the conversation on track.

“He has Black blood and wasn’t fully disowned.” Ginny said simply before taking a bite.

“Unfortunately, he can’t access any Black vaults though.” Ron put in disappointedly, in between bites.

“Don’t worry. As The-Boy-Who-Lived’s best friends everyone will do what you want. Soon I’ll be Lady Potter and we’ll be rich.” Ginny exclaimed.

Hell no!’

“I feel like we should get more money for being that idiot’s friend, especially since we’ll have to stand with him against everyone again this year and it’s OWL year.” Hermione complained.

‘More money? They were being paid?’

Ron laughed. “Goodluck with that. Sir-Padfoot already asked Dumbledore on the account of playing Godfather to the Traitorous James’ spawn is tough work.”

‘Sirius is getting paid t0o? James was somehow a traitor?

“But he isn’t doing much. A letter here or there, while he safely chills under a Fidelius Charm. We do the most work.” Ginny reasoned.

“True. Maybe we can get a raise.” Hermione remarked before beginning to eat.


Disgusted, he cancels the charms. Leaving more than enough money on the table, Harry heads to the closest apparition point before he apparated to Garlot Manor.


Due to stasis being activated with his… Harrison’s death, Garlot Manor was exactly like he remembered. Hopefully when he took the Lordship ending the charm, the house elves started cleaning.

Entering the entrance hall Harry was indeed correct, the Manor was immaculate as ever. As angry as he was from learning about being betrayed by those closest to him, the familiarity of the Manor comforted him.


Suddenly there was a house elf in front of him. She wore a pressed dark blue pillowcase with the Garlot crest hemmed on the top right. Big purple eyes stared at him with such happiness.

“Nimsey.” Harry greeted. “It’s great to see you.”

Nimsey looked confused. “Nimsey knows Master?”

“I was Harrison, your last master in a previous life and have retained all my memories.” Harry decided to tell her.

“Master Harrison.” Nimsey stated in awe.

“My name is Harry now.” He informed her. “All my previous orders as Harrison still stand so everyone can continue what they were doing before however I would like everyone to familiarize themselves with this new time period.”

“Yes, Master Harry.”

“I will be in the library. Can dinner be made right away and sent up there?” Harry requested.

“Right away, Master Harry.” She confirmed happily.

“Oh, I’m expecting an owl order from Twilfitt and Tattings and my personal snowy owl, Hedwig.” Harry remembered.

“Would you like us to replace the old wardrobe with the new one in the master's room?” Nimsey queried.

“Please, however, just move the old wardrobe into one of the guest rooms.” Harry confirmed.

With that Nimsey popped away and Harry headed towards the library.

The Garlot library was massive, bigger than even Hogwarts library. There were thousands upon thousands of books. It was three stories high, two walls had long vertical windows interspaced to get as much natural light as possible. Stairs that led up to alcoves. Books lining the wall. Bookshelves in rows on one side of the room. Magical ladders in order to reach any book. A few couches, chairs, and tables strategically placed around the side without the rows of bookshelves. It was something Bell from Beauty and the Beast would be jealous of.

The books have been collected since the start of the Garlot Family, hundreds of years of collecting any and every topic. All were layered in protection spells, keeping them looking brand new. No book was ever permanently removed once it entered the library. Harry was pretty sure a lot of the books were even considered illegal nowadays. Like Secrets of the Darkest Art, Magick Moste Evile, Blood Magic for Beginners, and The Nightshade Guide to Necromancy.

Sitting at one of the tables Harry took out an empty journal, quill and ink from his satchel. He writes down every betrayal he learned today. He’s not sure what shocks him most, Ron and Hermione’s betrayal or Sirius’, who is being paid to be his godfather but is really his uncle. Speaking of Sirius.

Harry quickly grabs the estate files from his bag. Looking through the properties he spies 12 Grimmauld Place. Glad he was Lord Black and technically owner so he could ‘see’ the place. Making a quick decision he called for this Kreacher the traitors mentioned.


An old house elf dressed in dirty rags appeared before him. He eyed Harry. “Who is able to call Kreacher?” He muttered.

“Hello Kreacher. I am Lord Harry James Licorus Potter-Black-Peverell-Garlot. I am the son of the late Heirs Regulus and James Potter-Black.” Harry stated, figuring it would be best to be formal from what he remembered of the Black Family.

Kreacher’s eyes grew impossibly wider, before he bowed so low his nose was touching the floor. “Master Black.” He greeted, before he began to mutter. “Kreacher did not know Master Regulus had a son. My Mistress will be happy.”

“Kreacher, you are not to mention me unless I give explicated permission.” Harry commanded.

“Yes Master.” He croaked, standing up.

“I know you live in 12 Grimmauld place.” Harry stated. “Tell me who’s there and what they’re doing.”

“Mistress’s house is full of blood traitors, mudblood, thieves, scum, werewolves. All allowed in by my Mistress’ disappointment.”

“Do you have names?” Harry questioned.

“Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Elphias Doge, Dedalus Diggle, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Mundungus Fletcher, Hestia Jones, Sturgis Podmore, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Nymphadora Tonks, Alastor Mad Eye Moody, Hermione Granger, Arthur, Molly, Bill, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny Weasley. Is what Kreacher has heard. Kreacher hears them calling themselves the Order of the Phoenix.” Kreacher sneered. “Such filth in Mistress’s home. Coming and going all hours, disturbing Mistress’s portrait.”

Harry didn’t recognize all the names. “What are they all doing?”

“They gather and talk about the Dark Lord and Harry Po- You, Master.” Kreacher says, watching him closer.

“A lot of them had me under spells and compulsions. I’ve escaped them but they don’t know that.” Harry briefly explained.

“Filthy mudbloods and blood traitors...” Kreacher begins to mutter.

“What else, Kreacher?”

“Red headed blood traitors, mudblood, Mistress’s disappointment and his werewolf are living in Mistress home. Ordering poor Kreacher around. Throwing out Noble House of Black’s treasures.” Kreacher grumbled.

“What?” Harry interrupted. “They are throwing stuff out?”

“They call it cleaning. Kreacher tries to save what he can.” Kreacher wailed, looking at Harry desperately.

Just then Nimsey popped in with some dinner for him. She placed it on the table before looking at Kreacher.

“Nimsey, this is Kreacher a Black House elf. Kreacher, this is Nimsey Head Garlot elf.” Harry introduced.

Nimsey curtsied, while Kreacher stared.

“Kreacher, in order to protect Black property. I need you and Nimsey to go to Grimmauld place and pack up everything and bring it here. Place it in the farthest spare room in the west wing. It should be big enough. Although, put all the books in the library and all Regulus stuff in the room next to mine. You may take as many others as you need to get it all done tonight while they sleep.” Harry explained his idea. “Once I remove the traitors from Grimmauld, if you want Kreacher, everything can be put back.”

“Thank you, Master Black.” Kreacher cried in relief.

“Yes, Master Harry.” Nimsey agreed.

“Kreacher, for now, act like usual until they fall asleep or at least are in their rooms, then come here and get Nimsey. Once morning comes, if they ask, say you cleaned but you are not to follow any orders from Sirius Black that you don’t want to.” Harry instructed.

“Yes, Master.” Kreacher confirmed.


As both elves left, Harry started dinner.

After dinner Harry decided to call it a night. He was thoroughly exhausted. Crawling into bed Harry fell asleep quickly. For the first time in a long time, he had a peaceful sleep. Dreams of loving parents, who he grew up with in this home.

Chapter 3


Thank you for the Comments & Kudos!!
Here's another chapter!

Chapter Text

Molly Weasley woke up bright and early in Grimmauld Place. She wasn’t the type to sleep in; with 7 children how could she.

As she made her way to the kitchen, she noticed something was off. Her steps seemed to echo as she walked. She wasn’t able to put her wand on what was different. She decided to ignore it for now; she had breakfast to make.

Reaching the kitchen, she screamed. It was empty but for the nasty long table. There was nothing. Everything that was removable, including dishes, were gone.

Thundering feet echoed as the others raced in to see what was wrong.

“What’s wrong, Molly Wobbles?” Arthur asked before entering the room concerned, before noticing his surroundings.

By this point everyone who had stayed the night at Grimmauld had entered the kitchen.

“It’s empty.” Sirius intoned, looking around in disbelief.


Kreacher appeared. Looking at their faces, he smiled nastily. “Kreacher cleaned.” He announced before popping away.

“The library!” Hermione gasped before hurrying out of the room.


In the morning at Garlot Manor, Harry got up, showered, dressed and went outside to have breakfast at the garden table. As he sat down Nimsey popped up along with Milney. Both served breakfast for him, Milney disappearing right after. Nimsey informed him that last night was a success in saving the Black artifacts, before popping away.


“Hedwig.” Harry greeted happily, as she flew onto his shoulder.

She nipped at his ear before nuzzling against his head. “Hoot.”

Harry petted her before feeding her some bacon. “This is home now, girl.” He told her.

After eating 4 pieces of bacon, she flew to the owlery.

Once he was done breakfast, Harry went to sit under the 450-year-old wisteria tree.

Closing his eyes Harry slipped in his mind. It was time to rebuild his mindscape and organize it.

Like always his mindscape reflected all of his lives, but unlike before there was a swirling black mass. Sending tendrils of energies toward it he realized it was the connection to Voldemort, from the Horcrux. Knowing the Horcrux had merged with him he knew this connection was now a permanent part of himself and would always be there. Building a room around it with no windows and a heavy reinforced locked door. He put the door in case he felt like exploring the connection. He did dream of being in Voldemort's head before. Harry also placed a gargoyle to guard the door.

Looking back at his mindscape he was happy with the results. It was Hogwarts half built, surrounded by thick wild hedges that constantly writhed, dripping with poison. Outside the hedge was the forbidden forest filled with traps and deadly plants. Wild territorial horses ran free chasing whatever moved. Crows constantly flying around looking for intruders.

Inside Hogwarts he placed his memories inside books in the library. A little cliché but with the magic of remembering his other lives, if an intruder ever got this far, they would see none of the memories. He needed to give express permission for them to show.

Going through his ‘Harry’ memories, he discovered a fake. It was the end of second year. Lucius Malfoy was never there. Harry was in Dumbledore’s office when Dobby appeared wear the Dumbledore crest. It messed up Dumbles plans so he creates the confrontation and plants it in his mind. Harry closely examined the rest but that seemed to be the only fake.

Harry did notice that sending Hagrid to ‘rescue’ him and having him hero-worship Dumbledore to him was most likely a set up. Then the Weasleys, who are a pureblood family, shouting about ‘Muggles’ and ‘Platform 9 ¾’ on the muggle side was also a set up. Ron finding him on the train, he had to be looking for him. Then the Slytherins are evil rants. Everything was a set up. He doesn’t know how Sirius became a part of it, but he’ll find out somehow.

Harry spends the next week reading, catching up on things that have changed and that he didn’t know about. He even looked through some of Regulus’ things, putting some photos of Regulus in his album while getting rid of Lily.


Albus Dumbledore was not having a good day. Voldemort was back and the Ministry was refusing to listen to him. The rest of the sheep were following the Ministry. He was Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore, the Defeater of Grindelwald. They should listen to him, not slander him.

Entering the Wizengamot he schooled his features into his caring grandfather façade. As always, he was the last to arrive to remind them that they needed him. Ignoring the looks he moves to the Chief Warlock seat.

Unfortunately for him, the magic of Wizengamot Chamber knew he no longer had the majority, even if Dumbledore didn’t. When he goes to sit, magic swats at him, making it impossible to sit.

Lucius Malfoy seemed to be the first to notice as he calls out, “It seems it's time for a seat count, as the magic of the Chamber is refusing Mr. Dumbledore.”

Albus glared. What was going on? There were no new introductions. None of those in the Progressive faction changed factions.

The Traditional faction seat count went first, magic showing the number above Lord Malfoy as he was the leader. The count was the same as last time. Next the Neutrals, same count as last time appear above Lord Greengrass. It was less than the Traditionals. When it showed the Progressives, it was 2 seats less.

Once the number disappeared, a sheet of parchment appeared in front of everyone. It showed the new Chief Warlock and what seats everyone has. Albus, like everyone, immediately looked to see who lost seats.

Albus is shocked when he notices that he was the one to lose seats. He was no longer the Potter Proxy.

Malfoy strides up to the Chief Warlock seat. “I believe Mr. Dumbledore you should take your seat so we may begin.”

Numbly, Albus walks to the leader's seat in the Progressive faction, wondering how this was possible. He would have to go pay the Potter brat a visit. With his mind made up he refocuses on what was happening around him.


An emergency Order meeting was called.

The Order and Ron, Ginny, and Hermione sat around the table at Grimmauld Place waiting for Dumbledore.

“Does anyone know what this is about?” Sirius questioned loudly, he hated waiting.

“No, the Headmaster called it.” Arthur answered. “He even asked the children to join.”

“Well, it could have something to do with him no longer being Chief Warlock due to losing the Potter seats.” Elphias Doge suggested.

“What?” Multiple people shouted just as Dumbledore arrived.

“I apologize for being late.” Dumbledore started. “What happened here?” he questioned, looking around a very empty Grimmauld Place momentarily distracted by the shocking change.

“The crazy house elf claimed he cleaned.” Ron announced smugly, glad he no longer had to clean the filthy house.

“Never mind that, what’s wrong, Albus?” Molly asked in concern.

“Did you really lose the Potter seats?” Sirius Black questioned, causing an uproar of questions.

Dumbledore raised his hand causing everyone to go silent.

“Today I went to visit Mr. Potter, only he was not at home. When I asked his aunt, she informed me he packed his things and disappeared a week ago. He did not speak a single word to her when she questioned him.” Dumbledore informed them.

“Oh no.”

“He ran away?”


“Why would he do that?”

“We have no hope now!”

“Settle down. Settle down.” Dumbledore called. “Mrs. Dursley allowed me to see a memory of Harry leaving, when I asked.” He lied; he didn’t ask. “I do not believe Harry was in control. He acted differently and he literally disappeared. I don’t even think Mr. Potter learned about apparition yet.”

“You think he was being possessed?” Lupin inquired.

“Severus, have you heard anything?” Dumbledore questioned, knowing the potion master was summoned the other day.

“No, the Dark Lord is fixated on getting -.” He cut himself off and looked at the children. “Are we sure the boy isn’t doing this for attention? After all, his sidekicks were ignoring him.” Severus drawled.

“Severus.” Dumbledore sighed in disappointment.

“Sidekicks!” Ron shouted outraged standing up, before Hermione pulled him back down.

Severus sneered at the youngest male Weasley.

“Who was the last to see him?” Kingsley Shacklebolt spoke up.

“I saw him on the 30th. He tends to stay inside though.” Tonks spoke.

As all his ‘guards’ went around it was determined Tonks was the last to see him and Mundungus was supposed to be on duty the morning he left.

“Oi. It ain’t me fault. There was a… cauldron... sale. That’s right, a cauldron sale. The good ones too.” Mundungus defended himself.

“Tonks, how was he acting when you saw him?” Dumbledore asked, ignoring Mundungus.

“Fine.” She shrugged. “He took out the trash, then worked in the garden.”

“This is very troubling. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Sirius, I want you to write to Harry.” Dumbledore instructed them before looking at the other order members. “The school lists will be sent out in 5 days; I want at least two of you in Diagon Alley.”

With around of affirmations, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Sirius went to write letters, while the rest made a watch schedule between themselves.



By: Rita Skeeter

Hello my dear Readers. I come bearing news of the latest happening in the Wizengamot. During this August Session, my sources say, Albus Dumbledore as the last to enter the chamber hurried to take his usual seat, Chief Warlock Seat. Unfortunately for him the magic of the Wizengamot disagreed.

That’s right dear readers, magic declared him unfit for the position of Chief Warlock.

As was his right, Lord Malfoy, leader of the Traditional Fraction, called for a seat count. Now neither the Traditional fraction nor the Neutral fraction had any changes. The Progressive fraction, however, lost two seats.

With the loss of seats, the new majority became the Traditional fraction. With that I am proud to announce that Lord Malfoy is the new Chief Warlock.

Now we are all wondering which member of the Progressive fraction lost seats. In a shocking twist of events, it was Mr. Dumbledore, leader of the Progressive faction. Not only did he lose seats but according to my source, he lost the Potter seats.

That’s right our very own Saviour-turn-Liar removed Mr. Dumbledore as his proxy. Now I’m sure my dear readers you are wondering why, as I, myself am. Why was Mr. Dumbledore removed as proxy? When was he removed? And who will get those seats?

Never fear, my reader; I, Rita Skeeter will find those answers.


Harry was annoyed. He should have known that with Dumbledore losing his seats, the traitors would be attempting to find him. The first couple owls came the day after the Wizengamot, and every day since, more than once a day. Before even attempting to take it from the owl he cast detection spells. They had tracking spells along with compulsions on all of them.

Deciding to not risk it, he shooed the owls away with the help of Narbey, the house elf that works in the owlery. Ordering the elves to not touch any of the letters and shoo those particular owls away. If they aren’t sure to just come and get him, as he was mostly just reading with the exception when he took a quick trip to buy some muggle clothes that actually fit him.

Five days after the first letter, Harry got a letter he actually wanted. It was his school list. Fortunately, he only had to go to Diagon Alley to pick up the Defence book. He already had the rest of the books and was very glad he had asked the Flourish & Blotts employee for them beforehand.

Knowing they would be there, planning to ambush him, Harry decided he would go around noon when the Alley would be most busy.


Apparating to Diagon Alley, Harry had his scar hidden and looked like any other rich titled aristocrat. He picked the perfect time. The Alley was alive with movement. Not only was it the weekend, but everyone else received their school list too.

Harry headed to Flourish and Blotts weaving around the crowd as best he could. As he walked, he spotted Ron standing in front of Quality Quidditch Supplies with Ginny. Looking around he also spotted Professor Lupin talking to someone with pink hair by the Leaky Cauldron entrance. He was right, they were looking for him.

Entering the bookstore, Harry quickly grabbed a copy of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard. Heading toward the till he spotted none other than Hermione badgering the poor employee.

“We are sold out, Miss.” The employee insisted sternly, polite façade breaking slightly.

“You are sure there is none in the back?” Hermione persisted.

The employee gave her a look, before spotting Harry. “Are you ready to pay sir?”

Hermione harrumphed, turning to glare at Harry, not recognizing him.

“Yes.” Harry confirmed placing the single book on the counter.

Hermione began tapping her foot impatiently.

As the employee rang him up a bald man in dark blue wizarding robes approached, looking at Hermione.

“Miss. Granger, I’m sure you remember that you were asked to wait outside.” he said in a deep voice.

“I was just asking about a book.” Hermione defended.

“Do you remember why we are here?” the Man raised his eyebrow at her.

Just then the employee handed Harry his book. “Have a good day.”

“You, too.” Harry replied before turning to leave. “Excuse me, sir.” He spoke to the Man as he slipped past him.

Pretty sure that the man talking with Hermione was in fact one of the order members, Harry decided it was time to leave the Alley. He did not want to press his luck.

He was almost at the apparition point when he was literally pushed into the back of Mad Eye Moody by an impatient shopper. Harry held his breath as Moody turned around and looked at him with his magical eye.

“Watch it, kid.” He growled before limping away.

Letting out a breath, Harry entered the apparition point, and apparated home. No one knew that Harry Potter had been in Diagon Alley that day.

Chapter 4


So, I think this chapter is done... If I decide to go back and add something I will let you know.

Chapter Text

Come September 1st, Harry had finished reading all the law and politics books he bought as well as all the extra history, potions, runes, healing and charms books. He had even finished all of 5th through 7th year schoolbooks in every subject offered at Hogwarts. Based on everything he read plus the newest defense book, he was looking at a very easy year. It also probably helped that he technically graduated Hogwarts a few times already even though the material has changed since the last time.

He packed his old trunk with his current schoolbooks, some of his muggle clothes, school robes, potion supplies, broom and stationery supplies. His new trunk is packed with a few robes both formal and casual, his invisibility cloak, updated photo album, potion ingredients, extra potion supplies, some emergency food, extra stationary supplies, and a lot of books on a range of subjects. Harry planned for his old one to be a decoy of sorts, while he would keep his new one in a secret password protected pocket in his password protected satchel.

Harry put on his school robes then placed both trunks in his satchel though in separate areas. He strapped on a hidden ankle wand holster with ‘Harrison’s’ wand, a black walnut with a thunderbird feather in it and a hidden forearm wand holster with his Holly wand in it.

Harry looked in the mirror before morphing his features. He now looked like ‘Glamour Harry’ but kept his long hair and his new height with his healthy body size. He decided it would be best to slowly change his looks over the course of the year.

Harry decided that this year he would observe the traitors and be polite. He wouldn’t do anything drastic to the traitors yet. He would wait before making his move. He needed more answers and to have his reputation increase.

Flooing to platform 9¾ at exactly 10 am under a disillusionment charm. Unsurprisingly there were very few families but a few order members. He saw Moody, Lupin, and Kingsley Shacklebolt, according to Kreacher at least.

Quickly going towards the train, knowing Moody’s eye was magical and could probably see through his disillusionment. Sure enough, as he was hopping onto the train, he heard…

“Potter!” being shouted in a growly voice.

Ignoring it he entered an empty compartment a little way down from where he entered. Cancelling his disillusionment, he then took his old shrunken trunk from his bag, placed it on the rack before unshrinking it.

As he was sitting down the compartment door opened and in walked Lupin.

“Hello, Harry.” He greeted sitting down.

“Professor Lupin.” Harry returned in a confused voice. “Why are you here? Are you the defense professor again?” He asked innocently.

“No, unfortunately I am not your new professor.” He answered. “Why didn’t you stop when Moody shouted your name?”

Harry arched a brow. “I don’t stop when strangers call out my name or else, I’d never reach my destination.”

“Moody is not a stranger-”

“I have never met him, so he is a stranger to me.” Harry cut him off. “I met a death eater pretending to be him and he tried to kill me.”

Lupin stared at him. “I see your point.”

“Are we done here? I would like to read over some of my schoolbooks.” Harry claimed, hinting at Lupin to leave.

Lupin sighed. “Where were you, Harry?”

“Mr. Lupin, we haven’t spoken in over a year. While I appreciate you teaching me the Patronus charm, we are not friends. I am not James. You have no right to know anything about what I do.” Harry stayed in a calm and polite tone.

Lupin stared at him speechless.

“I see.” He eventually murmured. “You probably don’t want to be friends with a werewolf.”

“I don’t want to be friends with someone who will only be your friend when they want something from you.” Harry countered, evenly. “Now I suggest you leave; students will be needing seats as no one gets a compartment to themselves.”

As soon as he finished, a pale, blonde-haired girl with funky pink glasses entered the compartment.

“Hello Harry.” She greeted airily. “Professor Lupin.”

“Miss Lovegood.” Lupin muttered and left the compartment in a hurry.

“Here let me help you with your trunk.” Harry offered.

“Thank you.” She said dreamily, as Harry heaved her trunk on the rack.

“Your Lovegood?” Harry questioned the girl across from him once they were both seated.

“Luna Lovegood. You can call me Luna.” She, Luna, responded clutching her magazine, The Quibbler.

“Harry.” Automatically came out.

She looked above his shoulder. “Yes and more.” then started reader her magazine.

Neville Longbottom, Henry’s many greats grandson entered the compartment next. He looked incredibly like Henry’s first son. He was carrying a Mimbulus Mimbletonia, a very rare magical plant while dragging his trunk behind him.

“Hey Neville.” Harry greeted, getting up to help Neville put his trunk up since he was holding his plant.

“Harry? Blimey, I almost didn’t recognize you.” He admitted, sitting next to Harry. “Where are your glasses?”

“I got my eyes fixed.” Harry simply told him.

“That’s great, Harry.”

“This is Luna Lovegood.” Harry introduced. “Luna, this is Neville Longbottom.”

As they greeted each other, Neville only stammering once, the train began to move.

“Where’s Ron and Hermione?” Neville asked.

“I don’t know.” Harry shrugged uncaring before asking Neville about his plant. He watched his eyes light up as he enthusiastically told him about his Mimbulus Mimbletonia.

