The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)

yrm VTf a ir ft lu Blue Grass Farm AX PUBLIC SALE The undersigned, W. T. Tyler, as Executor of Mrs. S. W.

Anderson, deceased, with the will annexed, will on Thursday, October 16, 1913 on the premises at 2 o'clock p. offer for sale to the highest and best bidder 258 acres of land, more or less, 6J miles from Mt. Sterling on the Levee pike, in Montgomery county, known as the Matt Anderson farm. The said farm has on it a splendid residence of 10 or 12 rooms and all necessary outbuildings, two tobacco barns, all in good repair, well watered, and has on it a splendid orchard. TERMS: One-third cash, balance in 1 and 2 years with 6 per cent, interest, lien for deferred payments.

The farm will be offered whole, as will be shown on day of sale by plat and survey. This is a magnificent farm and an ideal country home. Anvone desiring to look over Hadden Lane or W. T. Tyler, Mt.

Sterling, or Harris Speaks, Fans, Ky. Executor Geo. D. Speaks, Auctioneer. As NEW 1914 PRICES Effective August 1, 1913 MODEL RUNABOUT $500 MODEL TOURING CAR $550 MODIL TOWN CAR $750 With full equipment f.o.b.

Detroit. Paul Strotlier, Agent, Mt. Sterling, Ky. PlSf Vw BvBvvv 'nnMBmHMwMn vibbkbibw vbjv fT Sterling Silver Purchasers of Sterling Silver Flatware are invited to visit our store. We have just received several new patterns which makes our stock very complete.

Quality and weight considered, our prices will be found as low or lower than elsewhere uSrjan dc ffiobinson Jewelers This Warm Weather Calls for materials that are sheer. We have prepared ourselves for this and are now showing the very latest in Batistes, Crepes, Voiles, Lawns, etc. We have the largest line of Trimmings in town. For one week we will quote COST PRICES on all Bulgarian Allovers and Flouncings. Call and give us a look, for it is a pleasure to show our- stock.

I I J. D. HAZELRIGG SON Carpets Laco Curtains Linoleums Laco Curtains Hue to be retained on the land in three tracts and then as a the premises will call on W. T. TYLER of Mrs.

S. W. Anderson. 10-6t I I correspondence. PLUM LICK.

(By James Kendall.) Letch Banister lost two fnt hogs by heat. James Kendall sold bunch of hogs to Lotch Banister at 8Jc. If it dont rain within tho next few days tho crops will bo ruined. Leon Caso and sister, Nellie, nnd Mary F. Campbell, of Paris, arc visiting Miss Edith Bentley.

Reison Palmctcr was called to tho bed-side of his father who had a horso to run off with him Friday. Joseph Orear bought several 800-lb heifers at and 53c. Tho Colt Show at tho Lovcc, Bourbon county, was largely attended. HOWARD'S MILL (Mrs. W.

W. Stevenson.) Tho good rnin here Sunday morning was appreciated by all. Mrs. John McQuithy, of this place, who has been very sick the past week, is up again. Miss Laura Baker, of Stepstone, visited relatives and friends here the past week.

W. W. Stevenson and wife at tended tho funeral of Mrs. Matt Ford, of near Side View. Win.

T. Turley sold a nice bunch of cattle to James McDonald last week at Gc. Did You Know It? Miss Alta Evans will have her fall millinery on display September 17 and 18. You arc cordially invited to call. 10-2t Wide mouth fruit jars at Van-arsdell's.

It Is to Laugh. Even if our favorite Ella Wheeler Wilcox had not said: "Laugh and the world laughs with you;" even then the writer would have recommended merriment instead of tears. Tears are waste of emotion. Bemoaning one's lot, a trial on Time's patience. Let us be gay while wo may," then; though tho motto is as ancient as "Tho hen that crossed the road." Apropos: The Sig Sau-telle 9 Big Shows, which favors Mt.

Sterling, Friday, September 19, at Fair Grounds, has in its curriculum of smiles forty clowns. Forty count 'cm genuine humorists, who themselves- have "laughed and grown fat." The leader of this happy band of mockers and wits is a half brother of Slivers, himself a cousin of the original Dan Rice, whose pedigree runs back to Grimaldi. These forty mirth artists will surprise, amuse and tickle the audience with funniest sketches anent tho foiables and follies of tho day. General and local features will be tho inspiration of this merry band of Momus mummers. Trito incidents in politics will be builesnued, a la Webber Field.

The wits will excel in laughable skits to set the listeners in a roar. But this will only be the attic salt of the feast of good things presented. Wild and tume animals, expert traineis and performers of every degieo of skill will contribute to the glory of this most incomparable show. Don't miss the great parade if value life's most pleasant features. Beautiful Pattern Hats.

I will have many beautiful pattern hats at my opening September 17 and 18. If you want something extra nice attend this opening. Miss Alta Evans, Milliner. tost Attacked By Bull. Whilo trying to separate two bulls, whicli were lighting, Mr.

Tabor, son-in-law of Samuel Robinson, of this county, had a narrow escape from instant death or serious injury. A lino Jersey bull, owned by James O'llear, had gotten through the