As they were chatting, the compartment door slammed open and Hermione and Ron stormed in.

“Hey guys.” Neville greeted unsurely as he saw Hermione glare at Harry.

“Hey Nev.” Ron greeted.

“Where have you been?” Hermione demanded, ignoring Neville.

Harry arched a brow. “I was right here.”

“She means during the summer, mate.” Ron said with fake friendliness.

“I was at my aunt’s.” Not a lie.

“After!” Hermione snaps.

“When I went to Diagon Alley to get my school supplies, or when I went to platform 9¾?” Harry said, sounding confused, hiding his smirk.

“After you left your aunts on your birthday.” She shrieked.

“And how would you know if I left my aunt’s on my birthday?” Harry inquired.

Hermione paused at that.

“We will speak about this later.” She commanded tersely, eyeing the others in the compartment.

“Harry, mate, why didn’t you answer any of our letters?” Ron asked.

“I never received any.” Harry told him.

“There seems to be a lot of Wrackspurts in this compartment.” Luna serenely spoke.

“What’s a Wrackspurt?” Ron asked confused and a little defensive.

“They’re invisible magical creatures which float into a person's ears, making their brain become unfocused and confused.” She explained.

“There’s no such thing.” Hermione challenged.

“Yes, there is.” Luna confirmed, before going back to reading the quibbler.

Just then Neville’s plant exploded. The stink sap went everywhere, covering everything in dark green sap that smells like rancid manure. Unfortunately, Neville got the worst of it.

“That’s the defense mechanism you were telling us about?” Harry asked, wrinkling his nose.

Neville just nodded.

Hermione grabbed Ron. “We need to get cleaned up before we do our prefect rounds.” She declared haughtily, before dragging Ron out of the compartment.

Harry chuckled, before taking out his holly wand. Several Scouring charms later and everything and person was clean. It was actually probably the cleanest compartment on the train.

“Thanks, Harry.” Neville mumbled in embarrassment.

“Don’t worry about it, Neville. No harm done.” Harry waved off the apology.

“It was quite an experience.” Luna commented smiling.

Neville flushed. “Did Hermione say she and Ron were prefects?” Neville questioned, changing the subject.

“Yes, she did.” Harry confirmed.

“I’m shocked Ron was chosen.” Neville spoke then quickly looked at Harry. “Not that there’s anything wrong with Ron.”

“But he’s not prefect material.” Harry continued.

“Yeah.” He agreed sheepishly.

“I agree he’s not. I thought for sure it would be Dean, no offense.” Harry offered.

“None taken. I know I’m not prefect material.”

“Me neither.” Harry smiled at him.

Harry thinks back to his previous lives and how prefects used to be chosen. They had to have certain requirements. One was to have good grades in all their subjects and not to have recurring detentions. Other students, in all houses, had to feel comfortable to approach them since helping other students was their main job. It seemed that in this life it was all about the Heads of Houses and Headmaster choosing their favourite students.


“Sorry, lost in thought.” Harry smiled at Neville.

The rest of the ride passed in amicable companionship. Ron and Hermione didn’t come back, probably thinking they would be covered in sap still without Hermione’s help.


Harry and Neville were sitting together in the Great Hall waiting for the Sorting to begin when Ron and Hermione sat across from them.

“We were waiting for you so we could share a carriage together.” Hermione began complaining, just as McGonagall entered leading in the new first years. Harry purposely kept his attention on the sorting, ignoring the looks from Ron and Hermione.

When the new defense teacher, a toad like women in pink, interrupted Dumbledore’s speech, he learned why the new defense book was terrible. The ministry was there to spy on Dumbledore and interfere at Hogwarts.

Harry and Neville made their way up to the common room together. Harry was glad Hermione and Ron, as prefects, had to show the new first years, so he didn’t have to deal with them. Entering the common room with Neville, Harry was immediately confronted by Seamus and others about Voldemort being back. Calling him a liar, like usual it seemed.

Harry simply told them “Believe what you want. It is inconsequential to me one way or another.” Before he headed up to his dorm room not bothering to wait for a response.

He got ready for bed before crawling into his bed with his satchel. Closing the curtains, he threw up privacy and protection spells. He even used a sticking charm to stick his satchel to the right bedpost by his feet. He decided to keep both his wand holsters on as he was now technically in enemy territory. At least until Dumbles and his minions were gone.

Just as he was falling to sleep, Harry felt a caress of magic. Quickly sitting up he looked around before recognizing that it was Hogwarts magic. The magic was recognizing him as a child of Godric and Salazar, like it usually did after he came back with his past life memories. However, what had startled him was that the magic felt sad and weak.

Remembering seeing all of the founders pour their magic into Hogwarts time and time again, Harry didn’t hesitate to do the same. Gathering his magic, he entwined it with Hogwarts’s magic before pushing it into Hogwarts. He stopped when he knew that if he gave more a way, he wouldn’t have enough for classes tomorrow. With a promise to Hogwarts for more tomorrow night, Harry fell into an exhausted sleep.

Unbeknownst to any in the castle Hogwarts hummed in joy at finally gaining some power and being able to strengthen its wards. Many artifacts that were used to harm or intended to harm its children were silently destroyed.


The next morning found Harry heading down to breakfast, magical reserves surprisingly full considering how much magic he gave to Hogwarts. He sat with Neville as they ate, they discussed the merits of being a Herbology Master, or more so Harry encouraging Neville to ignore his Gran and follow his dream.

“All I’m saying, Neville, is you're really good and you like herbology. Without Herbology Masters there’s no potions, and I’m sure the wizarding world would collapse.” Harry told him.

Neville gave a weak chuckle. “I know but my Gran goes on about how it's not the Longbottom way.”

Harry arched an eyebrow. “What about Lord Henry Longbottom born in 1527? He apparently, in his time, ran the biggest plant nursery. His plants were the most sought after because of their quality.”

Neville looked at him shocked. “I didn’t know that. How do you even know that?”

“Well, this summer I found out I’m an heir and-”

Neville cut him off in a slightly loud strangled voice. “You didn’t know that you’re an heir?”

A few students glanced their way at that.

“No. I’m muggle-raised. I didn’t even know about magic until I got my Hogwarts letter. Hagrid was actually the one to introduce me to the magical world.” Harry informed him in a tone that carried a bit.

“Really? I knew you were raised by muggles but…” Neville trailed off. “Hagrid? What about your magical guardian?”

“Never knew about a magical guardian until this summer. It doesn’t matter anyways.”

Neville looked at him.

“Anyways back to your original question. I decided to do a bit more research on the Potter Family. I found they used to have an alliance with the Longbottoms, and I wanted to know why it was broken. I’m a little ashamed to say this but a member of the Potter family was sleeping with Henry Longbottom’s consort. When said consort died, the truth came out. Potter blamed Henry, either for the death of the consort or for the truth getting out, then murdered Henry.” Harry explained.

“That’s…” Neville was shocked.

“I know.” Harry sighed. “Anyways what I’m imparting is that the Longbottoms most likely have a history as Herbology Masters.”

“Thanks, Harry. I’ll look into it.” Neville looked a little stunned.

Harry caught sight of Hermione storming up to him.

“Harry, we need to talk.” Hermione demands.

“About?” Harry asked nonchalantly.

“Why did you run away during the summer? Where did you go?” She scolded.

“Who says I ran away?” Harry retorted calmly, eyes going to Ron as he entered the Great Hall.

“Why didn’t anyone wake me?” He questioned walking up to the table before sitting down and filling his plate with food.

McGonagall came by and passed out their timetables before Hermione could start back up. She eyed Harry but continued handing out the timetables without a word.

Looking at his schedule, Harry was glad he already had all his class books, plus some extras, with him in his satchel. It was going to be a busy day, starting with History of Magic.

Seeing Angelina Johnson, this year Gryffindor quidditch captain leaving the Great Hall. Harry quickly told Neville that he had to take care of something before class and that he would see him there.

Rushing out the door he hollered for Angelina. Luckily, she heard him and stopped.

“What’s up Harry?” She asked when he was closer.

“I have some unfortunate quidditch news.” Harry told her. “I will no longer be playing quidditch.”

“What!” She shouted. “No Harry. We need you.”

“I’m sorry Angelina. I just want to be able to focus on my OWLs this year.” Harry said apologetically.While he did still love to fly, Quiditch was starting to lose its appeal in his third year. Now with his regained memories and being more mentally mature, he saw how he actually didn’t like it, he just liked how it lessened his torment from his house members when he caught the snitch, helping the win.

“Are you sure? Because I can help you study if you stay on the team.” Angelina offered desperately.

Harry chuckled. “Thanks for the offer but no.”

“You can play as a reserve.”

Harry shook his head.

“There’s nothing that’ll change your mind?” She almost whined.

“You’ll make a wonderful quidditch captain and I have faith you’ll whip the team in shape and won’t need me.” Harry confidently told her and he believed that; she was a great player and a leader.

“Thanks Harry. Let me know if you change your mind.” With that they parted ways.

Chapter 5


Thank you for all the kudus & comments! :)
I wasn't originally going to post this yet, but here you go :)

Chapter Text

Harry entered history and took the spot next to Neville, who seemed to have just sat down. Ron and Hermione gave him a look for not sitting with them. Harry ignored it in favor of pulling out a history book on the International Warlock Convention. While it wasn’t the book assigned to the class, it was one he hadn’t read before, and he knew Professor Binns wouldn’t notice.

After he headed to potions with Neville, ignoring Ron and Hermione as they followed. Hermione tried to question him on the book he was reading however he just ignored her. Just before entering he asked Neville if he would partner with him. Neville looked shocked but agreed after reminding Harry he wasn’t good at potions. Ron and Hermione were equally shocked but were interrupted before they could continue questioning Harry.

“I’m surprised they let you come back, Potter.” Malfoy drawled. “Didn’t you spend the summer in the loony bin?”

“I bet you’re glad your master’s back, you slimy Death Eater!” Ron fumed.

Harry just sighed. It was times like this that really showed that he was surrounded by idiotic children.

Before anyone else could say anything, the potion door swung open.

“Sit down and be quiet.” Snape growled at the class. “Now as it is your 5th year, I will remind you that come June you will be sitting your OWLs, during which you will prove how much you have learned about the composition and use of magical potions. Many of you will cease studying with me.” He looked pointedly at Harry and Neville.

Harry heard Malfoy and his group snicker.

“I only take those who receive an O on their examination.” He paused. “Today you will be creating the Draught of Peace, individually. Instructions are on the board, you may begin.”

Having made this potion lots in his previous lives, Harry brewed it perfectly, even with Snape looming around.

Besides the lack of classes offered, Snape was a big indicator on how far Hogwarts had fallen. Any teacher that bullied and belittled children wouldn’t have even lasted a year in any of his lives. There was no excuse to bully a child so bad that you become their boggart.

Snape glared at his potion as if it purposely offended him. Snape eyed him quizzically before turning to the rest of the Gryffindors, having to insult them since he couldn’t insult Harry’s. After they were told the bottle their potions and place them on the shelf.

At lunch he sat with Neville again and was joined by Hermione, Ron, and Ginny.

“What were you reading in History of Magic?” Hermione demanded as she sat down.

“A history book.” He answered.

“Which one?” She asked exasperated. “I didn’t recognize the cover.”

“One not about goblin wars.”

“Where are your glasses?” Ginny questioned, interrupting Hermione before she could start ranting.

“They’re gone.” was all Harry said.

“Contact lenses?” Hermione guessed smugly. “Honestly though Harry, contacts need a lot of upkeep. You’d be better off sticking to your glasses.”

“What?” Ron asked, mouth full of food, looking at Hermione to explain.

“They're like glasses but are on your eyeball.” She informed him.

He stared at Harry. “Wouldn’t that hurt?”

“No.” Hermione responded before pausing. “Well sometimes if they’re put in wrong.”

Ignoring them, Harry finished his lunch.

“I’m going to head to Divination. You coming, Nev?” Harry inquired. Neville agreed and they left the Great Hall. He ignored the traitorous trio as they called after him.

Divination went as expected. Harry ignored Ron; Trelawney made a prediction stating that Harry was going to die. They then began going over dream interpretation and are now required to use dream journals. As they packed up their things to leave the entire class heard…

“A betrayal shall usher forth a new era,

A Lord times four with the past of five,

Standing in the light hidden by shadows,

When the clouds roar with fury,

What was once lost, now sane,

The false light shall be seen by all,

A new era, ushered by betrayal.”

Bloody hell.’ Harry thought, while the rest of the class broke out in chatter.

Ignoring everyone’s chatter, Harry and Neville headed straight for the Defense against the Dark Arts classroom. They made it there on time and were able to take a seat in the back.

“Harry, we just saw Trelawny say a prophecy.” Neville spoke in awe. “She was in a trance and everything.”

Just then the rest of the Divination class entered loudly. They were all going over the prophecy, most had pieces of parchment that had the prophecy written on it. Ron made a beeline to the front where Hermione was, as always. Neither noticed Harry in the back for which Harry was grateful.

“Hem, hem.” Was heard, silencing the room. “Good afternoon class.” The pink professor, Professor Umbridge, walked to the front of the room. “This is a very important year for you children. Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations are to be taken at the end of the year. Study hard and you will be rewarded.” She gave them a sickly-sweet smile. “The ministry is aware that your previous instruction on this subject has been inadequate. You will now be taught a ministry approved curriculum. Now please read chapter one.”

Hermione’s hand shot up.

“Yes, Miss?” Umbridge asked.

“Granger, Professor. There’s nothing here about using defensive spells?” Hermione questioned.

“Using? Why would you as a child need to learn how to use defensive spells?” Umbridge countered.

“What? No magic?” Ron asked dubiously.

“Students must raise their hand when in my classroom.” She announced loudly.

Ron awkwardly raises his hand.

“Yes, Mister?”

“Weasley. How are we expected to defend ourselves without magic?” Ron inquired.

“No one is going to attack children, so there’s no reason for you to use those spells.” Umbridge stated, looking around the room at everyone. Her face reflected a bit of confusion before she hid it.

“With You-Know-Who being back and being a muggle-born, I disagree.” Hermione countered with a scowl.

Umbridge froze. “That is a lie, Miss Granger. Even wizards can’t come back from the dead. I know with your upbring you might not understand.”

“He’s back!” Ron shouted red faced.

“Mister Weasley, Miss Granger, detention with me tonight after dinner.” She did her sickly sweet smile. “Read chapter one.”


After class Neville went to check on his plant in the greenhouse before dinner. Harry decided to go to the library. In the corridor alone, Hermione and Ron caught up with him. Hermione grabbed his arm and pulled him into an empty classroom. He didn’t resist, knowing it would be best to let them just say their peace.

“What was that?” Ron demanded, his face flushed with anger.

“Why didn’t you say anything Harry?” Hermione scowled at him.

Harry arched a brow. “I do not care if anyone believes me, especially a ministry toad. It doesn’t affect me.”

“Harry!” Hermione said sharply. “How can you say you don’t care?”

“Cause, I don’t.” He shrugged.

“Harry, people need to know so they can prepare.” Ron insisted.

Harry shrugged again. “They were told. What they do now is entirely up to them.”

Hermione gasped, outraged. “Harry!”

“You can’t force someone to do something they don’t want to do. I’m sure you can see how great it turned out for you.” He hinted at their detentions.

Ron glared at him. “What happened to you?”

“I grew up.” He simply answered and it was true.

“Where were you this summer?” Hermione challenged.

“This again.” He rolled his eyes. “I got better things to do then repeat a conversation for the third time.”

“Harry, You-Know-Who returned. Headmaster Dumbledore had people watching over you for protection and then you ran away.” She informed him primly.

“So, Dumbledore had me spied on, is what you're saying?” he reiterated.

“It was for your protection.” Hermione frowned.

“Then when his spies noticed I was gone, Dumbledore was informed to which he told you guys because?” Harry queried, ignoring Hermione’s comment.

“It wasn’t like that mate.” Ron tried to defend, briefly looking away from Harry.

“Dumbledore told you because he figures that I will tell you the where, why, and who. Then you two will report to him.” Harry finished.

Ron and Hermione shared a look.

“Harry it's not like that.” Hermione tried.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have things to do before dinner and I’m sure you want to go report to the Headmaster.” With that Harry walked out and continued to head towards the library.


Hermione and Ron did exactly what Harry said they would do. They stormed up to the headmaster’s office.

“Ice mice.” Hermione snapped at the gargoyle.

Entering the office, they saw Headmaster Dumbledore sitting behind his desk. “Miss Granger, Mister Weasley, please take a seat.”

Sitting down Hermione immediately began a tirade about Harry and Professor Umbridge.

“Slow down, my dear. What happened?” Dumbledore calmly asked.

“Professor Umbridge is refusing to teach us magic. When Ron and I told her we needed to know because You-Know-Who is back she gave us detention.” Hermione began.

“As the ministry appointed her there’s nothing I can do about the detention.” Dumbledore grimaced, eyes still twinkling though. “How many detentions did Harry receive?”

“None.” Ron spat. “He didn’t say a word.”

Dumbledore's frown deepened and he lost his twinkle. “Why wouldn’t he say anything?”

“We managed to finally corner him alone after class. When we confronted him about it, he said he doesn’t care what anyone believes.” Hermione informed him.

“That is most concerning.” Dumbledore was perplexed, something must have happened over the summer. “Did he tell you where he went during the summer?”

“When I asked on the train, he asked how I would know if he left. I didn’t want to say anything as he wasn’t alone.” Hermione began. “At breakfast I asked why he ran away, and his response was ‘who says I ran away?’ Again, he wasn’t alone.” She frowned. “Just before we came here, I told him you had placed protectors for him and then he accused them of being spies and saying how we were basically spies for you too.”

Ron snorted. “Not that he’s wrong in a way.”

“It seems I need to have a chat with Mister Potter.” Dumbledore stated. “Is there anything different you’ve noticed?”

“He’s been hanging with Neville.” Ron grumbled. “He is also wearing glasses on his eyeballs directly.”

“He’s wearing contacts sir and he needs a haircut.” Hermione complained. “He was also reading a book in History of Magic but refused to tell me what one, simply said it was a history book.”

Dumbledore furrowed his eyebrow at that. He couldn’t have that, no, his pawn must remain ignorant.

“He also made a potion better than Hermione. Snape didn’t even insult it.” Ron’s nostrils flared in anger and jealousy.

“Professor Snape.” Hermione automatically said, ignoring the dig.

“I see.” Dumbledore stroked his beard. “Is there anything else?”

“Sir, do you believe in divination?” Ron suddenly asked.

“Ronald! She’s nothing but a fraud!” Hermione shrieked.

“She made a prophecy today, Hermione.” Ron defended. “She was in a trance and didn’t even remember what she said. Lavender had to tell her.”

Dumbledore paled at Ron’s words. “Do you happen to remember what Professor Trelawney said?” He questioned before they could start bickering.

“Yeah. Lavender recognized what was happening and wrote it down. She then handed out copies.” He answered, pulling a piece of parchment out and handing it over.

“A betrayal shall usher forth a new era, … A Lord times four with the past of five,… Standing in the light hidden by shadows,… When the clouds roar with fury,… What was once lost, now sane,… The false light shall be seen by all,… A new era, ushered by betrayal.”

Dumbledore pursed his lips as his gaze became unfocused as he contemplated what this newest prophecy meant. Hermione and Ron were dismissed with instructions to watch Harry and try to subtly find out what happened.


Harry sat in Dumbledore's office, watching the old man examine him.

“Lemon drop?” Dumbledore offers with his grandfatherly smile after a few moments.

“No thank you, Headmaster.” He respectfully declines.

“Harry, my boy.” Dumbledore began with twinkling eyes. “It seems you had an interesting summer.”

Harry shrugged, pulling up memories of his summer when he was at Petunia’s and placing them outside his shields. He read over the summer that Dumbledore was a known Legilimens, and he didn’t doubt Dumbledore wouldn’t use it on him.

“I am aware that on your birthday that you left your aunt’s.” Dumbledore told him. “You know, that was very dangerous of you to do so.”

“Hermione informed me that those people, who stuck out like a sore thumb, were your spies.” Harry rolled his eyes. “Pink hair in Private Drive fed the gossip for weeks.”

Dumbledore let out a sigh as his eyes crinkled in disappointment. “Now my boy, they were only there for your protection.”

Harry just stared at him.

“Harry, where did you go when you left your aunt’s?” Dumbledore stared at him hard.

“Headmaster, I do believe that what I do outside of this school is none of your concern.” Harry stated firmly.

“Harry, it is not safe to leave your aunts, especially with Voldemort's return. The blood wards -” Dumbledore began.

“What do you know about blood wards, Headmaster?” Harry interrupted.

Dumbledore looked shocked for a moment before recovering. “I-”

“Cause from what I understand is that they protect me because of my blood I share with my aunt.” Harry cut him off again.

“That is corrected.” He furrowed his eyebrows; he was annoyed at being interrupted.

“So Voldy used my blood for the ritual.” Harry reminded him. “My blood, Lily’s blood flows through his veins. The blood wards would protect him too.”

Dumbledore’s mouth opened then closed again.

“Now Headmaster, if you do not have anything to discuss about my schooling, I shall take my leave.” With that said Harry left the still stunned headmaster.


On his way back to his common room, Harry went into an abandoned classroom and pulled out a sheet of parchment, he then used a self-writing quill, so its not traced back to him, and he creates:

Attention D.A.D.A. Students

It has come to my attention that this year's Defense books are designed to teach you nothing and for you to fail your exams. Therefore, it is under recommendation that you read over last year's defense book (Chosen by an Auror) for your current year.

Year 1 – The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

Year 2 – The Basics Defence Against the Dark Arts

Year 3 – The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts

Year 4 – The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection II

Year 5 – Defence Against the Dark Arts, Advance Curses and Counter-Curses

Year 6 – Confronting the Faceless

Year 7 – Advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts

All titles are available at Flourish and Blotts with possible copies in the library.

Good luck and remember while the teachers change the exams do not. Feel free to ask an older year what you need to know. Offer others copies of last years notes.

Finishing writing his Defense study tip he duplicates it 3 times, then called for a Hogwarts house elf.


An elf appears and looks at him “Student calls for Tipsy. What can Tipsy do?”

“Hi. I was hoping you could place a piece of parchment on the notice board for each house. It’s a studying tip to help with defense.” He told Tipsy while handing her the 4 sheets of parchment. “And if you could place the Gryffindor one, next to the quidditch tryouts sheet, I would appreciate it.”

Tipsy checked over the parchments suspiciously before beaming at Harry. “Tipsy can do. Tipsy not use to one house helping other houses.”

After she popped away, Harry headed to the Gryffindor common room ready for the day to end.


Dolores Umbridge was not liking how things were going. She had finished her first day of teaching and was appalled at the lack of respect in this school. These horrible children didn’t understand how great she and the Ministry were.

She was also running into problems. She didn’t even recognize Harry Potter, when he was in her class. Dolores never even considered that a possibility. She was surprised he wasn’t defending his claim about You-Know-Who, but his so-called friends were. Friends he didn’t even sit by. She was going to give it a week before informing the Minister.

Her other problem was the destruction of her precious blood quills. She had no idea how they were destroyed and now was just going to have to use regular quills until she can get more blood quills.

The little beasts of this school needed to be taught a lesson after all.

Chapter 6


Thanks for all the support for this story!!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The next morning Harry headed down to the common room just in time to see Angelina putting up the quidditch tryout schedule and hearing the Gryffindor’s cheer around her. The cheers were loud enough that everyone came down to see what was happening. Some were still in their PJs, like Ron, but wanted to know what was going on.

Angelina paused before quieting the room and calling everyone’s attention. “Listen up, we have another notice on the board. It looks to be from a teacher and it's actually brilliant.” She then proceeded to read out the D.A.D.A. notice.

It worked better than Harry thought. Everybody immediately started offering their notes or even their old books. Some made plans to owl order the books they needed. Lots even copied the notice to remember the books. Of course, quidditch tryouts became the main topic within 5-10 minutes. They were Gryffindors after all.

The rest of the week passed smoothly for Harry. He avoided Hermione, Ron and Ginny as much as he was able to with them spying on him and trying to be friends. He hung out mostly with Neville or by himself. He had also managed to fully restore Hogwarts’s magic but would give some more around Yule.

With already having the knowledge his classes were extremely easy, even with Umbridge trying to goad him he never let it bother him. He did what was instructed in her class and didn’t speak out. When she heard word of the Defense notice, she got herself a copy and tried to compare the writing to figure out who wrote it but wasn’t having any luck. She was also upset because she couldn’t stop the students from getting the books or sharing notes. Umbridge had also begun showing up to other classes to question the other teachers, which was annoying. She especially went after Trelawny due to her prophecy flying around Hogwarts with many students trying to decipher it.

On Saturday Harry dragged Neville to the Room of Requirements, telling him all about it. Earlier on Neville had asked Harry to help him with the practical portion of Defense and Harry agreed. Harry paced outside of the wall three times thinking of a place to learn defense.

They entered the room. It was a large room with a high ceiling, there were dummies on one side and a table and bookshelf on the other.

“This is brilliant.” Neville proclaimed looking around.

“I couldn’t agree more.” Harry agreed looking over at his sort of greats-grandson.

“Hey, Harry.” Neville hesitantly began.

“What’s up, Nev?”

“What’s going on between you and Ron and Hermione?” He asked before quickly adding, “You don’t have to tell me.”

“It’s fine, Nev.” Harry waved away his concern. “You remember how I said I just learned I was an Heir and had a magical guardian?”


“Well, my magical guardian was Dumbledore, who has been draining my trust account every month since my parents’ death with a little going to my apparent relatives.”

Neville made a strangled sound.

“And during the summer I overheard Hermione, Ron and Ginny. They were talking about how they should ask Dumbles for a raise for being my friend, with Ginny chiming in that they would have all my money when she was Lady Potter.”

“Harry… That is awful. I’m…” Neville trailed off aghast. “I promise I’m not in on it. I had no idea.”

“I know Neville. You're a great friend.” Harry told him. “I don’t plan on confronting them yet so if you can act like you don’t know.”

“Yeah, I can do that.” Neville agreed.

“Enough about them. Let’s get to why we're here.”

A little while after they began, Harry noticed that Neville’s wand didn’t work for him. It seemed to be fighting him. Harry decided to ask him about it.

“I didn’t get a new wand; this wand is my father’s.” Neville informed him sheepishly. “My Gran gave it to me at the start of first year.”

“I believe the reason you are having trouble in classes is from the wand. As Mr. Ollivander would say ‘the wand chooses the wizard.’ We should probably get you a different wand to use.” Harry stated.

“My Gran won’t let me.” Neville voiced.

“She doesn’t need to know.” With that said Harry closed his eyes and asked the room for wands that have been lost for 10-20 years, so whoever owned them would no longer be at Hogwarts.

There were suddenly about 100 wands on the table. Neville looked at them, then back at Harry who told him they were wands that had been lost for a couple decades and to start testing them.

After going through a dozen or so wands Neville found one that worked for him. They guessed it to be Chestnut wood but had no way of identifying the core.

“How does it feel?” Harry inquired.

“Amazing. My magic just seems to flow through it like the wand is a part of me.” Neville described.

“Excellent and do you want to know the best part?”


“The original owner is guaranteed to be of age so the trace is no longer on it so you can use magic outside of school if you need to.” Harry informed him. “Just don’t get caught.”

Neville frowned at that. “Wouldn’t that mean there’s no trace on my father’s wand?”

“No, because the trace is added to the wand in first year when we take the boats across the lake and go under the curtain of ivy and enter the dark tunnel. It’s a complicated spell that somehow ties to your age and breaks on your 17th birthday.” Harry explained. “It's why first years are always forced to go on the boats no matter the weather. Of course, if they get another wand after a teacher will add the trace manually.”

Neville and Harry spent all morning revising spells from previous years that Neville had trouble with due to using his father’s wand. The chestnut wand worked much better for Neville allowing him to get the spells with more ease. Eventually lunch came around and Neville called it quits.

Harry and Neville left the room however instead of going to lunch with Neville, Harry paced in front of the wall. When a new door appeared, he entered.

The new room seems endless. It looks to be a meadow in the middle of a forest. The floor was covered in grass with some flowers scattered around. The trees were huge and towered over him. The ceiling had become the blue sky with the sun shining on the meadow.

Harry grinned. It was perfect.

Closing his eyes, he focuses on Harrison’s memories, more accurately his animagus form. He then allows the change to flow through him. He stood on six legs and had a long tail. Deep ebony fur covers his body. His vision and hearing sharpen. He was successful in turning into his Wampus cat form. He runs through the forest and climbs the trees, refamiliarizing himself with this form.

After a while he closes his eyes, focusing on Henry’s animagus. His tail spits in two. He now stood on two legs with huge talons and had three sets of powerful wings. His fur turned into feathers, ebony with a mix of cobalt blue and silver. Harry stood tall and proud in his Thunderbird form, before taking to the sky. He had missed the feeling of flying but couldn’t bring himself to regret quitting quidditch. Plus, this was better than flying on a broom.

Landing in the meadow after his flight. He began focusing on Henrik’s other form. His appendages merged into his body as he began to shrink in size. His feathers merged into scales that were the same colour as his feathers. He became a snake unfortunately he had never been able to figure out what kind he was. He slithered around for a bit before deciding to change into his last known form.

Harry focused on Harris’s animagus form. The reason that he was targeted by the Veela bitch. He grew larger and gained four legs. He had a feline form, like a sabertooth tiger, with a frill like a lionfish, making him look semi-aquatic. He had spikes down his tail which had a small fin-like end. He was an extinct creature that had been gone for thousands of years; he was a Shadowmane.

Harry took off in a run before lightning flashed through his body and he teleported to the other side of the meadow. He did it a few more times before he tiredly changed back into his human form.

He asked the room for a mirror to morph into his ‘Harry Potter’ form though this time he made his green eyes a little less green with just a hint of his natural eye colours.

Happy with the result, he checked the time then headed to dinner.


As Harry sat in the Great Hall, he was immediately shouted at.

“YOU QUIT QUIDDITCH!” Ron bellowed entering the Great Hall, stomping over to Harry.

“Yes.” Harry answered calmly, placing food on his plate.

“Why!” He shouted his face red, eyes bulging.

“I have no plans to be a professional quidditch player and need to focus on my studies. It is our OWL year.” Harry took a bite of his rare steak, craving meat. It was a side-effect from his Shadowmane animagus.

“But…” Ron trailed off, then looked at Hermione who had walked up during Harry’s answer.

“I’m happy you are finally taking your studies seriously.” Hermione tried to smile, though it looked slightly like a grimace. She sat down and began making a plate for herself.

“How are we meant to play together?” Ron whined before finally sitting down. “I’m finally the keeper.”

Harry shrugged.

“Congratulations Ron.” Hermione congratulated. “Who’s seeker now?”

“Ginny.” Ron grumbled before stuffing his face.

Neville entered and Harry waved him over.

“Hey, guys.” Neville greeted a little awkwardly.

“Hey Nev. How was the rest of your day?” Harry asked.

“Good, spent the afternoon in the greenhouse with Professor Sprout.” Neville told him, dishing up his food. “You?”

“Good, revised a little on a personal project.”

“What project?” Hermione questioned almost immediately. “I can help you.”

“I don’t need help, like I said I was revising.” Harry stated.

“What was it?” She insisted.


“How was your day, Hermione? Ron?” Neville asked, stopping Hermione from questioning Harry again.

“Great.” Ron told him. “I am the new Gryffindor Keeper.” He boasted.

“Congratulations.” Neville told him between bites.

“I spent the day in the library getting my assignments done.” Hermione haughtily stated. “What were you guys doing this morning?”

“Harry was helping me with Defense.” Neville shrugged.

Hermione frowned. “We’ve only had two classes.”

“Yes, but I’m taking the advice we got from the Defense notice.”

“What notice?” She demanded sharply, glaring at Neville.

“The one th-that was on the common room no-notice board.” Neville stammered in the face of Hermione’s ire.


“It appeared on Tuesday morning the same when the quidditch tryouts were posted. Ron was there, Angelina even read it out loud.” Harry calmly informed her.

“Why didn’t you guys tell me?” She screeched. “I was in the library that morning. What did it say?”

“It’s just a list of books for each year and saying to share last year's notes. Nothing important.” Ron told her, food still in his mouth.

“It should still be on the notice board. Others have just been copying it.” Neville added.

Hermione was up and rushing out of the Great Hall.

Shaking his head, Harry finished eating.


I can't seem to paste a picture, so you'll have to google Shadowmane from Ark

Chapter 7


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

A month passed quickly much like the first week. Harry’s classes were still easy for him, and he was helping Neville at least once a week. He even managed to work on his next animagus form. He found it easier to avoid Ron with Angelina’s inner Oliver Wood making the quidditch practice schedule. Hermione was a bit harder because she kept wanting to join him in studying. In Defense, Umbridge still tried to bait him, but it was Ron who always took the bait and got the detention. She also continued tormenting the other teachers.

Malfoy mostly stopped taunting him after Harry ignored him the first few times. He instead focused on tormenting Ron and Hermione.

Most of the other students started treating him as they would normally, seeing that he wasn’t shouting Voldemort was back at every turn. It probably helped that word went around about how he knew nothing about magic until Hogwarts and didn’t even know he was an heir. Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil had even asked him if he could help them with the Muffliato charm.

The next day, after he succeeded in teaching Lavender and Parvati, Harry was sitting in the common room reading the personal journal by Melantha of Ancient Greece. It was filled with all different types of dark and black magic. He was reading a very interesting ritual on how to create your own magical creature. That is when Hermione approached him.

“Harry, I have come up with an idea.” She began loudly, she then paused looking at his book.

Harry arched an eyebrow. He knew she didn’t know ancient Greek.

“We are not learning how to protect ourselves. We’re not learning how to pass our OWLs. Yes, we do have last year's teacher’s books and notes but it's not enough. We need a teacher, someone who knows what they’re doing.” She proposed loud enough to get others' attention.

“Your point?” Harry questioned.

“Harry, we need you to teach us. You have always been the best in Defense and are top of our class.” She propositioned. “You are already teaching Neville and you taught Lavender and Parvati yesterday.”

Harry sighed. “Hermione, I helped friends who asked me. I’m not teaching. I’m not qualified.” Well, he technically was but she didn’t need to know that. “My answer is no.”

“Harry, we need you.” She argued.

“No, you don’t.”

She huffed. “Fine, I’ll do it myself.” She marched away, grumbling under her breath.

A week later word had gotten around about Hermione’s proposal, not like she was being quiet when announcing it to him, and how he turned her down which caused others to also turn her down. What did it say about her that her friend refused to join?

Most students however had seen Harry distance himself from Ron and Hermione. Many had been wondering what had happened to split the golden trio, but no answers were forthcoming.


Harry was racing through the Forbidden Forest in his Shadowmane form. He wasn’t worried about anything in the forest, as he was the apex predator. He used to run through the forest in his previous lives. The forest welcoming him as with every step released a bit of wild magic that was absorbed by the forest.

He ran the trails he had made as Harris, that he always followed in every life since. There was no distinct trail unless you knew where to look. A fork in a riverbed that must have dried out a hundred years ago but still recognizable; Four ancient trees that all wrap around each other; ectara. This was his territory and had been since 1208. So, he ran stopping every now and then claw marked a tree.

A few hours later Harry was happy with his circuits and ready to head back. As he was wandering back, he heard someone else in the forest. Someone that seemed to be running from something.

Harry quickly turned and headed in that direction. As he got to a clearing, he saw a Troll attacking someone. The person, a boy, was dodging the club the Troll kept swinging and sending spells towards it. However, Troll skin is thick and magical resistant, and the boy was starting to slow.

Harry charged forward and roared at the Troll.

The Troll turned towards Harry, who in this form, was eye level with him. While trolls are not very bright, they, like all creatures, can sense when they are in danger. The Troll turned and ran

Harry turned towards the boy.

The boy was staring at him in shock. Harry noticed it was a student, Theodore Nott.

Noticing he was now being watched by Harry, Nott raised his wand in a fighting stance.

Harry nodded his head towards Hogwarts before pointedly looking at Nott.

Nott looked confused.

Harry looked in the direction to Hogwarts before back at Nott.

“You want me to go back to Hogwarts?” Nott questioned.

Harry nodded.

Nott looked hesitant.

Harry huffed before he crouched on his stomach in front of him. It seemed like he would be taking him himself. If it was anyone else, he would probably just leave; however this Theodore Nott looked so much like Henrik’s brother, who was Nott’s ancestor.

“You want me to ride you?” a voice squeaked incredulous.

Harry just nodded again and waited.

He felt Nott tentatively climb onto his back.

Once Harry was sure he was on, he slowly got up and began walking back to Hogwarts.

“What are you?” He heard Nott murmur. “You look like a giant, aquatic lion.”

Harry just ignored Nott; it wasn’t like he could or would answer the boy.

Harry stopped just as he neared the edge of the forest. He crouched back down on his stomach, indicating to Nott that the ride was over.

Nott carefully climbed off.

Harry stood up and nodded at him.

“Thank you.” Nott inclined his head and made his way back to the castle.

Harry waited until Nott was out of sight before he turned invisible and transformed into his snake form. In that form he makes his way back to his dorm using the snake tunnels Salazar himself had created.


Harry kept his ears tuned to see if there were any rumours regarding an “aquatic lion”. Luckily, he heard nothing. It seemed Nott didn’t say anything and if he did, they were keeping it quiet. Harry appreciated that; he liked being able to run in the forest without worrying about being hunted.

Harry did keep a discreet eye on Nott. The boy was usually in the company of Blaise Zabini and seemed to be more on the quiet side. Harry briefly wondered why Nott was alone in the forbidden forest at night but pushed the thought aside; it was none of his business.



By: Rita Skeeter

My dearest readers, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you that the so-called Golden Trio who consist of Harry Potter, Rod Weasel, and Hermione Ganger are no more. According to my sources, The-Boy-Who-Lived has been seen avoiding the other two and instead seems close with fellow Gryffindor Neville Longbottom. Is there going to be a Potter-Longbottom Alliance?

Sources say that Weasel and Ganger have been getting into trouble and disrespecting the professors at Hogwarts. They even had been given detention on the first day. Madame Umbridge unfortunately had to be the one to assign the detentions as the other teachers refused to do anything about their behaviour. The spread lies of You-Know-Who being back telling everyone while Mister Potter hasn’t said a word about it.

They have been seen badgering and insulting other students including Harry Potter. Ganger who is known to use love potions and used them on both Victor Krum and Harry Potter last year. It would seem she isn’t happy that Harry seems to be free of them. Was the potion the reason The-Boy-Who-Lived told lies?

While as per usual Weasel’s greed and jealousy has broken their friendship. He turns on his friends when they show their wealth and fame but seems to only want famous friends. Weasel was also seen threatening Harry Potter causing Mister Potter to quit the Gryffindor quidditch team which he has been apart of since his first year. Now sources say Weasel is on the team.

The two fame hungry friends are well suited for each other.

Harry Potter if you are reading this, we believe you can do better. You deserve true friends, not ones that make you lie.

Was the trio always fools gold? How long has Harry Potter been threatened by his fake friends? Chances of a Potter-Longbottom Alliance?

I, Rita Skeeter, will find those answers for you my dear readers.

Rita’s article caused a lot of public outrage. The implications that Harry was being controlled by Ron and Hermione caused a lot of hate mail towards them. The student body was already against them for constantly saying You-Know-Who was back, and knew Harry was no longer friends with them so not much changed.


Harry and Neville went to the first quidditch match of the year. Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Along the way they ran into Luna who was wearing a roaring Lion Hat she constructed. Harry invited her to join them to watch the game.

As the Gryffindor quidditch teams entered the Slytherins began to sing.

“Weasley cannot save a thing,

He cannot block a single ring,

That's why Slytherins all sing:

Weasley is our King.

Weasley was born in a bin,

He always lets the Quaffle in,

Weasley will make sure we win,

Weasley is our King.

Weasley is our King.” (-JK Rowling)

“It’s very catchy.” Luna smiles.

“It is.” Harry agreed.

The Gryffindor team lost. While the majority of the team played amazingly, Ron let every Quaffle in. It seemed like the Slytherins got it right. Draco even caught the snitch while Ginny wasn’t even close.

Unfortunately, Ron lost it in the common room.

“It's all your fault!” he hollered at Harry. His face red while he scowled. “If you didn’t quit, we would have won.”

“It is possible, but we could have also lost.” Harry shrugged, not too concerned.

“That’s all you can say!” he asked incredulously. “We lost because of you!”

“No!” Angelina spoke up from the other side of the common room. She marched up to Ron. “We lost and it has nothing to do with Harry.”

“It's cause Weasley let the Quaffle in every time.” Cormac McLaggen sneered. “I could have done much better.”

With those comments the rest of the house added their opinions, and most were blaming Ron. Some blamed Ginny and some blamed the others on the team.

“Quiet!” Angelina shouted. “It just means we need more practice.”

The team groaned at that.

“McLaggen, if you’re not all talk, I’ll see you at practice as well.” And with that everyone dispersed in their regular groups of friends.

Ron glared at Harry before leaving him alone.


Albus was not happy. Harry Potter was not acting how he should. Albus checked his wards that would allow him to see if anyone in the school was being possessed but nope. The wards even gained enough power that they would stop possession. The brat was just being difficult. He quit quidditch and is studying. He was staying out of trouble, not acting out. His marks had shot up and he received an O on everything except potions but that’s just because of Snape. He is also getting close with Longbottom and is barely with his pawns. He was being secretive and somehow found out he was an heir.

Albus had gone to Gringotts as soon as he could, after he knew Potter knew, but somehow the brat had him removed as magical guardian. Those filthy goblins refused to tell him anything about Potter's accounts. He checked his own and saw he last received payment in July. Albus had been paying his pawns and contacts from his own funds. He still had a lot to keep paying but he hated using what he considered his money.

He was also dealing with figuring out this new prophecy. He didn’t know who the first three lines were about. The next two lines could mean that during a storm, Tom could regain his sanity. Which would not be good. He has no idea about the last lines. He could even be wrong, and it has nothing to do with Tom.

On top of that Albus had to deal with Delores messing with his school. The Ministry and Prophet were still calling him senile but now were just attacking him, not Potter. He had also lost some of his dark artifacts. All the ones that were tied to the brat and any other student were destroyed.

Albus needed to know what happened to the brat over the summer, and he had an idea.


Thank you all for the comments & Kudos!!

Chapter 8


Sorry for the wait, been super sick.
Thank you for the kudos and comments!!

Chapter Text

“Harry Potter!” Hermione screeched at him in the common room. She was mad. Ever since the article about them not being friends, people were being mean to her. She no longer had the backing as the Boy-Who-Lived’s best friend. It didn’t help that Harry had been avoiding both her and Ron.

Storming up to him she noticed he was reading a book in a foreign language. She hated it. She was the smart one, how was it that he was able to read something she couldn’t. It didn’t help that he was getting top grades on everything. Dumbledore would need to fix that.

“Do you need something?” Harry politely asked.

Ugh. He was always so polite now when talking to them. Well, if he couldn’t avoid them that was.

“Why are you avoiding me and Ron? We are your best friends!” She shrieked the last part.

The rest of the Gryffindors were watching them. They wanted to know what had happened to the golden trio.

“No, you're not.” Harry simply stated.

“What?” Hermione was gobsmacked.

“We are not friends.” Harry replied, closing his book. “And if you have to ask why you're dumber than I thought.” Getting up he headed towards the dorm rooms.

“I don’t understand.” She called, ignoring his insult, she would get him back for that later.

“I don’t think you deserve a raise from Dumbles.” Was all he said disappearing up the stairs.

Hermione stood there for a moment while whispers began to spread, before running out and heading to the headmaster’s office.

Hermione didn’t waste any time telling headmaster Dumbledore what had happened in the common room.

She watched as he stroked his beard in thought. “Do you have any idea how he found out?” was asked.

“No, Sir.”

“How much do you think he knows?”

“He’s avoiding me, Ron and Ginny, so it's likely just us but I can’t be sure.” Hermione signed.

“For now, just keep acting like his friend. It’s best if people assume that it’s an untrue rumor.” He advised her. “There is not much that can be done at the moment.”


It had been a bit of an impulse to inform Granger that he knew about the money. He knew it would shut her up and it did.

With the rumors about the Golden trios paid friendship, Harry was approached by the twins. They asked if it was true.

Sighing, Harry admitted that he overheard them in the Leaky Cauldron over the summer.

“Harry, we had no idea and-” Fred began.

“We swear we are not a part of it.” George finished.

They looked at him earnestly.

Harry nodded at them. “I believe you.” And he did. The twins were honest and besides they were more concerned about making their own dream come true.


Harry was once again heading back towards Hogwarts in his Shadowmane form when he heard talking. Letting out a huff, Harry headed towards the voices.

Coming up to the edge of the clearing he saw Nott and Zabini.

“I’m telling you Blaise, he was real.” Nott sounded frustrated.

“I’m not saying I don’t believe you, Theo.” Zabini stated. “It just seems impossible. I’ve never heard of anything you described.”

“I know that.” Nott snapped. “I’ve looked everywhere for answers.”

A howl in the distance filled the air.

Harry glanced at the moon seeing it was full. Of bloody course. With a huff of exasperation, Harry entered the clearing.

Nott and Zabini immediately looked his way. Nott smiled smugly, while Zabini paled. Zabini pulled out his wand.

“I told you.” Nott smirked at his companion.

“Theo...” Zabini’s voice trailed off.

Harry walked right up to the two. He looked at the two pointedly before nodding to Hogwarts.

Nott simply smiled. “Put your wand away, Blaise. He won’t hurt us.”

Zabini complied and Harry yet again looked towards Hogwarts.

“See he’s trying to get us to head back to the castle.”

“Is that why you said he might be a Guardian of Hogwarts.” Zabini questions looking less scared.

Harry huffs.


A howl that was closer than the last.

Harry looks in the direction, then looks at the moon, hoping the boys understand.

“Werewolf.” They say together with a grimace.

Harry nods, before crouching on his stomach. He can’t believe he’s doing this again. He doesn’t want the boys attacked by a werewolf and in the same regard he doesn’t want to kill or hurt the werewolf. With the way werewolves are treated in this age, this one is probably weak and already hurt.

Nott climbs on immediately. “Come on, Blaise.”

Zabini cautiously gets on behind his friend.

Harry stands and quickly walks towards Hogwarts. Just before the edge of the forest, Harry turns invisible, his passengers turning with him.

Zabini squeaks. “We’re invisible.”

Harry huffs a chuckle.

“This is so cool.” Nott says awed. “He’s so powerful.”

Harry takes them straight to the entrance door steps, before crouching down.

As they climb off, Nott and Zabini turn visible again.

“Thank you.” Nott says smiling.

Harry huffs, before turning away and leaving the two Slytherins. He goes back to the forest thinking to add territorial marks around the clearing. It seems Nott will most likely be back.


Late at night on December 18, Harry and the Weasley’s were woken up and ushered down to the common room. Both Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore were there.

“Children, I’m afraid there was an accident.” McGonagall began. “Your father is currently in St. Mungo’s. We thought it would be best to send you home so you can be there if the worst should happen.” Her lips quivered.

“I have organized a portkey.” Dumbledore told them. “You have 15 minutes to pack.”

Everyone headed up the stairs.

“Mister Potter.” Dumbledore called before he could leave.

“Yes, Headmaster.” Harry politely responded.

“Did you happen to see anything? Nightmares? Scar hurting?” He questioned.

“No sir.”

Dumbledore frowns. “Better go pack, my boy.”

“Sir, why am I going? This seems like a family thing?”

“The Weasley’s consider you family, my boy.” Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

Harry didn’t bother to argue and went and ‘packed’, only putting some clothes from his old trunk in his satchel. It would hopefully stop the questions on why he didn’t put his name on the list for those staying at Hogwarts over Yule.

In the common room they all grabbed onto a blackened kettle.

“Oh, Mister Potter. The Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at number twelve, Grimmauld Place.”

Harry felt the hook in his stomach right after Dumbledore spoke and they were portkeyed away.

They landed in what he assumed was Grimmauld Place.

Sirius was there waiting for them.

As Harry looked at Sirius, he realized how much Sirius looked like Castor Black. It was more than a little unsettling how much his traitorous uncle looked like his previous killer. He only hoped Sirius didn’t try to AK him in the back or become obsessed with him.

“Where’s mom?”

“We need to go to St. Mungo’s.”

“Dad’s been hurt.”

“Calm down.” Sirius held up his hands. “Your mother is at St. Mungo with your father. You can’t all visit right now. Molly will update us if anything happens.” He paused. “You are welcome to use the beds you did over the summer.”

“We’re not going-”

“Back to bed.” The twins almost shouted.

Ginny and Ron nodded agreeing with them.

Sirius sighed. “I’ll make tea.”

Harry, wanting to at least be there for the twins as they didn’t seem to be in on it, went with them to the kitchen. They left their trunks in the living room, but Harry kept his satchel on. As he walked, he felt the house magic caress him, recognizing him as Lord Black.

“So, what is this place?” Harry asked looking around like he didn’t know where he was. “It's very bare.”

“This is Grimmauld Place. My mother’s house.” Sirius told him as he put an old looking kettle on the stove. Harry assumed that it and the rest of the dishes must have come from the order members' own homes. Everyone sat down at the table. “I opened it up to allow Dumbledore to use it for the Order. The Weasleys and Miss Granger were even here during the summer.” Sirius informed him before pausing. “You were supposed to come here too.”

“The Order?” Harry questioned, ignoring the last comment.

“The Order of the Phoenix. We stood against You-Know-Who in the first war. Your parents were members.” Sirius sighed. “Anyways we have reconvened with him being back.”

“Ah.” Harry said with a nod. “Dumbledore’s spies.”

“What!” was heard from a couple different people.

“We’re not spies!” Sirius defended looking insulted.

“According to Hermione, Dumbledore had people watching me, without my knowledge, and had them report back to him. That is the definition of a spy. It was the logical conclusion that they were probably part of this Order.” Harry shrugged.

Everyone looked astounded.

“Dumbledore had people-” Fred started.

“Watching you?” George finished.

“Yeah. I mean they weren’t very good at blending in. One even had pink hair which is not normal in Private Drive. So, I knew there were people around, but Hermione told me at school it was Dumbledore’s people.” Harry told them.

“They were there to protect you, not spy on you.” Sirius tried to explain, before getting up and fixing them all tea and levitating it over. “Speaking of which, no one has told me about your summer adventure.” Sirius hinted at sitting back down.

“I had a productive summer.” Was all Harry divulged.

Sirius looked expectantly at him.

Harry remained silent.

Suddenly a piece of parchment flashed in.

“That would be Fawkes delivering a message.” Sirius reached for the parchment. “It says, ‘Children, I’m at St. Mungo. Dad is fine. Stay where you are. I will see you in the morning. Love Mom.’”

There were sighs of relief from around the table.

For the rest of the night, they sat around the table making small talk. Harry had asked the twins about any new products they were working on, while ignoring the others.

Early in the morning, Molly Weasley came in. The Weasley children rushed over to her. Harry, not wanting to intrude, left the kitchen to explore what was technically his house.

As Harry entered a room, he encountered Kreacher.

“Master.” Kreacher bows. “Are you throwing the filth out of my mistress’s house?”

“Soon, Kreacher.” Harry promised. “For now, you must treat me as you would them when they are around.”

Kreacher stood up, eyes huge. “Master wants Kreacher to treat him like a blood traitor?” He looked horrified.

“Yes, Kreacher.” Harry confirmed.

“Kreacher will do as Master commands.” He popped away.

“Harry!” was shouted from somewhere in the house.

Harry sighed. It was going to be a long Yule break. He headed back down to the kitchen.

The Weasleys were gathering up their coats looking like they were getting ready to head out. The girl with pink hair and the real Moody were there too.

“Wotcher Harry?” Pinky greeted.

Harry arched a brow. “You know when you’re spying on someone, having pink hair causes you to stand out.”

She frowned at him.

“Harry, this is my cousin, Nymphadora Tonks.” Sirius introduced as he walked into the kitchen.

“Call me, Tonks.” She, Tonks, told him.

“All right, enough chatter.” Moody growled. “Time to get to the hospital.”

“Tell your dad I hope he feels better soon.” Harry requested Fred and George though mostly for their benefit.

“Harry dear, you’re coming along.” Mrs. Weasley told him.

“No, I won’t be.” Harry firmly objected. “I don’t even know why I was brought here. This is a family affair. I am not family, anymore than Hermione or Lee Jordan are.”

Mrs. Weasley stared at him incredulously.

“Harry, mate?” Ron questioned.

“Harry, how can you say that?” Ginny cried.

“He makes a-” Fred began.

“Good point.” George completed.

“No offense, Harry.” They both said.

“None taken. I’ll see you guys later.” He asserted, before he left to finish exploring. Kreacher and the other elves must have taken everything they could because it was quite empty. He ended up in what looked like a library with no books.

Sitting down Harry pulled out Melantha’s journal. He had finally found what he was looking for. It was a ritual that would put one’s soul back together. It also mentioned how a soul could not be destroyed only what it resides in. While it didn’t outright say Horcrux, Harry knew that was what she was referring to. He was making a mental list on everything that he would need when Sirius entered.

Harry closed the book and watched as the other man sat across from him.

“How are you liking the Black’s infamous library?” Sirius joked with a grimace.

“Black family must not have been readers.” Harry indicated to the empty shelves, fully knowing they were, and all the books were now in the Garlot library.

“I sure wasn’t.” He said with a forced chuckle. “What are you reading?”

“It’s a book about magical creatures in Greece.” Harry told him, thinking about the magical creature ritual.

“Oh, nice.” Sirius nodded awkwardly. “How’s quidditch? Ron mentioned last night he was the new keeper?”

“I resigned the first day I got back.” Harry bluntly told him.

“What? But you love quidditch.” Sirius gaped.

“No, I love flying. It is also my OWL year, and I don’t intend to be a quidditch player after Hogwarts, so I am focusing on my studies.”

Sirius looked at him shocked. “Oh… Good idea?”

“So, tell me about your family.” Harry requested, changing the subject. Maybe he would find something interesting about his Bearer and his family.

“My family?” He questioned. “They were dark the lot of them. My mother was the worst though…” Sirius was now in a full-blown rant about his evil family and how his brother became a Death Eater… After a good ten minutes he finally stopped. “Sorry they’re a sore spot for me.”

“It’s okay.” Harry shrugged. “Seemed you had a lot to get off your chest.”

Sirius sits there awkwardly.

“Did you need something?” Harry asked after a while.

“Where were you during the summer, Harry?”

“In the UK.” Harry smirked. “You can even tell Dumbledore and the rest of the spies. I mean you were already planning to.”

“Harry!” Sirius feigned aghast, looking sheepish. “I wouldn’t.”

Harry raised a brow. “Anything else?”

“Uh, um, I’ll just let you get back to your reading.” He quickly left the ‘library’.

Chapter 9


Sorry again for the wait, this flu has just been killer.
Thank you everyone for the Kudos and comments!!!

Chapter Text

A cacophony of noise woke Harry from his nap. Looking around he realized he had fallen asleep in Regulus’s, his dad’s room, according to the plaque on the door. It was a nice room, a little bare but that was expected. He decided that this would be his room while he was here.

Closing his eyes, he listened to the noise that was the Weasley family as they entered Grimmauld. He knew he would be called down soon as soon as they were settled, or Ron would try and find him.

He sighed before getting up and making his way downstairs.

He found everyone in the kitchen.

“Harry, dear,” Mrs. Weasley greeted. “I’m just whipping up some lunch for everyone before they go nap.”

“I don’t need a nap.” Ron grumbled.

“Yes, you do, young man.” Mrs. Weasley stated sternly. “You all stayed up all night.”

Ron grumbled under his breath but didn’t continue to argue.

“Arthur’s going to make a full recovery.” Mrs. Weasley smiled at Harry. “He should be out of the hospital in a couple of days.”

“That’s great to hear, Mrs. Weasley.” What a pity, Harry thought.

“You should have come with us.” She told him. “He was disappointed.”

“I don’t want to put your family in danger.”

“You're family.” She insisted, smiling brightly at him.

Never going to happen, you greedy hag. Harry gave her a mocking smile.

After a somber lunch, in which Harry avoided the food that his rings heated up at, all the Weasleys were forced to go have a nap.

“Mate, I’ll show you to our room.” Ron told them grabbing his trunk to bring it up stairs.

“That’s fine. I’m going to the library to finish my book.” Harry declined.

Ron stared at him.

“Harry dear, it's best you get some rest.” Mrs. Weasley fretted walking into the sitting room.

“I already took a nap, Mrs. Weasley.” Harry informed her, hating that he had to play nice with them.

She looked shocked at that. “Oh. Well just be quiet deary.”

“Yes, Mrs. Weasley.” Harry gave her a bland smile before heading to the library, while they stared at his retreating figure.


The next day Harry woke up early in his dad’s room. Last night when he went to bed he just went straight here, there was no way he was sharing a room with Ron. At least in Hogwarts he can spell the curtains for protection. He sort-of expected Ron to complain but he didn’t. Ron was probably happy not having to share a room.

As he headed to the kitchen, he stopped when he heard voices, specifically Hermione’s. She must have arrived recently.

“I broke into his trunk yesterday before getting on the train. There was like nothing in it. He had some clothes, schoolbooks and stationery. No map, no cloak, not even his photo album.” Hermione was saying.

“He only took out a few articles of clothing and put it in his satchel.” Ron’s voice drifted out.

“His satchel?” That was Sirius. “Where would he get a satchel and why would he want one?”

“He always has it with him.” Ron said obnoxiously. “Even sleeps with it.”

“We need to get it.” Hermione stated determinedly. “It can probably tell us where he was during the summer and what is happening with him.”

“And how are we going to do that?”

“I can seduce him.” Ginny put in. “I will after all be married to him.”

“He’s been ignoring you just as much as us, if not more.” Hermione reminded the girl.

“Nothing a little lust potion can’t fix.” Mrs. Weasley spoke up. “It’ll give him that little push he needs. Boys are terrible when it comes to their feelings.”

“That would work.” Sirius agreed. “But your twins would have to be out of the house.”

“I’ll take them with me to visit Arthur at the hospital.”

Harry felt sick. While knowing what they were doing, it was a little different hearing them discuss it so calmly. He hated them.

Deciding today would be the best to go to the ministry, Harry put up on a disillusionment spell and walked out of Grimmauld place. He then apparated to the ministry.

Cancelling the spell, he decided against changing to his real looks. While it would stop people from recognizing him, he needed whoever was in charge of OWL testing to recognize him. Hopefully not many people would know that he grew out his hair and nobody was expecting The Harry Potter to be at the Ministry so that should keep him from being harassed.

Once he made his way to the Department of Education, Harry was greeted by a stern old witch.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes ma’am. I was wonder if I could sign up and take some of my OWLs here.” Harry politely inquired.

“You can. Here is the schedule and its 5 gallons per subject.” She informed him, giving him the schedule.

As luck would have it both Arithmancy and Runes were today, one in about half an hour the other after lunch.

“I’ll take both Runes and Arithmancy today, and also Warding, Enchanting and Healing the day after tomorrow, please.”

“Name?” She asked, filling out the parchment.

“Harry Potter.”

She freezes then looks at him or looks at his scar.

“Problem?” Harry prompts after a moment, snapping her out of her shock.

“N-No, Mister Potter.” She stutters.

After that Harry is registered, pays for his exams then proceeds to the wait area. There are about ten others varying in age waiting as well. All seem to be doing last minute studying. Harry followed their lead and did the same.


After both written and practical exams for Arithmancy Harry made his way to the cafeteria for some lunch. After eating a plain sandwich, Harry was looking around, people watching.

He happened to notice Tonks who was talking with a witch with a monocular. Unfortunately, she seemed to also spot him, however it looked like she was unable to leave her current companion. Harry left the cafeteria right away.

It was as he was on his way back to the exam area that he crossed paths with Lucius Malfoy.

“Mister Potter.” Malfoy greets coolly.

“Lord Malfoy.” Harry greets back just as coolly.

“I am surprised to see you wandering around the Ministry.” He subtly inquired.

“I am here taking some of my OWLs and was on my way back from getting some lunch.” Harry indulged him.

Malfoy’s eyes widened just marginally showing his shock. “And why wouldn’t you just wait until the end of your school year?”

“I self-studied these classes.” Harry shrugged.

Malfoy stared at him. “I see.”

After a pause, Harry impulsively asks, “Do you want him sane?”

“I’m not sure who you are referring to Mister Potter.”

“There’s a ritual that would fix his mind from the black magic and Pettigrew’s botched ritual. It involves a thunderstorm.” Harry states, knowing Malfoy Jr. told his father about Trelawney’s prophecy.

Malfoy froze.

“I need to be on my way. The exams will be starting soon.” With that Harry left a frozen Malfoy and went to take his exam.


Some of the Order of the Phoenix members sat around the large table in Grimmauld place having been called for an emergency meeting. After Molly, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and Sirius had their little discussion in the morning, they prepared, sending the twins to St. Mungo’s, only to find out that Harry was not in Grimmauld. They finally raised the alarm after lunch conceding defeat.

“When was the last time anyone saw him?” Albus questioned, hiding his anger.

“Last night before bed.” Was heard from the people who were staying at Grimmauld.

“Mister Weasley, you are sharing a room with young Harry, are you not?” He aimed the question at Ron.

“Uh, no Headmaster.” Ron nervously admitted. “He seemed to find somewhere else to sleep.”

Albus sighed.

“He could be anywhere.” Moody growled. “How hard is it to watch one kid?”

“We didn’t think he would run away!” Sirius argued.

“Why not? He did it during the summer.” Moody scoffed.

Lupin placed a hand on Sirius’s shoulder to keep him from lunging at Moody.

“Could he have gone to where he was during the summer?” Hermione spoke up.

Before anyone could say anything, the front door was thrown open, causing the portrait of Walburga Black to start screaming. Tonks came stumbling in the dining room.

“I saw Harry.” She gasped. “He was at the ministry eating in the cafeteria.”

“THE MINISTRY?” Was echoed by everyone.

“Why would he go there?” Ron asked, looking dumbfounded.

“He could be meeting someone.” Hermione said, hitting Ron’s shoulder.

“He was alone.” Tonks responded. “I was talking with Madam Bones and caught sight of him. He was just sitting there eating his lunch. No one even noticed him being there. By the time Bones left he was already gone.”

“Dad says the food there is gross.” Ron grimaced. “Why would he eat there?”

“There must be another reason.” Lupin calmly input. “He could have met someone earlier. I mean we don’t even know when he left.”

“Who could he be meeting there?” Molly questioned. “He doesn’t know anyone but Arthur.”

“And Percy.” Ron pointed out.

“Percy!” Molly screeched. “Why is he meeting with Percy? Percy abandoned this family!”

“Maybe he doesn’t know that.”

“Why didn’t you tell him? He should not be meeting with that traitor!” Molly ranted.

“No one knows if he is meeting with him.” Albus calmly told Molly.

“He could have been in most departments.” Moody observed.

“He wasn’t in the Auror Department.” Tonks added.

“What has he been doing since being here?” Albus asked. “Has he confided in where he was during the summer?”

“All he does is read.” Sirius whined. “He is acting like Lily was his mother.”

Moody froze. “What?”

“She was his mother.” Albus quickly assured.

Sirius notices his mistake. “He used to look like James and usually acted like him. Up until now he’s only had her eyes.”

Moody grunted.

“Possession?” Ginny asked. “We thought so during the summer, and it would make sense.”

“No, I had the school wards updated to stop possession the summer of ‘93.” Albus lied hating how the wards updated on their own. “Anyone entering the school would be freed of possession.”

Molly gasped. “It’s an imposter! It's not Harry.”

“That makes sense.” Lupin agreed.

“He’s an imposter!” Sirius shouted, nodding at Lupin so he knew he was agreeing with him not Molly.

“He does look different.” Hermione conceded.

“He has better clothes!” Ron spat.

“He’s taller!”

“Longer hair!”

“No glasses!”

“The colours of his eyes are changing!”




Everyone was shouting out all Harry’s different attributes.

“Hotter.” Ginny sighed dreamily.

Everyone paused to look at her, before Hermione shrugged and nodded.

Ron flushed angry red but was interrupted before he could speak.

“Yes, he looks different and acts differently.” Albus admitted. “But it is Harry.” Albus was sure he would know an imposter when he saw one. He was the great Albus Dumbledore.

“For merlin’s sake, he’s a 15-year-old boy. What were you doing at that age? I know what I was doing.” Moody wiggled his eyebrows as best he could.

Sirius barked out a laugh.

Lupin's eyes widened. “He’s got a girl.”

Ginny scowled.

“Probably more than one.” Sirius cackled. “Jamesy boy knows what he’s doing.”

Molly scowled, while everyone ignored Sirius’s slip. “He’s just a boy.”

“James likes both.” Sirius shrugged, misunderstanding Molly.

“Even if he does, why would he be at the ministry?” Hermione questioned.

“Some students take their OWLs during Christmas break.” Lupin commented.

“Today’s exams were Arithmancy and Runes.” Tonks informed them, causing them to look at her. “A student had a panic attack in the morning.” She shrugged.

“Harry doesn’t take those.” Hermione pointed out.

“His girl might.” Moody said.

“I'M HIS GIRL!” Ginny burst out.

“Yes, you are.” Molly comforted her daughter.

Moody rolled his eyes. “I’m heading out Albus. This is just teenage hormones and I have better things to do.” With that he left, Tonks leaving with him to get back to work.

“Albus, Harry looks different and not just his hair but his eyes and facial features. Do you know why?” Lupin asked curiously, already guessing but wanting confirmation.

“It seems his Glamour is fading away.” Albus confirmed. “I had hoped he would still look more like James, but his real mother seems to be coming through. I don’t even know what features he’ll get from Lily blood adopting him. I had hoped he would get her eyes.”

Lupin nodded, having expected that. “I still haven’t figured out who she was.”

“If we take him to Gringotts he can do a test that would tell him.” Sirius suggested.

“If we do that, he’ll know about everything. Every potion, every spell, who his real godfather is.” Molly said condescendingly.

Sirius glared.

Albus sighed. “We will just have to wait.”

Chapter 10


Thanks for the kudos and comments :)
Enjoy this new chapter!

Chapter Text

After his exams, Harry got on the lift, glad it was empty, before calling Kreacher.

“Yes, Master Black.” Kreacher bowed.

“Who’s all at the house?” Harry questioned.

“Mistress’s disappointment, wolf, mudblood, loudmouth blood traitor and her two younger broods. Twin blood traitors left and took their things.” Kreacher informed him.

“How about we get them out of your mistress’s house?”

Kreacher grinned at him.

“I’ll meet you out front of Grimmauld. I have some information on a certain mass murder I need to tell the Aurors.” He smirked, shifting to his true form.

Getting off on level 2 Harry walked up to the door labelled ‘Head Auror’ and knocked. While there was a reception desk it was empty.

“Come in.” a female voice called.

Entering Harry saw it was the lady Tonks was talking to earlier. “Hello ma’am.”

“Hello, what can I do for you?” She asked, looking up at him from her desk.

“I heard some talk at school about a certain mass murder and figured I’d pass it on, just in case.” Harry told her.

She sat up and waved her hand towards the seat across from her. “Have a seat.”

“Thank you.” Harry sat, noticing a certain beetle on the side of the desk.

“I'm Amelia Bones, Head Auror.” Amelia introduced. “What have you heard?”

“I overheard the Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress discussing that he was spotted a few times around Grimmauld area in London at night. Apparently, the Blacks own a house there.” Harry shrugged.

Amelia’s eyes narrowed at the mention of Dumbledore knowing this information. “Thank you for this information. I'll send someone to check it out.”

“Thank you, Madame Bones. Will there be a trial when he’s caught? I noticed a lot of war prisoners weren’t given a trial, Black being one of them.” Harry added nonchalant.

“Excuse me?” She questioned.

“Oh, I did an essay on the war and when looking through the transcripts there were none for some.” Harry said innocently. While he didn’t care for his uncle, he knew this would make Dumbledore look bad.

Amelia was shocked. “I’ll look into it.”

“Thank you for your time, Madame Bones. Have a good evening and good luck.” With that Harry stood and left.

Amelia didn’t even realize until later that she never got his name.


Appearing in front of number 5 Grimmauld place, Harry called Kreacher to him. He had Kreacher disillusion them with the hope that elf magic would hide them better. He went and stood under a tree that would help hide them, in front of number 11 so he could still see number 12. He cast a silence bubble around them so no one could hear him take his house before going under his invisibility cloak. Now he just needed the Aurors to show.

An hour or so later he saw Tonks entering the house. Harry prayed she was not the Auror assigned or that conversation with Madame Bones would have been a waste of time. He could still evict them though.

Just as he was about to start to claim 12 Grimmauld he heard the distinct sound of apparition. Looking towards the first Grimmauld place Harry saw two wizards walking in the direction towards him. The red Auror robes became noticeable as they got closer. Harry didn’t recognize them so hopefully they weren’t Dumbles people.

“…kid apparently heard rumours.” He heard ones say.

“It’s probably a false alarm.” The other commented.

Deciding they were close enough Harry began to claim his house. “As Lord Black, I hereby claim Number 12 Grimmauld Place in London as mine. I command the family magic to eradicate the magic that does not belong to the family, to evict the intruders who do not have permission to be there. So mote it be.”

Harry heard an Auror gasp as they saw 12 Grimmauld appear, the Fidelius charm broken. Soon after people seemed to be ejected out through the chimney and windows and onto the street. First Molly, then Sirius and Lupin. Next Tonks, Hermione, Ron and Ginny.

The Aurors quickly snapped to attention as soon as they recognized Sirius. Before anyone could react, they slapped magical suppression cuffs on everyone, then called for back up and Amelia since Tonks was there.

Harry watched as other Aurors showed up, including Kingsley and Amelia.

“You can’t arrest us!” Molly shrieked.

“We’ve done nothing wrong!” Hermione cried.

“You were in the company of a wanted criminal.” Amelia stated.

“He’s innocent!” Ron hollered.

Someone snorted.

“He never had a trial.” Hermione yelled.

“You’re ruining my outfit.” Ginny whined.

Ignoring the prisoners, the Aurors escorted them all to the ministry cells.

After the last one vanished, Rita Skeeter appeared, with a little laugh. “This is news.” She then apparated away with a crack.

After making sure the street was empty Harry took off the cloak and had Kreacher cancel the spells. Entering the house Harry immediately felt out the wards, they seemed to be in order. He added his magic to strengthen them, especially the one that would stop others from entering unless invited by Lord Black.

“Kreacher shut down the floo, gather the filths things and drop it off outside the Burrows wards.” Harry instructed.

“Yes, Master.” Kreacher confirmed before popping away.

“And just who do you think you are?” a haughty voice questioned.

Looking at Walburga Black’s portrait he noticed for once she wasn’t screaming just watching him intently.

Harry gave a polite bow. “I apologise for the delayed introduction. I am Harry James Licorus Potter-Black, the son of James and Regulus Potter-Black.”

Her eyes widened in shock. “My little Reggie had a son and was married?” Walburga knew he spoke the truth as she watched him, she could now see parts of Regulus in him.

“Yes ma’am. It seems it was kept a secret and only my parents and possibly one of my godparents knew.” Harry informed her.

“Who are your godparents? Bring them here.” Walburga demanded.

“Gideon Prewett who died shortly after I was born and Narcissa Malfoy née Black who doesn’t seem to know. I don’t know what happened, but I was illegally blood adopted by Lily Evans-”

“A MUDBLOOD! You will go to Gringotts and get her blood out of you this instance!” She shrieked with fury, insulted that a mudblood would try and taint her grandchild.

“Lady Black, I did that as soon as I learned the truth.” Harry reassured her.

“I’m Grandmother to you.” Walburga declared.

Harry smiled. “Grandmother.”

“Who raised you?” His grandmother questioned. “When did you learn the truth?”

“I was kidnapped after James’s death and given to Evan’s filthy muggle sister’s family by Dumbledore. I only learned the truth this past summer.” Harry explained.

“I never liked that man.” She harrumphed.

“I also discovered numerous spells and potions were used on me to control me. Dumbles was also stealing from my Potter heir vault, luckily, he didn’t know I was Heir Black as well. It also came to light that he’s using some of the stolen money to pay people around me, including one Sirius Black.” Harry told her.

Walburga cursed. “That traitor! How dare he steal from family! When you're older and become Lord Black, you need to fully disinherit him. I tried but Orion and Arcturus convinced me he would come to his senses.”

“I am Lord Black, Grandmother.” Harry smirked. “I was going to wait and see now that he’s been caught.”

“How? You are still young.” She asked confused, forgetting about Sirius.

“When I found out about everything in order to protect myself, I took an adoption potion from a dead family line that states in the charter that I only need to be 15 as that was considered adulthood back then. So, by doing that and by becoming Lord to that family I was emancipated and able to take my lordships.”

Walburga was equal parts gobsmacked and pleased that her grandson was so cunning.

“I am Lord Potter-Black-Peverell-Garlot.” Harry announced.

“Peverell? Garlot?” She smiled viciously. “You are so powerful, dear Grandson.”

After talking a bit more with his grandmother’s portrait, Harry went to the kitchen where Kreacher had made him dinner. Knowing no one could enter Grimmauld he just stayed there for the night.


Albus was pacing in his room. He was hoping to hear something about the Potter brat by now. He really hoped Alastor was right with his idea that he met a girl, even if he would have to deal with a Molly induced headache.

He knew that the marriage contract between the brat and Ginny could only be broken by Lord Potter, so that was safe. Harry couldn’t be Lord until he was 17 and they would be married by then, Albus would make sure of it.

A lynx Patronus came into his room.

He sighed in relief, they must have found the brat, only to freeze as it spoke.

“Albus, they’ve been arrested. The Fidelius charm broke.” Kinsley’s voice spoke from the lynx before it faded away.

Albus was briefly shocked; only Lord Black should have been able to break the charm.

He quickly headed towards the floo to go to the Ministry. Albus couldn’t believe this was happening. He would have thought maybe Harry had told, but there was no way he could have gotten past the Fidelius charm. Also, he would never do that to his ‘godfather’.

Entering the Atrium, Albus immediately heads to the lift to go up to level 2 Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Near the lifts he spots Kingsley.

“Kingsley.” Albus greets, then throws up a privacy charm around them. “What has happened?

“Albus, some unknown kid told Bones that Black was spotted in Grimmauld area. She sent some Aurors to check it out. During their check the charm broke, and they were ejected from the house.”

“Who was all there?”

“Black, Lupin, Molly, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, and Tonks.”

“Tonks was there?”

“Molly invited her.” Kingsley sighed. “It’s a mess, Albus.”

“We’ll get them out, my boy.” Albus assured. Maybe if he brought up that Black never got a trial would work in his favour.

“Albus, your reputation isn’t what it used to be.” He grimaced. “Madame Bones is also on a warpath; it seems she was informed Black never got a trial.”

Albus hid his anger about his reputation being tarnished. He knew it would be worth it when it was proven he was right, but it was frustrating waiting. “I’ll speak with Amelia.”

Kingsley shakes his head in disbelief. “I’ve been sent home. We’ll talk later.”

“Thanks for informing me of this predicament.” Albus fakes a smile then gets on the lift.

As soon as Albus entered the Auror Office, Amelia immediately spotted him in his neon green robes. She walked up to him to stop him.

“Headmaster Dumbledore, why are you here?” She questioned.

“Amelia, how nice to see you.” Albus twinkled at her. “I had heard that a few of my students were arrested; as one is a muggleborn I’ve come on her behalf.”

“There were a few arrests tonight, however all appropriate guardians have been notified.” Amelia said sternly. “You are not any of their guardians, and therefore should not have been informed nor be here.”

“Amelia, as Headmaster of Hogwar-” he began only to be cut off.

“Are not the magical guardian on file. As with most muggleborns their Head of House is their magical guardian.”

Seeing that he wouldn’t get much farther with this argument he tried another tactic. “Now Amelia, I’m sure this is all just a misunderstanding.”

“Headmaster Dumbledore, we are done here. This has nothing to do with you.” She stated. “Now unless you have actual business here, I suggest you leave.”

Barely holding back a glare, Albus stomped out of the DMLE. He would head to Grimmauld to find out what had happened. As far as he knew there was no Lord Black, and he was sure that the Malfoy boy was heir through his mother.



By: Rita Skeeter

My dear readers, yesterday evening Mass Murderer, Sirius Black, was caught and arrested. However, he wasn’t alone. That’s right dear readers. His accomplices, known werewolf Remus Lupin, Mrs. Molly Weasley and two of her children, Rod and Gimmy, along with them was Hermione Ganger, ex-friends of the Boy-Who-Lived. What kind of mother allows her children to be in the presence of such people? Also, shockingly Junior Auror Nymphadora Tonks, cousin of Sirius Black through her disowned Mother, was also there.

Auror Tonks was even part of the search team for Black. How far does this corruption go? According to my sources the tip on Blacks whereabouts was heard through multiple people leading back to Mister Dumbledore. Did Dumbledore know? Or did he also just hear a rumour? Either way, why not report it?

Even more interesting dear reader while the arrest was taking place the three youngest of the group were shouting “He’s (Black’s) innocent!” Rod and “He never had a trial.” Ganger. Now my dear readers as your diligent reporter I decided to look into this. I could not believe they would disparage our ministry this way. However, what I found was shocking. It was True. Yes, dear reader, I went through the trial transcripts and there was not one for Sirius Black. He was never questioned and was just shipped off to Azkaban. How could the Chief Warlock at the time, Mister Dumbledore, just send someone to Azkaban without a trial? Especially, as rumour would have it, one of his own people.

Did Dumbledor know he was innocent? Is that why the rumour of Black’s whereabouts wasn’t brought forward? After all, Dumbledor’s connections with the Weasel Family is quite known. If he did know, why send an innocent to Azkaban? Why not give him a trial? Even the guilty deserve a trial. Why did he do it?

Is this the kind of man we want teaching our children?

I, Rita Skeeter, will hunt for these answers for you my dear readers. You deserve to know.

Harry chuckled after reading the morning prophet. He had felt someone trying to get through the wards last night a few times. Luckily the newly strengthened wards were strong enough to keep them out.


An emergency trial was called in the case of Sirius Black and his accomplices. With the morning news many people were at the ministry in order to watch the trial, knowing that because of the minors being arrested that the DMLE had to have the trial today.

In the largest courtroom in the ministry, the Lords and Ladies were taking their seats as the public filled the watcher stands. Many of the spectators were standing as there were no more seats left.

Chief Warlock Lucius Malfoy sat up front next to Minister Fudge. Umbridge was on Fudge’s other side as his undersecretary, while Amelia Bones was on Lucius’s other side. In front of them was the prisoner chair, chains hanging limp. At a table to the side sat Molly, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Lupin, and Tonks. McGonagall was also there as Hermione’s magical guardian. There was even an empty chair presumably for Dumbledore.

At 2pm Lucius called the trial to begin, and Sirius was dragged into the room and shoved into the chair. The chains automatically wrapping around him.

“Sirius Black, you are on trial today for the murder of Peter Pettigrew and 12 muggles.” Amelia announced. “How do you plead?”

“Not guilty.” Sirius declared.

“Would you consent to Veritaserum?” She asked.

“Yes.” Sirius nodded for emphasis.

Just then the doors flew open, and Dumbledore strode in wearing red robes with gold trim. “Defence for the accused. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.” He proclaimed.

Fudge spluttered.

“Take a seat, Mister Dumbledore. Black has agreed to Veritaserum.” Lucius informed him calmly.

Dumbledore paused and looked at Sirius who nodded. He then swept to the empty seat next to McGonagall.

“Unspeakable Dashalot, please administer the Veritaserum.” Amelia instructed.

An Unspeakable appeared and placed 3 drops on Sirius’s tongue. His eyes glazed over, and his body relaxed. As this was being done, a special silent bubble was placed around Sirius and Amelia so he would only hear her speak.

“What is your name?” She questioned.

“Sirius Orion Black.” He answered automatically in a monotone.

“When were you born?”

“November 3, 1959.”

“It is working.” She concluded before continuing. “Did you kill Peter Pettigrew?”


“Did you blow up the street killing 12 muggles on October 31, 1981?”


“Who blew up the street killing 12 muggles on October 31, 1981?”

“Peter Pettigrew.”

“Are you or have you ever been a Death Eater?”


“Were you the James and Lily Potter’s Secret Keeper?”


“Who was James and Lily Potter’s secret keeper?”

“Peter Pettigrew was James Potter’s and Lily Evans’ secret keeper.”

The public was going crazy in both shock, horror and confusion.

“Lily Evans? Didn’t Lily Evans marry James Potter, taking his surname?” Amelia asked, confused.

“No, James refused to marry her.”

Gasps were heard through the room. Dumble could be heard saying “James and Lily loved each other.”

Knowing the serum wouldn’t last much longer Amelia went back to her actual questions for this trail. “Is Peter Pettigrew alive?”

“He was the last time I saw him.” Sirius spoke slowly, coming back to his senses.

“When did you last see him?”

“June 6, 1994, in the Shrieking Shack. He was pretending to be the rat that he is.” He spat, now completely free of the truth serum.

Amelia was shocked to hear this. “Can you explain that?”

“I managed to confront him in the shrieking shack before he got away, just like last time by turning into his animagus form. He’s a common rat and has spent all these years as a pet rat.” Sirius explained.

“I think we have everything we need for this trial, but we will be speaking again.” Amelia declared, lifting the bubble so Sirius could hear everyone else.

“Lords and Ladies, it is time to vote. Those in favour of guilty please raise your wands.” Lucius called.

A few wands were raised.

“All in favour of not guilty?”

Many wands were raised. A copy of the results magically appearing in front of Amelia, Lucius and Fudge.

“Sirius Black you have been declared innocent and are cleared of all charges. The Ministry will pay a compensation of 1 million gallons for your unjust stay in Azkaban.” Amelia announced.

Fudge shot her a look, but she ignored him.

“With what we know I will be dispensing your accomplice’s punishment.” She announced.

“Amelia, he is innocent. They should all be allowed to leave this mess behind.” Dumbledore challenged with twinkling eyes.

“No. Taking in the special circ*mstances, for the crimes of aiding and embedding a criminal, and for not going to the proper authorities with your suspicions. Remus Lupin and Molly Weasley will pay a fine of 500 gallons each. Mrs. Weasley will also pay additional fines of 100 gallons for each of her two children. Miss Hermione Granger will also be given a fine of 100 gallons for her guardians to pay on her behalf.”

“Surely that is unnecessary.” Dumbledore tried to argue.

Ignoring him, Amelia continued. “Nymphadora Tonks, you were an Auror assigned to look for Mister Black, yet you said nothing of his whereabouts or his, at the time, alleged innocents. You will also pay a fine of 500 gallons, your employment as an Auror has been terminated, and you can never again work for the British Auror Department.”

“WHAT?” Tonks shrieked in outrage, her hair turning red.

“This trial is now concluded.” Lucius announced closing the session.


Harry, having heard about the trial, decided it was the perfect opportunity to break into Dumbledore's office and steal Tom Riddle’s Diary.

He apparated into the Shrieking Shack, Harry slipped on his invisibility cloak with a spell to silence his footsteps. He hurried through the tunnel coming up under the Whomping Willow, immediately freezing it.

He swiftly walked across the courtyard and entered the school. There weren't a lot of students staying at Hogwarts for the holidays, so the corridors were mostly empty. Harry was able to make it up to Dumbledor’s office fairly quickly with no one being the wiser.

“Ice mice.” Harry told the gargoyle, guessing the password. Nothing happened so he tried a few more before he got it right. “Chocolate frogs.” The gargoyle moved out of the way.

Entering the Headmasters office, he saw the portraits look at the door wondering why it was open with no one there. Harry silently cast a spell sending the portraits to sleep, then followed it up with a spell that freezes them. Just in case.

Deciding to keep the cloak on, just in case Dumbledor had other monitors setup. Harry began searching the room for the diary. He first checked the bookshelves on the off chance it would be there. It wasn’t however there were a lot of questionable books that Harry would definitely check out when he had more time.

He moved onto the desk, looking through the drawers. Most were filled with inconsequential papers and letters. However, he noticed an inconsistency in one drawer, it was smaller. Taking everything out he noticed it had a false bottom. Harry removed the drawer, finding his treasure. Tom Riddle's diary sat there alone, looking like the damaged diary it was. Taking it out Harry placed it in his satchel.

Placing everything back as it was when he arrived Harry cancelled the spells on the portraits and left the office. He promptly left Hogwarts and headed back to Grimmauld. Never knowing he also cancelled the secrecy spell Dumbledore had placed on them.

Chapter 11


Thanks for the comments and kudos and the general support for this story!! I struggled with this chapter but hope you enjoy it!

Chapter Text

“I’ll get some tea for everyone.” Molly announced as everyone else took a seat at her table.

“No thank you, Molly. I must head back to the school.” McGonagall declined. “I'll speak to you later, Albus.” She left with those parting words.

“Why did we come to the Burrow and not Grimmauld?” Sirius asked, sitting at the table confused. While he didn’t like Grimmauld it at least had more room.

Remus, Tonks, Hermione, Ron and Ginny, all looked to Dumbledore for answers. They had all been expecting to go back to Grimmauld.

“It would seem we are no longer welcome there. I tried entering to find out why the charm broke, and you were ejected from the house, but I could not get passed the wards.” Dumbledore informed them.

“How did the charm even break? That shouldn’t be possible.” Hermione inquired.

“The Lord of the house could do it, plus kick us out.” Remus interjected.

“It’s a Black family house. That means Lord Black did it.” Tonks snarled. She was angry over everything that had happened in the past 24 hours.

“Who’s the current Lord Black?” Molly asked, setting everyone’s tea on the table before sitting down. “I haven’t heard anything about it.”

“I don’t know.” Sirius wondered. “It can’t be the Malfoy kid, he's too young.”

“Malfoy would be bragging if it was him.” Ron sneered.

“Ron they just said he was too young.” Hermione whacked him.

“Too bad we can’t get into Grimmauld to look at the family tree.” Remus remarked.

“Well maybe I can.” Sirius grinned. “I’m still of Black blood and the wards let me in before.”

“It would depend on how Lord Black kicked us out.” Remus commented with a frown.

“I’ll try right now.” Sirius grinned and hopped up, making his way out the door.

Remus sighed, shaking his head.

“Do you think he’ll get in?” Hermione asked curiously looking towards the door.

“There is a chance he’ll get in.” Dumbledore said, his tone full of doubt.

Tonks snorted in disdain. “Doubtful. He was, after all, rejected with us.”

“Molly dear, would you mind terribly if we used the Burrow for headquarters until I find us another place?” Dumbledore asked with his eyes twinkling.

“Oh, course not Albus, though it’ll be a bit tight not just with room but food as well with Arthur not working and now these fines.” Molly frets looking at Dumbledore imploringly.

“I will take care of all the fines.” Dumbledore assures them all with his grandfatherly smile. Dumbledore knew he still needed them or else he wouldn’t have offered. He would make sure he got back every Knut from Harry.

“Thank you Albus. That’s so kind of you.” Molly smiles.

“Thank you.” The others chimed.

“I can’t believe this happened.” Hermione cried out suddenly. “It’s going to be on my permanent record. How will I be able to be the Minister of Magic now?”

“It’ll be fine, deary.” Molly consoled her. She still thought the girl was being ridiculous about being Minster; Hermione, after marrying her son, would be at home taking care of her Ronnie and grandchildren.

Tonks brightened. “As minister you can just erase this from all our records. As for being Headmaster, by the time you graduate our plans will be fulfilled.”

Hermione beamed at her. “True.”

“It didn’t work!” Sirius shouted entering the kitchen before dramatically dropping into an empty chair.

“Thank for trying, my boy.” Dumbledoor nodded towards him.

“How will we get our stuff?” Ron grumbled. He had been told it would be fine to bring his stuff to Grimmauld and now they were gone.

“All of our things are outside sitting on the end of the drive just on the edge of the property wards.” Sirius mentioned off handedly.

“Kids go gather up our stuff.” Molly instructed. “Hopefully its everything.”

“But-” Ron began.

“No buts. Now go. All of you.” She demanded looking at the three teens.

Grumbling, they did as they were told.

“Albus, what about Potter? Do you think he was the one that told the Aurors?” Molly questioned.

“No, there was no way he could get past the Fidelius charm.” He said confidently. “There is also the fact that Amelia did not recognize who gave the tip.”

“Harry is still recognizable as Harry Potter even with the long hair.” Lupin murmured.

“Sirius, I suggest when you go to Gringotts to make sure your vault is in order for the ministry compensation, you also see if you can find out who Lord Black is.” Dumbledore told him.

Sirius nodded, as a member of house Black he should be informed who the Lord is. “I plan to head there right away.”

It was silent after that as the adults contemplated what had gone wrong. Yes, Sirius was free but at what cost. They lost Grimmauld, Tonks was fired, fines were expensive and worse of all, people now knew James and Lily weren’t married.


Harry sat in Grimmauld Place, he was going through the Black family charter and talking to a few portraits about Sirius. He was trying to find out what to do about Sirius, all of the portraits told him to disown him. He turned on the family a long time ago and was now willing to steal and allow a member to be drugged.

Harry agreed and while he did want to do it during a dramatic time, he was informed that Sirius could find out it was Harry that was Lord Black.

“I, Harry James Licorus Potter-Black-Peverell-Garlot, Lord of the House of Black, hereby disown Sirius Orion Black for crimes against the Black Family. So mote it be.”

Shortly after Harry felt a wave of magic caress him before it seemed to join his own. Harry was confused by that, and it must have shown on his face.

“It is just the Family Magic from Sirius No Name.” A Portrait of a sophisticated man commented. “When you disown a member the Family Magic joins the Lord’s Magic.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that.”

“Most don’t for the protection of the Family. Lords of our house who disown family members only figure it out after.” He explained.

“Thank you for explaining.”

“Well, you carry my name so I will help you do it proud.” The portrait self-importantly stated. “I am Licorus Black.”

“Nice to meet you. I will do my best to live up to our name.” Harry assured him.

The portrait, Licorus, nodded. “I could tell he was never going to stay a Black, he was too much like my uncle Castor. Looks like him too.”

Harry stared at Licorus. “Your uncle Castor?”

“Yes. Very impulsive and obsessive. Castor killed a man he was obsessed with, who rejected him, right outside the ministry. Everyone was frozen in shock. After a moment the anger seemed to drain away, and Castor seemed to realize what he had done. He gathered the dead man in his arms screaming the man’s name ‘Harrison’ before killing himself.”

Harry was shocked. He had wondered what had happened after he died.

“I know it's unbelievable, but I was there with my father who was Lord Black at the time. We were so ashamed, and my father disowned him post-mortem.” He continued.

“Well, I’m glad he didn’t stay a part of the family.” Harry was a little disappointed that Castor didn’t rot in Azkaban but at least he didn’t live a long happy life.


Sirius was walking with Remus to Gringotts. He was so happy to finally be free. He no longer had to hide. He was so glad Albus was finally able to convince the Wizengamot to give him a trial and just in time too. He could even become an active member of the Order again.

While he would have to keep playing godfather to James’s brat it was easy money. He was supposed to be James’s and Lily’s child’s godfather. But no James refused to marry the witch like he was told to. How he hated James for betraying him. He was supposed to always be on his side, on the light’s side. He never did find out why-

Sirius felt a wave of magic wash over him, cutting off his thoughts, and before he knew it, he felt his family magic being ripped from him. Screaming in pain, Sirius collapsed just outside of Gringotts.

The next thing he was aware of was Remy calling his name.

“It’s gone.” Sirius cried, “I’ve been disowned.”



By: Rita Skeeter

My dear readers…

Albus didn’t even bother reading the article. Sighing he sucked on an unaltered lemon drop. He couldn’t understand why this had happened. Everything seemed to keep getting worse. Lord Black, whomever he was, disowned Sirius before he could make it to the bank. He didn’t understand why he was disowned when he was. Sirius was deemed innocent. Maybe Lord Black was a Death Eater or a supporter of the Dark.

He wondered who this Lord Black is and if maybe he was the one mentioned in the prophecy, after all most Blacks are insane. It was possible that it wasn’t about Tom.

When Sirius and Lupin came back to the Burrow, Sirius had to lay on the couch, he was so weak from the loss of magic. He had to reassure Sirius that he would still get his compensation from the minister, even though he was now a No Name.

Sirius now either needed to marry or be welcomed back to the Black family which wouldn’t happen until they knew who Lord Black was. Lupin would offer to marry Sirius however there were laws against werewolves marrying. While none knew it, Albus had made sure that Bill had passed. He didn’t want to encourage werewolves procreating.

Albus had promised that he would look into what their options were.

Albus sighed. He couldn’t even blame this on the Potter brat. It was Lord Black who was now messing with his plans.



By: Rita Skeeter

My dear readers, as you know during Sirius No Name’s trial some interesting Truth were revealed. For more information on the actual trial, you can read about it in our previous paper. Now during the trial Mr. No Name, the following took place:

(AB is Amelia Bones and SN is Sirius No Name)

AB: Were you the James and Lily Potter’s Secret Keeper?

SN: No.

AB: Who was James and Lily Potter’s secret keeper?

SN: Peter Pettigrew was James Potter’s and Lily Evans’ secret keeper.

AB: Lily Evans? Didn’t Lily Evans marry James Potter, taking his surname?

SN: No, James refused to marry her.

There you have it my dear readers. No, I was still skeptical cause we all KNOW that James Potter married Lily Evans and had Harry Potter. I, your diligent reporter, went to investigate. I spent many hours in the Archives looking for the Potter’s Marriage Certificate, there wasn’t one. Now that doesn’t mean they weren’t married as some families don’t like to register their marriage with the ministry.

However, I came across Lily Evans’ Magical Death Certificate. (see picture below) As you can clearly see, she died an Evans and therefore did not marry James Potter. No, that's not all that’s shocking. I’m sure many of you, dear readers, understand the significance of me seeing Lily Evans’ Magical Death Certificate. To refresh your memory any witch or wizard who has died, unless allowed by the family, others are unable to access with the exception if they have no other living magical relatives. Yes, dear readers, according to Magic, Lily Evans has no magical relatives.

Harry Potter is in fact not the son of Lily Evans. So, who is the other parent of the Boy-Who-Lived?

I, Rita Skeeter, your assiduous reporter will make it my mission to discover the truth of this scandal.


Severus Snape was staring at the latest edition of the Prophet.

How could this be possible?

He was certain that his sweet Lily had married Potter. They had dated in their last year at Hogwarts after all. He was sure of it, even if their friendship had been over by that point. Hell, everyone knew they were together.

Did Potter not follow through and abandon Lily after Hogwarts? Or did Lily finally realize she could do much better? But why were they living together? And how did the Potter brat come in?

No, this article was obviously a lie in order to distract the people away from the Ministries shortcomings.


Harry wiped the sweat off his brow as he finished setting up the ritual he planned to do. He was down in the Garlot ritual chamber surrounded by hundreds of lit candles. The circle he just finished was made up of different runes, some long forgotten. Laying in the middle of the circle was the destroyed diary of Tom Riddle.

Hearing the chimes indicating it was midnight, Harry began to chant in ancient Greek. He felt the magic rise in the room. Electricity raced across his skin as the air thickened. As Harry finished chanting a gust of wind swept across the room, blowing out all the candles, submerging the room in darkness.

“Lumos.” Harry murmured, causing a ball of light to form in his palm. Looking around Harry spotted the Diary. It was in perfect condition and fully restored. Tom’s soul piece included. “Hello Tom.” Harry smiled.

Chapter 12


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry shadowed to Hogsmeade just as the other students who were returning to Hogwarts after Yule break were getting off the train. He joined a carriage with some older years who just ignored him.

Entering the Great Hall, he immediately makes his way over to Neville.

“Hey Nev, how was your Yule?” Harry greeted.

“Harry! What happened? You and the Weasleys just left.” Neville questioned in concerned.

“Mr. Weasley got injured so Dumbledore portkeyed us away to a safe house. I unfortunately was forced to go with them. I ditched them after a couple of days after hearing them planning to drug me again.” Harry informed him with a shrug.

“That’s...” Neville trailed off.

“Yeah.” Harry agreed. “Other than that, it was a productive holiday.” He informed the other boy thinking of Tom’s Diary he had safely stored at Garlot Manor.

“That’s good. Mine was the same as usual.” Neville looked away awkwardly and uncomfortable with the attention switched to his holiday break.

“Did you like your gift?” Harry questioned, curiously and hoping it would distract the other boy from whatever made him uncomfortable. “I wasn’t sure if you had one or not.” Harry had given Neville a variant of a Barnacle Tree; a tree that has barnacles that open on Ostara, revealing small, colourful songbirds. He had a few at Garlot Manor and knew Neville would take great care of it.

Neville beamed at him. “I loved it. Where did you find a small one?”

“I’ll show you this summer if you’d like?”

“I’d love that.” After a pause, where the other boy seemed to be gathering up his courage he spoke again. “So… Umm… The Prophet-”

“POTTER!” Malfoy called cutting off Neville as he walked up with Crabbe and Goyle. “Is it true?”

“What?” Harry asked, already knowing what the blonde prat was going to say.

“You’re a born bastard?” he smirked, looking at all the others who immediately focused on them.

Harry rolled his eyes. “No, my parents were married.”

Malfoy looked shocked at that before smirking again. “Didn’t you hear? That mudblood wasn’t married to your father and wasn’t even your mother.”

“Malfoy.” Harry gave an exaggerated sigh. “I have known for a while Lily Evans wasn’t married to my father. I know who both my parents are. Just because the paper and public are only finding out now doesn’t make it new news to me.” Harry gave him a pitying look.

Malfoy looked insulted. “Well, who is your mother?”

“Not any of your business. Now I suggest you go to your own table.”

“I will find out, Potter!” he declared haughtily before storming to his table, while others began to whisper different theories.

“HARRY!” was shouted as Hermione stormed up to the table, a Weasley on both sides.

He sighed. He hoped this didn’t become a routine thing.

“Where have you been!” She screeched.

“When?” Harry calmly asked.

“You know exactly when!” Ron snarled, angry that Harry ditched him.

Everyone around them was watching more than usual. When Harry had disappeared with the Weasley kids, people had begun to think that the trio had made up. However, this suggested otherwise.

“I don’t know why the headmaster sent me with you guys.” Harry shrugged indifferently. “I already had Yule plans.”

“What plans?” Ginny questioned innocently, attempting to flutter her eyelashes. She ended up looking like there was just something stuck in her eyes.

“Nothing that concerns any of you.” Harry answered. He was getting tired of people, of children, expecting him to tell them everything they wanted to know.

Dumbledore called everyone to attention, causing the three to sit down and shut up. Dumbledore began his welcome back from Christmas break speech.

A note requesting Harry to the headmaster’s office after dinner appeared next to his plate. Harry sighed; he knew he would be questioned but he didn’t like it, especially right away.

Ignoring the note for now, Harry chatted with Neville. They mostly talked about plants and classes. Hermione for her part tried to interject and join in the conversation but they just looked at her until she stopped talking then continued their conversation. She eventually just stopped trying. It probably helped that she never really cared for plants, especially non-magical ones.

After he finished eating, he informed Neville what he was doing and headed to the headmaster’s office, and if he walked slower than normal that was nobodies’ business but his own.

Entering the office, Dumbledore invited him to sit. “Lemon drop?”

“No, thank you, sir.” Harry declined.

“I called you up here, my boy, to find out how you were doing.” Dumbledore began in a soothing tone.

“Sir?” Harry questioned, wondering what the old goat was up too now.

“I wanted to tell you that your parents loved you very much. The prophet is being outrageous in their attack against you.” Dumbledore gave him a disappointed look. “Don’t take what they are saying to heart. Your parents, James and Lily Potter were married, and you are their son.” He stressed.

Harry was actually surprised the old goat thought he was that stupid and would believe him. Maybe a Harry on compulsions might but he was happily clean and not an idiot.

“Now to more pressing things. What happened during break?” Dumbledore’s eyes lost their twinkle showing barely concealed anger as he stared at him.

“I’m unsure what you mean, Headmaster. I had plans during the break, and once I was finished with that, I went back to Grimmauld. For some reason I couldn’t get back in, so I went home.” Harry lied, making sure his occlumency shields were up but allowing a false memory of trying to open the door at Grimmauld in front of the shields.

“My boy, what were your plans?” Dumbledore said in forced politeness.

“It's nothing that concerns you, Headmaster.” Harry waved him off, airily. He could see Dumbles jaw clench in annoyance and anger. “Was there anything else?”

“Yes. With Voldemort being back you will need to learn to protect your mind.” Dumbledore began. “I have requested Professor Snape to teach you. You will be expected to be in his office once a week for lessons.” His eyes twinkled again.

Harry was annoyed at having no say in this, especially since he knew Dumbles still thought he had the blocks that wouldn’t allow an occlumency shield. However, he knew arguing wouldn’t do any good.

“Was there anything else, headmaster?” Harry asked, not agreeing or disagreeing, watching the twinkle dim in the old man’s eyes.

“No.” with that, Harry was dismissed and headed to the Gryffindor common room.


Albus threw one of his desk baubles across his office.

“How dare, that brat! Sneaking off! Refusing to tell me! I am Albus Dumbledore! Lord of the Light!” He ranted.

“False light.” Phineas Black’s portrait corrected with a smirk.

Albus froze.

“The false light shall be seen by all.” Phineas quoted the line from the prophecy.

“I'm not the false light.” Albus denied. “I’ve done everything for the greater good.”

All the portraits snorted.

“You’re greater good. Not anyone else’s.” Dippet sneered. “I wish I saw the real you before I died.”

“I tried to warn you.” Phineas stated.

“I know.” Dippet looked mournful, but he had not trusted the other due to Dumbledore’s whispers.

“Everything I do is for the greater good for all. I admit I focus more on the many rather then the individual but that is a sacrifice I must make.” Albus acknowledged. “Now I have things I must do, so be silent.” He waved his wand putting them to sleep.

It was now time to speak with Severus about Potter’s occlumency lessons. He would finally discover what the brat is hiding.


Harry was eating breakfast with Neville the next morning, when Snape walked up behind him.

“Mr. Potter, I will see you in my office tonight at 7pm to go over the lessons the headmaster requested I give you and my expectations.” The man walked away without waiting for a reply.

Harry rolled his eyes. He never agreed and wasn’t planning on going. It’s not like they could actually force him. It was illegal after all to use legilimency on a student. As a last resort they’ll just discover he did have occlumency shields and the rest of his secrets will still be hidden.

Owls began swooping in the Great Hall. The morning post has arrived. Right away the front-page of The Prophet catches everyone’s attention.


The article went into details on who escaped and what their crimes were. They were going on about how Sirius No-Name was the first and that it shouldn’t be surprising that his former cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, had now managed. The DMLE was going to speak with Mr. No-Name and find out how he did it.

“See this is proof!” Hermione shouted. “You-Know-Who is back and broke out his loyal Death Eaters!”

People scoffed at her, though a few did look thoughtful.

Harry noticed Neville had gone pale. He quickly left the Great Hall and Harry followed him.

“Hey Nev, are you okay?” Harry asked when he caught up to the boy.

Neville kept walking but slowed his pace allowing Harry to walk next to him. “Do you know what happened to my parents?”

“No.” Harry answered honestly.

“Bellatrix Lestrange. She tortured them.” Neville’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. “She tortured them to insanity. Then she left them.” Neville took a breath. “I visit my parents in St. Mungos, but they don’t recognize anything, not even their son.”

“I’m sorry, mate. That’s awful.” Harry grimaced. That was horrible and he wished he could help… and actually he might be able to. There was ancient magic that seemed lost to this modern age that might work. Harry would have to find out exactly what ails the Longbottoms. He didn’t mention anything to Neville just in case he was wrong.

“Yeah…” Neville solemnly agreed as they reached his destination, Greenhouse 6. “I think I’m going to work on my plants for a while.”

Harry nodded, understanding that Neville would like to be alone. “I’ll see you later.”


Neville sighed softly as he put his gloves away and ventured out of the greenhouse. He was so thankful Professor Sprout allowed him to use the greenhouse whenever he wished. He found tending to the plants calming.

He did as Harry suggested and began looking into his family history over Yule break. He had indeed found that the Longbottoms indeed did have many Masters of Herbology. It was only the last couple of hundreds of years that it changed. The plant nursery that Henry Longbottom created had tripled the family’s wealth. It however mysteriously burned to ashes in the 1750s and the Longbottoms stopped being Herbology Masters.

“Blaise, come on.” A voice brought Neville out of his thoughts.

Looking around Neville spotted two Slytherins walking seemingly towards him.

“Theo, he’s probably not even there. It’s daytime.” Zabini points out walking with Nott.

Neville frowns at that. He wondered what the two Slytherins were up too.

Nott sees him and then actually walks over to him, Zabini following with a blank face.

“Longbottom.” Nott greets when he’s closer.

“Nott. Zabini.” Neville inclines his head. He didn’t really know the two, but they never did anything to him.

“Have you noticed anything different about the plants in the forest?” Nott questions immediately.

Neville startles. He didn’t realize anyone knew he went out there.

“We aren’t going to say anything, Longbottom.” Zabini flashes him a smile.

“Oh. Uhm.” Neville blushes and thinks for a moment about how the plants have been acting. “Yeah actually. They are more… magical?” He frowns at his answer but can’t think of a better word to explain it.

“See He’s affecting the ecosystem, which means that if he has been here before, it’s been a long time.” Nott explains looking at Zabini. “So maybe he only shows up during a certain time or to protect certain people.”

“Uh, who?” Neville asks, confused.

Nott and Zabini look at him before sharing a look. “You can’t tell anyone Longbottom.” Nott states sternly as Zabini puts up an anti-eavesdropping spell. “I wouldn’t even tell you, but I need your plant expertise.”


“There’s a new creature in the Forbidden Forest.” Zabini says bluntly.

“What?” Neville asks.

“We have no idea what it is.”

“It saved my life the first time I met him.” Nott begins. “I was in the forest and got caught by a troll. He came out of nowhere and roared at the troll and the troll turned and ran. He then took me back to the school.”

“I went out with Theo, and he was showing me the spot. He then showed up and escorted us back to the castle.” Zabini added.

“What does He look like?” Neville questioned. Not many creatures could scare a troll.

“Well…” Nott seemed hesitant. “It's like a giant, aquatic lion.”

“A giant, aquatic lion?” Neville repeats.

“Meet us, tonight.” Zabini tells him. “Right here at, let’s say, one a.m.”

Neville nods confused. Not sure if he is actually agreeing or not.

“See you then.” And with that both Slytherins leave.

Neville wanders back to the castle lost in thought and indecision.


Thank for all the comments and kudos!
Sorry if this chapter isn't up to par. sh*t happened but I didn't want to not post a chapter this week.

Chapter 13


Thank you all for all the support. I hope your end of the year is going great and have a happy new year!!

Chapter Text

Harry was wondering about the castle lost in thought. He would probably sneak into St. Mungos tonight before his nightly run. It would allow him to see what condition the Longbottoms were in and if it was curable. He knew with how limited magical Britain had made itself with the banning of different types of magic, so it was possible there was a cure.

“Harry!” a voice called out.

Turning Harry spotted Cho walking towards him, her raven hair pulled back with a pink butterfly clip.

“Hi, Cho.” Harry greeted. He4 no longer had a crush on her like he had last year. He now saw her as a child compared to himself.

“How have you been?” She asked nervously.

“Good and yourself?”

“Did you know next Hogsmeade weekend is on Valentine's Day?” She blurts out, before blushing and looking away.

“Uhh… No, I didn’t.” He responds awkwardly. He gets the feeling that she wants him to ask her on a date but that’s not happening.

“Yeah. How crazy is that?” She now smiles at him.

“I’m sure it sometimes happens.” Harry shrugs.

Cho is now frowning but as she opens her mouth-

“Harry!” is yelled again.

Hermione and Ginny rush up to them. Both girls glare at Cho.

“Chang.” Hermione greets.

“Granger. Weasley.” Cho greets with a smirk.

Harry sees what’s happening and hopes he has the patience for dealing with teenage drama.

“Harry, we’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Ginny says, batting her eyelashes.

“Why did you leave the Great Hall? We finally got the proof we need to prove You-Know-Who is back.” Hermione questioned.

“Me and Harry were having a conversation here.” Cho points out.

“Why would he want to talk to you?” Ginny asked nastily.

We were talking about Valentine’s Day.” Cho smirked, crossing her arms to better look down on the younger girl.

“WHAT!?” Ginny exclaimed face turning red.

Hermione turned up her nose, saying, “You’re lying. Harry wouldn’t take you. Right, Harry? If anyone, he would take Ginny.”

Ginny preens at Hermione’s near demand.

Harry raised his eyebrow, not at all impressed, but the girls were off again before he could get a word in.

“What Harry and I do is none of your business. Don’t you have a Weasel to pant after?”

Hermione pinched her lips as her face started to burn puce colour. “I do not pant after—"

“Harry!” Ginny called sharply. “I’m free on Valentine’s Day.”

Cho latches onto Harry’s arm. “As if he would be interested in a child! What are you, ten and a half?”

“I’m thirteen.” Ginny snaps back. “And at least I don’t look like a troll with makeup.”

Cho gasped in outrage. Letting go of Harry to step closer to the other girls as they continue to insult each other.

Harry decides to just walk away. It's not as if any of them are going to listen to him and he wants absolutely no part of any of that. Turns out he doesn’t have the patience.

“You made him leave!” he hears as he walks around a corner.

Ugh. He hoped that was the last time that would happen.


Ron was furious as he stomped up to his empty dorm room. He angrily removes his quidditch gear.

“How dare Johnson kick me off the Quidditch team! And replace me with McLaggen! I’m a much better keeper! This is all Potter’s fault!” Ron rants to himself. “If he didn’t quit, Johnson never would have blamed me! I can’t wait until he dies! He’s a useless freak that ruins everything! I’m so much better! Soon people will see!”

Ron sits on his bed. He would need to speak to Dumbledore about this. How was he to be the captain if he wasn’t on the team. Dumbledore would need to take care of Potter, too. Even Hermione is unable to keep him under control and she’s taking it out on him! It’s Potter’s fault not his.

As Ron thinks about Hermione, he’s starting to regret Dumbledore choosing her to be his future wife. While Hermione was able to make herself pretty, she rarely puts in the effort. She’s always wanting to study and constantly going on about becoming the Minister of Magic. She’s also constantly nagging him and being bossy. Hermione also hits him a lot.

Ron wants his future wife to be gorgeous, always. Someone who will stay at home and look after his children while he works as an Auror. She’ll cook his favourite meals and keep the house clean. She will take care of his every need and never question him. What he says goes, it's simple. Someone like Lavender.

Oh, Lavender. She is exactly the kind of girl Ron can appreciate with her hair done up pretty and breasts on display. She doesn’t talk about studying all the time either. Ron saw her watching his Quidditch Practices this year. She knows how great he is. Now if only Johnson wasn’t such a f*cking cow! Everything would be perfect.

Ron would speak to Dumbledore without Hermione and hopefully when they kill Potter, Hermione can be taken out too.


Theo and Blaise stand in front of the greenhouse where they ran into Longbottom during the day.

“Do you think he’s going to show?” Theo asks.

“It’s hard to say. Two Slytherins basically just told him to meet them alone in the dead of night to go onto the Forbidden Forest. So, the only thing I can see convincing him is that while we never stood up for him; neither have we actively done anything to him and he’s a Gryffindor known for their bravery and recklessness.” Blaise smirks after he answers.

“You forgot foolishness.” Longbottom says coming around the greenhouse.

Blaise smiles at him. “I’m glad you came.”

“Yeah... Well...” He flushes and looks away.

Theo raises his eyebrow at the two before shaking his head lightly. “Let’s go.” He declares and starts walking.

“Shall we.” Blaise sweeps his arm forward.

Longbottom nods and begins following Theo. Blaise walks next to Longbottom, allowing Theo to lead. The path was narrow, and the underbrush smacked back into their faces behind Theo who took to it like he walked this path everyday.

Neville wasn’t really sure where they were going and began to regret not asking and coming out here. What if something happened? He would have no idea which way was back and perhaps he should have told somebody. Neville wasn’t really worried about the Slytherins. They seemed alright in his books so far but there are many other things he is worried about. The Gryffindors tell all sorts of stories about the beasts that roam these woods.

Neville doesn’t realize he is shaking until Zabini places a hand on his shoulder, causing Neville to jump. “Eep!”

Zabini removes his hand quickly startled. Neville blushes. “Alright, Longbottom?”

“I—” Whatever Neville was going to say was cut off by Nott’s whispered shout.

“Guys, stop flirting and come take a look at this.”

There on one of the ancient trees at the edge of the clearing is perfectly defined giant claw marks.

Nott walks towards them. He runs his hands over the mark. “He must have done it after taking us back to the castle last time.” Nott remarks.

“Big cats are known to mark their territory.” Zabini commented.

“N-now what?” Neville stutters, eyes wide as he stares at the claw marks. He is definitely regretting coming out here.

“Now we wait and observe the forest around us.” Nott spoke determinedly.


Harry was under his invisibility cloak walking through St. Mungos. He didn’t expect it to be this easy to break into the hospital, especially the Janus Thickey Ward where the patients are so very vulnerable.

Oh well. Makes this excursion easy for Harry.

Entering the room indicated as the Longbottom’s room, Harry carefully checked for alarms of any sort. The only one he found was a monitoring charm on Frank and Alice Longbottom and it only monitored their vitals. There was nothing against intruders and or stopping someone from using magic against them.

Shaking his head, Harry decided that he would donate to St. Mungos with the stipulation that they were to invest in some wards to protect their patients. While on one hand it made what he came infinite more easier, on the other it was scary to think if he ever ended up in the hospital he would be vulnerable.

Throwing a locking charm on the door Harry took off his cloak and placed it on the chair at the end of Alice’s bed.

“Ladies first.” He muttered and walked closer to Alice. Taking out his wand he cast a complex diagnoses charm on her. Once the results were done, Harry moved on to Frank without reading the results. Only after he had both results did Harry read them.

It would seem that the long term torture and exposure from the Cruciatus Curse is why they were here. However, their comas were magically induced. Whether it was to heal them or nefarious purposes Harry couldn’t say. Looking at the scans though Harry knew a potion created by Salazar Slytherin himself that would heal their minds.

With the muggles witch hunting, it wasn’t unusual to find a witch or wizard that was hurt and had chronic pain. Salazar created the potion in order to fight off the effect that chronic pain had on the mind.

Harry could remember watching his father create the potion. There was a lot of trial and error, but he eventually did it, then he taught his children how to create it, just in case. Harry missed his slightly paranoid father; he had a good life as Hendricus and wished it could have been longer. Unfortunately, he always seems to trust the wrong people.

With a sigh, he shoved the results in his pocket and put on his invisibility cloak. It would take him a week to make the potion, then he would be back.


“He’s not coming and it's getting late.” Blaise declared.

Theo scowled at his friend.

“What? He would be here already if he was going to.” Blaise shrugged.

“Maybe because we aren’t in danger.” Longbottom spoke up, flushing when they looked at him. He looked away focussing on the cutting he had taken from one of the plants that seemed more magical before speaking again. “W-what? Y-you said he came when you were being attacked by a t-troll and on a full moon.”

“He makes a point. Especially if He is some sort of guardian.” Blaise agreed.

Theo’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “Okay maybe we can try again another night.”

With that the unlikely trio made their way back to the castle.

“Sorry we dragged you out here, Longbottom.” Blaise gave the other boy an apologetic smile.

“I-it’s okay. I had fun.” Longbottom looked at the ground. “I mean, it's crazy how much excess magic the plants are giving off.”

“I wonder how that’s going to affect the creatures that live off them and if it will affect us at the school in any way.” Theo questioned, his mind spinning with the possibilities. He wondered if he ate an edible plant that was affected, how it might affect him.

“I can ask Hagrid if he has noticed anything different about the creatures.”

Both Slytherins grimaced but nodded.

Reaching the Entrance Hall, they bid each other a good night and the two Slytherins headed to the dungeons while the lone Gryffindor made his way to the tower.


Harry had woken Neville up and basically dragged the sleep deprived boy out of bed. He politely didn’t ask why the other was so tired. He knew yesterday’s paper had hit the boy badly. Unfortunately, it was Monday which meant classes.

They sat down for breakfast and Harry made a plate up for Neville.

“Thanks, Harry.” He mumbled before he began to eat.

“Anytime.” Harry told him before making his own plate up and eating.

After a moment Harry could feel someone glaring at him. Discreetly looking around he spotted Zabini glaring at him. He wondered why and caught the other boy’s eye with a raised eyebrow.

Zabini didn’t look away. It seemed however the impromptu staring contest was noticed by another Slytherin. Nott elbowed Zabini, making the other boy look away from Harry and at his friend. Nott seemed to say something that made Zabini frown.

“Harry?” Neville broke his attention from the two Slytherins. “You, okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good. I just seemed to have another person mad at me for whatever perceived insults that happened in their mind.” Harry shrugged.

Neville glanced at the Slytherin table. “Who?”

Harry however noticed that Zabini was now looking at Neville with a smirk. The Slytherin winked and Neville looked away with a flush. How interesting. Now that he takes a better look at Zabini the boy also looks like he didn’t get a lot of sleep. It could be coincidence, but coincidences rarely happen in Harry’s experience.

“It doesn’t matter.” Harry gave his friend a small smile. “We should get to class.”

Neville nodded and they, and most students, went to their first class.

Chapter 14


As always, thank you for all the Kudos and Comments. Your support means a lot. Enjoy the next chapter, sorry its more of a filler.

Chapter Text

Albus and Minerva sat in his office drinking tea. They were waiting on Snape so that they may discuss the Potter brat’s first Occlumency lesson. He wanted to know what had happened to his weapon and why he was being difficult.

A sharp quick knock sounded though the office.

Albus flicked his wand, opening the door. “Come in, my boy.”

Snape sneered at the term of endearment Albus used constantly.

“Severus.” Minerva greeted. “Tea?”

The man swept to their table taking the only chair that was still available. “Minerva. Yes, two sugars.” The Potion Master was untrusting as always; by adding sugar if there was a potion in the tea it would cause it to crystalize on the bottom.

“Now that we are all here, we can get started.” Albus announced. “How did your lesson go with Mr. Potter, Severus?”

Snape sneered. “The arrogant brat never showed up.”

“What? I had told him he was to have lessons with you.” How dare that brat not listen to him? He needed to know what was going through the boy’s head and what secrets he kept.

“I wasted precious time waiting for him to show up and nothing. When I see him, he will lose a lot of house points and have detention for a week!” Snape said venomously.

“What are we going to do now?” Minerva questioned. “Legally we can’t force the boy to learn Occlumency and Severus would be thrown in Azkaban if he attempted Legilimency on Harry without his permission.”

“I will speak to him again.” Albus let out a tired sigh. “Try and reason how it’s for the best that he be taught Occlumency from you.”

Snape scoffed. “That boy needs discipline, Albus. He’s been strutting around these halls just like his father since he’s been here.”

Minerva scowled at Snape.

It was times like this that Albus disliked Severus’ prejudice against the Potters. It made times like this hard to actually get the man's help. His mind clouded with memories of the past.

“Now my boy, Harry isn’t like that.” Though as he was saying this Albus did think about how Harry was acting. Not arrogant but more confident then Albus wanted him to be.

“You’re not helping, Severus.” Minerva spoke up. “The only thing we can do is to try and impress upon him the dangers of an unguarded mind. We can’t push too hard however because whatever occurred over the summer caused him to lose a lot of trust in us and his friends.”

“I believe that will have to suffice for now.” Albus agreed, hiding his anger at his ruined plan.

“Do you think Moody is correct and it is perhaps a sweetheart that could possibly be a dark witch?” Minerva hesitantly brought up.

“Who would want a Potter?” Snape scoffed.

He was ignored.

“It is very possible.” Albus agreed thinking it did make sense. Maybe he should put some more thought into that theory.


Dolores was upset. She had been here in Hogwarts for months and things were not going as planned. She was supposed to already be Headmistress and have Dumbledore fired. She unfortunately couldn’t find enough on the man to fire him. No one was speaking up about him in a criminal way, just that he was biased to his own house and unfair towards others.

Harry Potter seemed to be a completely different person then she expected. She was expecting a brash, arrogant, rude boy and instead he was quiet but respectful. He always completed assignments, never questioned her like his ex-friend, and never caused her any trouble. Dolores had expected that she would need to teach the boy a lesson and to respect the Ministry, but she didn’t.

Those who caused the most trouble were the youngest Weasley boy and Granger. They kept questioning her and shouting nonsense about You-Know-Who. If only her blood quills had survived the wards of Hogwarts.

On top of being here, her holiday break was ruined with the news of Sirius Bl- No Name being caught, tried, and found innocent. Cornelius was absolutely panicking about losing his job due to this scandal. Dolores had to calm him down before she reminded him that he was not a part of the scandal but the Minister who had fixed a mistake from his predecessor.

The only two good things that came out of the trial was Dumbledore looking bad and the scandal about James Potter not being married to Lily Evans which took most of the public’s focus. Everyone loved the drama of that and would rather focus on it then an innocent being sent to Azkaban. Rita Skeeter was doing an excellent job of keeping the focus where the Minister wished it.

The bell rang interrupting her musings.

Dolores sighed. She hated these brats.


Harry was sitting at the Gryffindor table eating lunch alone when an unknown barn owl landed in front of him. He ignored the stares of the students around him and untied the letter from the owl. The owl then quickly snatched a piece of bacon before flying away.

Harry was admittedly shocked when the letter was immediately ripped from his grasp. Turning around he saw Hermione holding it. He didn’t even hear her enter, which was a first cause she’d so huffy at her Defense study idea failing.

“This is from the Ministry.” She loudly proclaimed.

“It’s none of your business, Granger. I suggest you give me back my letter and learn some manners. It is rude to take what’s not yours.” Harry spoke coldly towards her.

She, of course, ignored him. “Why is the Ministry sending you letters?” she questioned. “What did you do?” She looked gleeful.

Harry, noticing all the people watching, understood he had a few options. One he could demand the letter back again and/or just take it. He understood that that would allow rumours that they could possibly use against him. He could also just let her open it and read it out loud. As he suspected what was in the letter, he decided the latter option was best.

“Why don’t you read it out loud, Granger, since you're so determined to know.” Harry suggested watching her.

Granger looked suspicious but smirked and opened the letter.

Harry flicked his hand and subtly cast a spell so she would have to read the entire contents out loud. He did this so she wouldn’t back out and not read it all.

With a final glance at Harry, she opened the letter and began to read.

“Dear, Mr. Potter.

Below you will find the result of the O.W.L.s that you have taken at the Ministry on December 20, 1995 and December 22, 1995.

Passing Grades: O=Outstanding, EE=Exceeds Expectations, A=Acceptable.

Failing Grades: P=Poor, D=Dreadful, T=Troll

Results for Harry James Potter

Runes …………………………………………………O

Arithmancy ……………………………………..…..O

Warding ………………………………………….….O

Enchanting ………………………………………...O

Healing ……………………………………………..O

Congratulations, Mr. Potter. You have passed all the exams you have so far taken and have thoroughly impressed us examiners with your knowledge and skills. Keep up the good work. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Professor T. Tofty

Wizarding Examinations Authority

Department of Education

British Ministry of Magic”

After Granger finished reading the letter, the Great Hall was silent for a moment before people began congratulating him on his results.

“This is a lie!” Hermione screeched, silencing the well wishers. “First, you’ve never taken any of these classes! And Warding? Enchanting? Healing? Those O.W.L.s don’t exist! You’re lying.”

“Miss Granger. There are more O.W.L.s than what Hogwarts offers at the Ministry. Warding, Enchanting and Healing are only a few examples. That is also an authentic Ministry seal, impossible to replicate. Now give Mr. Potter back his results and stop causing a scene.” The Head of Hufflepuff told Granger sternly.

Hermione tossed the letter at Harry before storming out of the Great Hall.

“Congratulations, Mr. Potter.” Professor Sprout smiled at him.

“Thank you, Professor.” Harry smiled back, before placing the letter in his satchel. He then decided he was done eating and left the Great Hall. He had Herbology next, and Neville was already there, choosing to check on his plants instead of eating lunch with the masses.

“Hey Harry.” Cho says as she starts walking next to Harry.

“Hi.” Harry greeted politely, hiding his grimace.

“Congratulations on your O.W.L.s. I never knew how smart you were.” She flutters her eyes at him.

“Ah, thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” She smiles.

They walk in silence for a bit and Harry can see that she is becoming uncomfortable with the silence.

“Harry, will you go to Hogsmeade with me?” She flushes and gives him a hopeful look.

Harry stops walking and she follows suit.

“Cho, I think you're great but I’m not into you like that.” There he let her down easy.

“Is it because of Weasley? Or Granger?” She scowls at him.

Oh boy. “Absolutely not. Now that’s just disgusting.” Harry shudders in disgust. “If you ever see me with either of them that way, do me a favour and get me checked for potions.”

“Oh!'' She looks a little shocked at his reaction. “Okay…” She gives him a thoughtful look before her eyes widen. “Oh Harry. I’m so sorry. When I read that Granger used love potions on you I thought it made up. I didn’t know it was true. I will take you to get checked if I think you need it.” She pulls him into a quick hug before leaving.

“What just happened?” Harry mumbled before shrugging it off and continuing to the Green houses.

Chapter 15


Thank you for all the comments and kudos. You all help keep me motivated. I also apologize how long it's taking for Voldy to make an appearance.

Chapter Text

Lucius stared at the drink in his hand. He was unable to hold it steady due to the after effects of the Cruciatus Curse his lord had held him under. His lord was upset by the lack of progress in regards to getting a hold of the prophecy.

He remembers a time when his lord used to be charming and charismatic. While he was never afraid to punish those that had deserved it, by the end of the war he would curse those who did not. Those that had successfully completed their task.

Lucius felt like his lord was even more insane now than before.

“Do you want him sane?” Potter’s voice drifted through his mind.

Lucius did want his sane Lord back. The man who had the power to change their society that was becoming a mockery in order to appease mudbloods. They were losing their heritage, their traditions, everything that made them a part of the magical world. They were not muggles and therefore should not have to act like it in their own communities. He was a wizard.

He wondered how Potter of all people expected to be able to bring his lord sanity back. The brat was just a nuisance. His lord would be much happier when gets rid of him.

With that in mind, Lucius had an idea. Ignoring his trembling body, he began to plot.


Harry was once again sitting in Dumbledore’s office, the only difference from last time was that Snape had joined them. The Potions professor was leaning against the wall stiffly seeming to want to be anywhere but here.

“Now my boy,” Dumbledore began. “Why did you not go to your occlumency lesson with Professor Snape? He spent a great time waiting for you to show up. You know you need these lessons and we are only trying to help you.”

Harry resisted to roll his eyes and the blatant guilt trip. “I do not believe I need them.”

“You agreed when I brought them up.” Dumbledore gave him a disappointed look.

“No, you said I needed them and rather than argue with you I let the subject drop, never agreeing.” Harry shrugged.

“Harry, you need those lessons to protect your mind from Voldemort.” Dumbledore said softly.

“No, I don’t and even if I did, I wouldn’t be getting lessons from Snape.” Harry told him.

“You ungrateful brat.” Snape sneered at him.

“Now, Harry. Professor Snape is a master at occlumency.” Dumbledore defended.

“Is he, really?” Harry raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, my dear boy.” Dumbledore smiled.

“I doubt it.”

“You arrogant-” Snape started before he was cut off.

“If he were a master at occlumency he would know that in order to teach occlumency to another there would need to be trust between them and they need at least an amicable relationship. Snape hates me for reasons I do not know and doesn’t trust me. I think he’s a miserable bully who should have never become a teacher. I do not trust him and would never trust him with my mind.” Harry calmly informed them.

Both men seemed stunned with Harry’s knowledge on the subject.

Dumbledore, unfortunately, pulled himself back together. “I know you and Professor Snape have had your differences but you can put that in the past. Let bygones be bygones. It really is for the greater good.” Dumbledore twinkled at him.

“You don’t seem to be listening, Headmaster. My answer is no and if he or you tries to use legilimency on me, I shall push charges.” Harry stated coldly. “Was there anything else you wish to speak about?”

Dumbledore’s jaw clenched. “Yes.” he gritted his teeth. “We need to discuss your O.W.L.s that you received from the Ministry.”

“What about them?” Harry smirked seeing how upset the old goat was.

“Why did you not tell me you took them? I didn’t even know you were interested in such subjects.” He gave Harry another disappointed look.

“It really isn’t any of your business, Headmaster. Three of the subjects I took were removed from Hogwarts for some ridiculous reason.”

“They were removed from Hogwarts due to the advanced magic and dangers posed to the children.” Dumbledore answered with a frown.

“Yes, it does seem that Magical Britain is behind compared to other magical communities.”

“What nonsense are you talking about, Potter?” Snape snarled.

“I’m talking about how behind Hogwarts curriculum is compared to the rest of the world and how long it’s been behind, which lowers the communities-”

“There is nothing wrong with Hogwarts curriculum!” Dumbledore fiercely interrupted Harry.

Harry gave him a pitying look. “Last year, the reason that none of the foreign schools participated in the seventh year classes was because of how behind they were. They had learnt what was being taught to the seventh years in their third year.”

“That is false, Potter.” Snape denied.

“You can easily look it up yourself Professor. Hogwarts is just barely holding on as a recognizable institution worldwide. I would guess within the next five years if things don’t change, it will only count to Magical Britain.” Harry shrugged.

“I’m sure you just misunderstood, Harry. Hogwarts is the best school in the world.” Dumbledore insisted.

Harry scoffed. “If that is all, Headmaster. I have homework to complete.” Not really but they didn’t need to know that.

“You may go.” Dumbledore said sourly.


Harry was minding his own business in the library when Malfoy caught his eye. The blonde walked past his table, dropped a letter in front of him and kept walking. To anyone else it would seem as if he merely dropped by accident and didn’t notice. Harry however saw it was intentionally dropped.

Harry casually picked it up and placed it in his pocket and went back to his book. He would read it later in private.

After a few moments Granger and the two youngest Weasleys stormed up to them.

“How did you do it?” Granger demanded, incensed.

“How did I do what?” Harry questioned closing his book.

“How did you manage to get those O.W.L.s? I have never seen you study any of those topics.” She demanded.

“He probably used his fame.” Boy Weasley suggested with a glare.

“Harry! You shouldn’t use your fame like that.”

Harry arched a brow. “I have never used my so called fame, Granger. Only you guys seem to use it.”

“Why are you calling me by my last name? I’m your best friend.” She scowled.

“I’m his best friend.” Ron interjected, face turning red.

“You know what I mean.” She rolled her eyes at the other boy.

“I’m not friends with any of you. You have all lied to me and stolen from me.” Harry placed his book in his satchel. “I suggest you listen and leave me alone.”

“I also want to be more than friends.” Ginny proclaimed, fluttering her eyes.

“Absolutely not.” Harry didn’t hide his grimace of disgust. “I do not like you in any way, shape or form.”

Ginny’s eyes welled up with tears, before she took off.”

“Harry!” Hermione shrieked. “That was rude. Go apologize and ask her to go to Valentines with you.”

“No. She, like you, is a fame hungry whor*.” Harry gritted his teeth in irritation. Why couldn’t they just leave him alone. He was getting sick and tired of them. He could feel a head coming on that just being in their presence caused.

“Hey! That’s my sister you're talking about!” Ron yelled, clenching his fists.

“And also, you two.”


“Out! I will not have you disturbing the peace in my library. Both of you are banned for a week.” Madam Pince declared standing by a nearby bookshelf. She seemed like she might have been standing there the entire conversation.

“But Madam Pince, Harry started it.” Granger whined.

“You and Mr. Weasley are banned for two weeks for arguing. I was here the entire time and saw you ambush Mr. Potter.”


“Would you like to make it three?” she asked casually.

Hemione grabbed Ron and basically fled.

“Thank you, Madam Pince.” Harry nodded at her.

“I have seen you treat the books extremely well this year Mr. Potter. Do keep it up.” With that she left.

Harry retook his book out to continue reading now that he knew two of the idiot trio could not enter the library.


After crawling into bed that night and putting up his usual spells, Harry took out the letter. He checked it for any spells or curses. It was clean. He opened up, curious about what it said.

Dear Mr. Potter,

I know it is a rather unorthodox way to get a letter to you. I have heard some stories about how your mail is extensively checked and most is kept from you.

Do forgive me for being rather abrupt but last we had spoken you mentioned a ritual and a thunderstorm. As I am sure you know, my library is one of the best and I have access to lots of information. I would, however, like us to have a chat about what you mentioned and am formally inviting you to my home for Ostara.

I do hope to see you then.


Lord Malfoy

Harry smiled to himself. This would work perfectly for his plans.

Chapter 16


Sorry for the delay and that this chapter is kinda short.
Would you prefer a bit of a wait and a longer chapter or short chapters with a bit less of a wait? no promising either or just curious.
Thank you for all the comments and kudos and your support of this story!

Chapter Text

“Albus! Albus! I can’t take it anymore! I want him out of my house!” Molly Weasley screamed from the floo.

Albus quickly made his way to the fireplace to find out what was going on now. “Molly, my dear, what has happened?”

“Black! I want him gone!” she demanded.

“What did he do?”

“He won’t stop with the pranks. I will no longer have him in my house.”

“I’m sure it’s a slight misunderstanding.” Albus began, hiding his annoyance.

“No, Albus. He’s worse than my twins. His pranks are breaking things and hurting me and Arthur. I will not stand for it!”

“He has nowhere to go, Molly. I will talk to him.” Albus gave her his signature disappointed look.

“Albus…” Molly hesitated, her voice becoming a whisper. “Do we really need him anymore?”

Albus froze.

“I’m just mean, he’s not doing anything to help. Potter won’t even respond to his letters or anything. He is not contributing to the Order, he’s just dead weight. He’s also a dark wizard.” Molly quickly explained.

“Molly, I know it doesn’t seem like it, but we still need him.” Albus let out a sigh. “I had told both Sirius and Remus, to go look at house he could live at that had room for Order meetings.” Albus wasn’t too shocked by Molly after all, it was she who got rid of her brothers when they became more trouble than they were worth.

“Okay, Albus.” Molly calmly agreed. “I will give them some time, but you need to talk to them about their pranks or I’ll put them in a coma.”

“Of course, my dear.”

After saying goodbye to Molly, Albus went back to his desk. He rubbed his forehead trying to dispel this newest headache. He would put it past Molly slipping them a potion and keeping them drugged up for the remainder of their stay at the Burrow.

He would need to impress upon Sirius to stop with the pranks and to find a place quickly.


Harry had snuck back into St. Mungos with the potion he made to help his greats grandson and his wife. He first began casting cleansing spells on the couple. He didn’t want anything interfering with their minds when he gave them the potion. He even removed the healing coma know that most still slept after it was removed.

Once he was satisfied, he first went up to Frank and gently poured the potion in his mouth. He massaged his throat as the potion went down so he did not choke. After he drank it all he moved to Alice and repeated the process. Within 24 hours the two would be healed.

Harry gathered his stuff and made his way out of St. Mungos and back to Hogwarts. It was still early enough he could spend some time out in the Forbidden Forest.


Harry prowled around the forbidden forest in his Wampus cat form. He didn’t go out as far as he usually did when he was in his Shadowmane form as the Wampus, while fast was not as fast as a Shadowmane, or as big. Still, he enjoyed roaming in the forest in this form.

As Harry wandered, he was thinking of what he should do next. He wanted to do something to the traitors, hurt them where it counts. While he was more or less being passive aggressive at the moment, slowly distancing himself from them and making causal comments that made them look bad and their own reactions making it look worse, but he wanted to do more and to the others.

Dumbledore was taking a popularity hit due to the Ministry for refusing to admit the Dark Lord was back. There were still a number of Dumbledore sycophants that believed anything Dumbledore said. Besides, if Voldemort did something stupid and the Minister started believing Dumbledore, they would go back to grovelling to the twinkly eyed bastard and most likely give him even more power. Harry needed something more that would cause people to question and doubt the old man.

While he did disown Sirius, he didn’t believe that was enough. Sirius had tricked a known abused orphan into believing he cared for him just for money, said orphan’s money. James was his best friend, yet he called him a traitor, why? Harry would need to know in order to deduce what would be the best way to get back at Sirius.

Since Sirius was involved, there was no doubt that Lupin was as well. While Lupin did teach him the Patronus charm he didn’t even reveal his connections to James until they all ended up in the Shrieking Shack. After third year had ended Harry even sent Lupin a letter hoping they could keep in contact yet nothing. Lupin ignored him until last summer when Dumbledore obviously sent him and the rest of the morons to come and collect him.

As for Molly and Arthur Weasley, Harry knew that they would be used to people looking down on them and seemingly always stand together when faced with the wizarding world's contempt for them. Maybe what Harry needed to do was to break them apart. Get them to lose trust in each other and doubt each others’ motives. Divide and conquer as it were.

As for the younger kids, he didn’t want to be too cruel but at the same time he didn’t want to be too lenient. Both younger Weasleys were spoiled brats that were literally raised to follow Dumbledore. Granger on the other hand, was raised away from Dumbledore in the muggle world, unless that was a lie?

Harry was going to have to go digging. He also needed to find out if there were others involved that he didn’t know about. Now that he was ready for the ritual to give Voldemort back his sanity and the time was almost upon them, Harry needed to start working on his other plans.


Snapping out of his thoughts, Harry used his sense to see what caused the sound.


About 10 meters away from him was an adult wizard with his back to him who had just apparated into the forest. The wizard was in plain brown robes that looked like they had seen better days. He had a bucket hat on hiding any hair, if he had hair that was.

The strange wizard let out a huff and sat down with his back to the nearest tree. Harry cautiously began to circle the man to see if he recognized the strange. Staying low to the ground Harry got around to the front of the stranger. As he crept closer, he could see the wizard's eyes were closed as he leaned against the tree and he was shivering. He didn’t recognize him but wondered why a stranger would be here, especially since Hogwarts wasn’t too far away.

With a deliberate step, Harry crunched some leaves.

The wizard’s eye snapped open and connected with Harry’s. Without any hesitation Harry used his Wampus Legilimency ability and easily slipped into the other’s mind. The stranger’s name was Timothy Trudgeon, he was a recently turned werewolf and was just looking for a place to rest for a day or two. He used to come to this spot when he was a student at Hogwarts. He meant no harm and only needed some peace away from everyone.

Harry left his mind as easily as he entered.

Trudgeon gasped and stared at Harry fearfully.

Harry huffed and cautiously walked closer to the werewolf until he was kind of close. Keeping an eye on Trudgeon, Harry shuffled what little bit of snow that made it down to this area of the forest out of the way so there was a crude circle empty of snow. Harry then walked up to a different tree and jumped up and started knocking off loose branches. Once he had a decent amount he hopped back to the ground and began gathering up the branches. Finally, Harry started placing the branches in the circle. He hoped the other could figure out what he was doing.

Once Harry had a good enough pile in the circle plus extra wood off to the side, he cautiously moved to lay down next to the wizard to share some of his body heat.

Trudgeon slowly moved, as if still expecting Harry to act, lifting his wand and after a few tries managed to start the fire.

Harry stayed there and kept the fire burning through the rest of the night for Trudgeon as he slept. He wasn’t sure why he did what he did. Maybe because he understood what it was like to struggle and that any helping hand was appreciated, no matter the form it came in.

Once morning came Harry gathered more sticks then went hunting for Trudgeon. He caught two hares and placed them by the fire. He then gently nudged Trudgeon to wake him up. Harry used his paw pointing to the freshly killed hares before he left. Harry had to go back to Hogwarts, unfortunately people would notice if he wasn’t there.

Chapter 17


Thanks for all the support for this story!!

Chapter Text

Harry was annoyed. It was Valentine’s Day, and he hasn’t had a moment of peace since he opened his eyes. Everywhere he went people were giggling and pushing their friends at him to ask him out. Plenty of girls had asked him out and even a shocking number of boys.

Harry had politely refused all of them.

Harry had never gotten this much romantic attention before and was a bit shocked by it. He guessed now that he looked much healthier, he had an appeal he didn’t before. It didn’t matter anyways, mentally he was just too old to even think romantic thoughts about any of the students.

When he was Henry Longbottom, he had been in love before he had his memories come back and he was determined to keep said love. While he does admit it was slightly hard until Thomas matured a bit, he did his best to not act differently in any way. Of course, it ended up biting him in the arse.

Shaking his head from past memories, Harry ignored the love letters and chocolate piling around him as he tried to eat lunch. It made him a little sick to his stomach how many of those chocolates caused his rings to alert him that they were filled with potions.

He hated love potions. They were as bad as imperio curse, Veela allure and anything else that took away your control. He had often supported that love potions should be illegal not matter how strong they were.

After his second life he had also been in favor of Veela allure checks to make sure both parties were both consenting. In the end no matter what way you looked at it, if those were used it was rape and the perpetrator should be punished accordingly.

Maybe with all his political power this time around he would be able to push through laws. Protect those who were and would be victims of such incidents.

Harry shook his head and tried to finish his lunch only to be interrupted.

“Are you ready to go, Harry?” Ginny asked, standing near him wearing an extremely short red dress that clashed horribly with her hair.

Harry frowned at her. “Go where?”

“To Hogsmeade for our date, silly?” She announced smiling at him, though she began to eye all the chocolates and cards next to him.

Hermione walked up at that point. “You guys better hurry or you're going to be late for your reservation.”

“Let me make myself perfectly clear. I am not and will never date you, Weasley. I do not like you in any way.” Harry told her sternly, ignoring the now watching bystanders.

“Oh, Harry, stop joking around.” She tries to smile at him and flutters her eyelashes.

“I’m not playing around. Leave me alone, Weasley.” Harry turned back to his lunch.

“Harry Potter! Don’t you ignore me! I’m going to be your wife!” Ginny screamed. “I am the future Lady Potter!”

“You will never be my wife. I will never marry you. You will never be Lady Potter. You will never get any of my money.” Harry turned and glared at her.

“Harry James Potter, how dare you say that! Apologize to Ginny and take her to Hogsmeade for a romantic date!” Hermione demanded, stomping her foot.

“20 Points from Gryffindor for causing a scene in the Great Hall.” Snape's voice rang out. “Miss Weasley, Miss Granger, I suggest you go find your seats or leave.”

“Come on, Harry.” Hermione demanded grabbing his arm.

Harry ripped his arm away from her. “I’m not going anywhere with you Granger. Both of you should justtake a hint and leave me alone.”

“20 Points from Gryffindor for trying to manhandle a fellow student.”

Both Ginny and Hermione huffed and marched out of the Great Hall.


Neville was nervous as he sat at any empty table in the Three Broomsticks. His Gran had owled him that she wished to speak with him and had even booked the table. His gran was a harsh, stern woman who always expected him to act like his father. Neville did try, but never seemed to live up to the shadow he was cast in.

His gran was always disappointed in him, and this was the first time she ever deigned to come to Hogwarts to see him. He couldn’t help but wonder what he had done.

“Neville, why are you sitting here by yourself?” a familiar smooth voice interrupted his thoughts. Neville watched as Blaise slid into one of the empty chairs.

“Oh. Er. My Gran wishes to speak with me.” Neville stammered out.

“Ah.” Blaise smirked. “And here I thought you had a date.”

Neville blushed. “No j-just…”

“I myself don’t have a Valentine.” He announces causally.

Neville looked a bit shocked by that. Blaise was very handsome and he had seen many people swoon when the boy smiled. “That is a surprise.” Neville mumbled.

Blaise grinned at him. “I believe I have a way to rectify this.”

“Rectify what?” Neville questioned, confused.

Blaise didn’t answer, he simply placed a box of chocolate on the table. The box was backed in red and silver packaging. “Be my Valentine?”

“Oh.” Neville stared at him wide eyed.

“Neville!” was suddenly heard through the crowd of students.

“That my gran.” He said, staring at the boy sitting with him in shock.

“Think about it.” Blaise told him before standing up. “Enjoy your visit.” With that he left as quickly as he came.

Neville looked at the box of chocolates. No one had ever asked him to be their Valentines before.

“Neville.” His gran appeared sitting down. “I do apologize for not realizing the significance of this day.”

“Hello, Gran. It’s no problem at all.” He assured her, moving the chocolate to the side, closer to him.

“I had the most wonderful news and had to tell you in person.” His gran gave him a smile.

Neville stared at her. His gran did not smile.

“Neville, your parents are… they are getting better.”

Neville kept staring. “What?” he asked thinking he misheard.

“I know this may come as a shock. The healers aren’t sure what to make of it but they have come back.”

Her eyes teared up. “They are back.”


Neville did what he always did when he was feeling overwhelmed. He went to the greenhouse. He stuck his hands in the soils and mindlessly worked with the plants as he thought about the news.

His parents had, for lack of better term, woken up. They were coherent and talking. They had asked for their baby, for him. They were apparently shocked by how long they have been out of it. Their bodies were still weak and needed to regrow in strength, but his gran had said that they would be moved to the Manor next week. She had said she would be pulling him out of Hogwarts for a week after she got them settled,

So he could meet them.

He was going to meet them. His parents. It was like a dream come true.

“Thought I would find you in here.”

Turning around he saw Blaise leaning against the doorframe with a smirk.

Blaise. The boy who had asked him to be his Valentines right before he found out about his parents.

“They’re coherent.” He blurted out.

Blaise brows furrowed in confusion. “Who’s coherent?”

“My parents. Gran told me they have basically woken up.” He told the other boy. He was pretty sure he was still in shock.

“That’s great news, Neville.” Blaise smiled softly at him. “Are you going to go see them then?”

Neville frowned. “No, it’ll be a few weeks before Gran will take me out of Hogwarts to see them.”

Blaise also frowned. “That’s…” he paused for a moment. “Do you want to go see them?”

“Of course.” He couldn’t wait to see them and hated that he had to wait.

“Then let’s go.” Blaise said.

“What? We can’t just go.” Neville protested.

“Why not?” Blaise shrugged. “We can head back to Hogsmeade, summon on the knight bus and go to St. Mungos.”

“People will notice if we leave.” Neville pointed out half heartedly.

“It’s Valentine, most students won’t be at the feast and will instead be hiding out and having dates.” Blaise shrugged. “As for our friends, we can let them know later. I’m sure they won’t care and will understand.”

Neville thought about it. He knew he shouldn’t go, but it was his parents. “Okay let’s go.”

Blaise smiled at him, and they both headed back to Hogsmeade.


Alice Longbottom was mad; she wanted to see her baby. Her mother-in-law, though, was refusing to bring him for some reason. She and Frank still might be a little weak due to not moving a lot during these past years, but she was able to visit with her son. After all, Augusta has been visiting enough to know this as she visits with her son.

Alice understood that her Neville was now fifteen and not the little baby she remembered. She did have vague memories of a boy visiting them throughout the years who always looked so sad. She was sure it was Neville.

She let out a sigh.

“Alice?” Frank, her loving husband, inquired.

“I want to see Neville.” She told him, heart aching as she saw a similar feeling on his face.

“Me too.” He sighed. “I keep pestering mom, but she won’t listen.”

They sat together on one bed, holding each other for comfort.

They heard footsteps walk up to their room door and looked up, expecting a healer or Augusta again. She would come in and lecture Frank for moving to Alice’s bed, that neither should be moving, etc. Alice always disliked her mother-in-law, and it worried her that she had raised her baby.

The footsteps however didn’t enter, just stopped at the door. They could hear a muffled conversation but couldn’t quite make out what was being said. When the door finally opened Alice stared.

Standing in the doorway were two boys. However, one of the boys was the perfect blend of her and Frank.

It was her baby. Her Neville.

“Neville.” She breathed. She let go of Frank and opened her arms.

Neville gasped before running into her arms. They both held each other as if the other would disappear. Frank's arms went around the two and tears filled all their eyes. They were finally together again.

Chapter 18


Hey! So a mistake was pointed out to me in the last chapter, Harry wasn't outed I was thinking of another book. I have fixed it.
I'm feel like I'm missing something in this chapter but I don't know what; I'll let you know if I change it. Enjoy!

Chapter Text

Theo was feeling annoyed and frustrated.

Neville had gone home in order to visit his parents and Blaise wouldn’t stop laminating how much he missed the other boy. Blaise had told him about the trip to St. Mungos and how Neville’s parents seemed to like him. Unfortunately, Neville was all Blaise wanted to talk about. Theo couldn’t wait until Neville returned just so he could deal with Blaise. Don’t get Theo wrong, Blaise is his best friend, but he could wear out the patience of a saint.

Theo was also frustrated that he had not found anything about the Aquatic Lion. He had searched the library high and low for even a hit of a reference, but nada. He was currently writing out letters to various libraries and bookstores, even a few that were out of the country, to see if maybe he would find his answer elsewhere.

He couldn’t understand where it had come from and why. Why now? Was it due to the Dark Lord’s return or because war was inevitable? Was it around during the last war then? He had so many questions and no answers.

Theo had wondered if maybe the Aquatic Lion would be able to answer some of his yes or no questions. The creature seemed rather intelligent after all. The only issue with that was Theo had yet to cross paths with it since the time he and Blaise saw it. They had gone out numerous times with no luck. He wondered if it was as Neville said and it would only come out to protect students or if it left.

With a sigh, Theo made his way to the owlery to send his letters.


Hermione was angry. She couldn’t stand Ronald Weasley anymore. He kept refusing to do his homework and study. As a result his grades were failing and Professor McGonagall was coming down on her about it. She tried but he wouldn’t listen to her. It was like without Harry he couldn’t even be convinced to even do the bear minimum.

He was going to fail out and ruin everything.

She couldn’t believe that the Headmaster expects her to marry someone like that. Ron had no appreciation for learning in any way. Besides being a good strategist, he was useless and tended to hinder their plans more often than not. He was never going to make it into the Auror Croup and if by some miracle he did, he wouldn’t last long. He was too lazy and only wanted the prestige of it.

It was unacceptable. Hermione was to become the Minister of Magic and bring the Wizarding World out of its stagnant ways. She couldn’t do that with such a failure by her side. She would have to find someone better and speak to the headmaster about it.

For now though, Hermione was going to have to take drastic measures.

She took out a piece of parchment and began writing a letter.

Dear Mrs. Weasley…


The Great Hall went silent seeing a red howler letter heading towards none other than Ron Weasley.



Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on your current grades.”

The letter ripped itself apart when it was done.

Ron face burnt crimson in both anger and embarrassment as the whispers began.


Harry had always loved flying, no matter who he was. There was always something freeing about being high in the sky and not stuck on the ground. He loved flying on a broom, but nothing compared to flying by your own means.

His wings flapped in the air as he flew toward Malfoy Manor. The wind whipping and dark clouds surrounded him. Thunder rolled and lightning flashed; with every beat of his wings the storm grew as he moved toward his destination.

The muggles and even most witches and wizards, would just assume it was an unusual storm, but in no way magical. It was after all spring and rain in the United Kingdom was all too common. This particular storm was the fiercest that had been seen for a while and covered a good 200km with its foreboding clouds.

After reaching his destination, Harry only grew the storm more. Wind picked up speed, rain drops grew and were even more frequent, thunder boomed across the land, and lightning began striking the ground more frequently.

Once he was satisfied, Harry landed outside the manor’s wards. He sent a bit of his own magic at the wards in a sort of knocking motion. He figured it was a good way to inform Malfoy of his arrival.

Harry wasn’t stupid. He did know the man was probably attempting to bring him to the Dark Lord in order to gain favour. This however did work in favour to Harry, this way not only did he not have to break into Malfoy Manor, but he would also be led to Voldemort so no trying to find him in the large manor.

He watched as the older Malfoy strolled towards him, cane in hand as he used magic to keep the weather from touching him. Once he was closer Harry could see the calm polite façade, but his eyes were filled with glee.

“Mr. Potter, I am glad you came.” Malfoy said in greeting.

“How could I let the opportunity pass?” Harry smiled, the rain soaking him.

Thunder roared.

“I believe it would be best to speak inside.” With a subtle hand motion, the wards opened allowing Harry to enter. “Follow me.”

Harry dutifully followed.

There was no idle chit chat made between the two men. Malfoy was slightly lost in his excited thoughts; he had thought it would be much harder to bring the Boy-Who-Lived to his Lord. Harry categorized everything, paying the utmost attention to his surroundings.

The manor was what he would expect of the Malfoys. Inside it was gaudy and screamed that they were wealthy. His shoes squeaked with every step and water was tracked throughout the house. Harry was a little surprised Malfoy didn’t say anything.

As they came up to a set of double doors, Malfoy whirled around. He was about to speak before he stopped. He eyed Harry and his eyes trailed to the water trail behind him.

“Mr. Potter, may I cast a drying charm on you? This may be a long talk and I’m sure you will be more comfortable dry.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Harry spoke as if he truly didn’t realize the mess he made. “Here let me.” Harry waved his hand and now not only was he dry but so were the floors.

Malfoy paused trying to conceal his shock of the wandless magic.

“Oh, it seems I forgot something.” Harry grinned at the man.

Before Malfoy knew what had happened, he had fallen unconscious.

Harry levitated him out of the way, towards the wall near the doorway. “Sorry about this, Lucy, but I couldn’t have you getting in the way.”

Harry, in dramatic fashion, slammed the doors open with a brief push of his magic as he strode into a grand ballroom. In the centre of said room, was a throne. In that throne sat no-nose Voldemort.

Surprisingly there were no other Death Eaters around.

“Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived comes to me.” Voldemort’s voice rings out.

Thunder rattles the windows in the room.

“When the clouds roar with fury, what was once lost, now sane.” Harry pitches his voice and with the help of magic, his voice echoes ominously around the room.

Voldemort frowns before grinning. “Are you saying you’ve come to me as you have found your sanity?” he laughs.

“No, but you will.” Harry states, subtly sending an old dark curse towards the Dark Lord. Not noticing or expecting Harry to do wandless magic, the spell hits its target.

Voldemort went rigid before losing all control of his body as it went slack. As he was sliding off his throne Harry levitated him into the air. He then began to set up the ritual.

He summoned ash from the fireplace and created a heptagon, as seven was a magical number. He then smudged his finger with some ash before using it to draw the necessary runes. Once he was done, he sat up and smiled at his work.

Standing up he looked at Voldemort who was floating helplessly in the air. “I hope you don’t mind the weather.” Harry told him, before vanishing all of the windows allowing the storm inside.

In normal circ*mstances the storm would have wiped away the ritual but since the storm and the ritual were both created by Harry it was not, if anything the storm amplified the magic. Harry sighed in pleasure as magic caressed his skin as it danced around the room.

He lowered Voldemort in the middle of the heptagon before he began pulling the two Horcruxes he had, the diary and locket, out of his satchel and placing them in the heptagon, one on either side of Voldemort.

“We will just be using these two artifacts as they are the ones I have and the diary contains the most of your soul anyways.” Harry explained to the immobilised Dark Lord. Harry then placed a few little branches of an acacia tree on Voldemort to represent the immortality of the soul.

Standing outside the heptagon Harry closed his eyes and began to chant in ancient Greek. The wind which already whipped around the room grew more powerful, the throne was sent smashing into a wall, as was most things. Rain was beginning to flood the room, however the water itself did not pool around Harry and the heptagon. The floor stayed blissfully dry.

As the thunder roared one last time, Harry stopped and so did the storm.

Opening his eyes Harry looked down at the unconscious body of Tom Riddle.

Chapter 19


I do apologize for the wait and this chapter length. I'm at a loss on where to take the story from here so it will probably be another wait for the next update.
I do apricate all the support this is getting! Thank you so much!

Chapter Text

Dumbledore sighed as he did some paperwork for the school. Normally he would get Minerva to do such a tedious job, but he had her supervising Ronald doing his homework.

After Molly had sent Ronald the howler the boy starting fight with Hermione, he blamed her for telling Molly about his lack of work ethic. Inconclusion the boy had come to him, alone, and informed him of his idea. He no longer wished to marry Hermione and instead decided they should just get rid of her when her usefulness was up. That alone told Albus how much the boy was his mother’s child, since Molly thinks the same way.

Albus had simply told the boy that he would consider it but had no intention of actually doing that. Not only were the Grangers considered a slightly rich muggle family, but Hermione was there adopted daughter. Hermione herself was born from a union between, Antonin Dolohov and Marlene McKinnon.

Albus was horrified and disgusted when he had discovered that McKinnon was betraying them for a Death Eater. He had plans for her to marry Lord Greengrass to sway him to the light side, instead she had chosen to honour a betrothal contract with Dolohov. She learned in the end that you don’t betray Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. She and her family put up a good fight but Albus and his most loyal got them in the end, with only a few casualties on his side.

When he discovered a baby, he knew it was a gift to help him as she was the last of the McKinnon’s and would inherit their estate and when Dolohov died, she would get his estate and title. While Dolohov wasn’t a British name, it had ties to the Russian Royal Guards and with that brought prestige over there, which Albus could use to get his foot in the door.

Unfortunately, when he brought the baby to Gringotts he discovered that the McKinnon Family Charter wouldn’t allow Hermione to gain access until her 21st birthday and since Dolohov was still alive and never claimed her, she was not considered of House Dolohov. Now if Dolohov died, Hermione could put a petition forth stating she was not claimed for her protection and with the political climate most would believe it giving her access to House Dolohov.

Albus then placed Hermione with a muggle family, rearranged their memories to include Hermione and stopping them from wanting more children. He was much to busy to raise her and knew she needed to be raised in the muggle world with a loving muggle family. It was for the greater good.

Thunder rumbled across Hogwarts grounds interrupting his thoughts.

Looking out the window Albus saw the vicious storm rolling through. It was the worse one he had seen in a long time. It cause Fawkes to trill, and a sense of foreboding filled him.

“Albus!” the shout came from the floo.

Turning away from the window, he made his way to the floo.

“Sirius, my boy. I take it you got the floo connected to your new place of residence?” He asked with a kind smile.

“Yes, we even have a long table for the order meetings set up.” Sirius spoke enthusiastically. “I’m so glad to be out of the Burrow.”

Albus was sure the Weasleys felt the same way. He knew pretty soon Molly would have potioned him asleep or straight out kill the man if he was here much longer.

Albus heard thunder throw the floo and frowned. “Is it storming there as well?”

“What? Oh! Yeah. It’s crazy. Apparently, this storm is the biggest in centuries and is even growing in size. If I didn’t know better, I would think a flock of Thunderbirds were loose.” The deranged man snorts.

Albus’ frown deepened. Storms made him nerves with the new prophecy floating around and that fact this one was so big made him more uncomfortable. This could very well be the storm.

“Anyways I think I’ve discovered who Lord Black is.” Sirius gave him a manic grin. “Regulus.”

“You’re dead brother?” Albus quested.

“Yes, only he’s not dead. He faked his death. There was no body ever found and the Dark blamed it on us when we said it was them.” Sirius eyes darkened. “I’ll kill him for disowning me and taking my lordship.”

“Sirius, Regulus is dead.” Albus held up a hand. “No, listen to me. In Grimmauld place the Black family tapestry even said so and they are impossible to trick.”

“Regulus knows enough dark magic that could trick it.” Sirius argued.

Albus sighed. “I do not have time to argue with you, my boy, there are other things that need our attention.


Harry gazes down at a sleeping Tom Riddle, deciding on what to do next.

After the ritual he levitated the unconscious man out of the room, passed an unconscious Lucius, and up the grand staircase. He had then entered one of the bedrooms at random, and laid Tom down on the empty bed.

Harry had moved a padded chair to the side of the bed where he sat down. The ritual took a decent amount of magic to preform especially since it was done against Tom’s will. He could rest for a moment but knew he would have to get back to Hogwarts soon before anyone of note realizes he was missing.

With a sigh he played with his Peverell ring that was still a horcrux. He could have used it during the ritual but decided against it; with the ring he had visible blackmail over Tom. He wasn’t naïve enough to think the man was suddenly sunshine and rainbows with portions of his soul back. He did hope the man would cooperate of his own but felt better to have some leverage against him.

As he starred at a sleepy Tom Riddle, he couldn’t help but admire how handsome he was. While thinking back to his second year he could even see it then. Dark eyes, chiselled cheeks, lips a little on the thin side. He did briefly wonder what it would feel like to be kissed by them.

What am I doing?’ Harry thought to himself as he shook his head. Relationship always soured on him one way or another.

Thinking of relationship, Harry was surprised by the way Neville and Zabini were dancing around each other. Neville had even come to him freaking out; apparently when Neville had gone home to see his parents, his parents had assumed him and Zabini were dating. Neville had stammered and blushed that yes, they were each others’ Valentines, but they weren’t together. Neville did admit to Harry that he did like the other boy but didn’t expect much to come of it.

Zabini then, to Neville’s disbelief, gave him a courting gift and Neville, red faced, accepted. Though they kept it on the down low so that neither would have to deal with the harassment of the other students.

Thinking of Hogwarts students, it was time of Harry to head back. Before leaving, he left a note for Tom stating a time and place for them to meet up. Harry also warded the bed and room so that no one, wizard or creature could enter.


Theo was excited; he had heard back from a library in Paris, France about the Aquatic Lion. It was called a Shadowmane. The library didn’t have much but did send him a copy of the single scroll they had.

Theo ignored the information that he had gathered (height, look and invisibility) and paid attention to what he didn’t. Shadowmanes were a prehistorical creature and were the ultimate predator. Their short-range teleportation and speed, on land and in water, making them fast and deadly to all. They were apparently merciless and killed without discrimination. They only cared for their ‘Pride/Pod’.

Theo frowned at that. If that were true it should have killed both the troll and Theo that first night. He went back to the information.

The reason they had the information that they did was because of Harris Brown a British muggleborn from the third century. Mr. Brown had a shadowmane animagus form the only one ever recorded. He had briefly moved to France with his wife and had done his own research with the library on his form. Unfortunately, before their research was concluded, Mr. Browns wife disappeared, and he took his family back to England and never returned.

It was a lot less then what Theo hoped for, but it did give him information to help with his own research.

Chapter 20: Short Chapter


Hi sorry for long wait and that fact that this chapter is just over 1000s words. I'm slowly getting back into it. Anyways Happy Holidays and thanks for all the support!

Chapter Text

The first thing he realized was that he was warm. He hadn’t been warm for a very long time, could hardly remember when he was warm last. Next was that he was laying on something soft, softer than anything he remembered laying on, even his bed in Slytherin wasn’t as soft.

Where was he and what had happened?

Opening his eyes, he looked around an elegant room, they bed he was laying on up against a wall with tall windows on either side where drapes kept the worse of the sun’s ray out of the room. As his gaze took in the details of the room, he began to remember what had happened.

Potter, whom was vastly different then he remembered, had just waltz into the room like he owned the place. Gone was the fearful child and in his place stood a confident and very powerful young man. Potter had then forced him to absorb a couple of his horcruxes, like it was nothing. It had hurt, but he realized his mind had been clearer upon waking up then it had in decades.

Slowly sitting up, his body feeling tender, he took stock of himself. His skin while still pale was no longer unnaturally so and the few scales that he had seemed to be gone. Gingerly he reached up to feel his face.

He had a nose again, no longer just slits. Going farther up he encountered hair. Hair, his brilliant hair, he had sacrificed to escape death.

Looking around he saw his wand on top of a piece of parchment on the nightstand. Grabbing his wand, he ignored the note for now. He wordless conjured a mirror and gasped. He was no longer serpentine but looked like his old self though older.

After staring at his new reflection, he remembered the parchment. On it was written a time and a location that he was unfamiliar with. Obviously, Potter wished to meet up, but why? Why would Potter do this? He obviously knew about his horcruxes and how to kill him, but he didn’t. He instead had him reabsorb a couple of them, giving him his mind back. Did Potter realize that this helped the Dark?

Now that he though on it a little more, he doubted a light wizard would have had the necessary type of magic to even do that ritual. Plus, the power Potter had to have stunned him… What had changed?

He would have to think on it before making his next move.


Theo signed he couldn’t believe he was about to approach a Gryffindor on his own free will and not just any Gryffindor. No, the most cheerful gossipy one he knew in passing. Lavender Brown.

Unfortunately, she was the only Brown he knew about in Hogwarts and there was a chance she may be a descendant of Harris Brown. If she was there was slim possibility that if Harris Brown had a journal, she might be able to allow him to borrow it.

With a deep breath he walked over to her and her friend, Parvati Patil, as they sat at one of the libraries whispering fiercely to each other. Theo did not want to know what.

“Excuse me, Brown, may I have a word with you?” Theo asked skipping pleasantries.

Both girls turned to look at him quizzically. Theo fought the urge to squirm.

“Have a seat, Nott.” Brown gave him a smile while gesturing to the chair in front of him. “Anything you say to me you can say in front of Parvati.”

With a nod, Theo took a seat. “I was hoping to ask you about a possible ancestor of yours.” He began.

“An ancestor?” Lavender questioned confused.

“Yes. His name was Harris Brown. From what I have discovered he was at Hogwarts around the early 1200s. He moved to France for some time before moving back here with his children.”

“Hmm. I’m not sure off the top of my head as that is a very distant ancestor.” She titled her head thinking.

“Why are you interested in him?” Parvati questioned curiously.

“Well, I’m researching something and according to a library in Paris, this Harris Brown was as well. I was hoping to see if by chance he had a journal or something that I could borrow or a copy I could borrow.”

“I can write my parents and see, but I want to be involved in your researching.” Lavender bargained with a smile.

Theo frowned. “Why do you want to be involved? You don’t even know what its about.”

“Well, if my ancestor was researching it, it must be exciting. Add it to the fact you willingly approached me, and not while I was alone, it must be very interesting.”

Theo wasn’t sure how to respond to that. “Do people not approach you both?”

“Nope.” Parvati responded. “We apparently come off as intimidating.” She laughed.

“Do we have a deal?” Lavender asked holding out her hand.

Theo reached out to shake it. “You get me whatever information you have on Harris Brown and I’ll involve you in my research.”


Sirius paced in front of the fire of his new place. He couldn’t believe it. He had finally had his freedom before he lost everything. Disowned. Fully disowned. Not even his evil hag of a mother was able to disown him. His father and grandfather refusing though he did lose his heirship, but when his perfect, Death Eater, little brother died, the heirship was his again.

He was to be Lord Black and have the riches that came with it. While he did get a decent amount of money from the ministry, he deserved the fortune that was his by birth right. He was the one who had to put up with his so called family, not this apparent upstart that came out of nowhere.

Sirius had no idea who could possibly be Lord Black. He had looked at the family tree in Grimmauld place and everyone, except him, with the last name Black was dead. It only made sense that one of them must have tricked the tree. He was sure it was his perfect little brother, but Albus didn’t think so. So who? He and Moony were looking into and he was sure Albus and some of the other members were too. He was sure if Harry went back to being normal, they would be able to focus more on it.

Harry… What had gone wrong he was perfect, just like James when he was younger, and now suddenly he’s this whole other person. Just like James.

Sirius gasped in horror.

Harry was becoming a traitor too. Soon he would refuse to fight against the dark. He wouldn’t do the right thing and marry the pretty, red head, light witch. He’s already being secretive and sneaking around, just like James.

What was he going to do? Everything was coming together and now was falling apart again.

Past Lives Can Make A Difference - Cheryl_and_Liz - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.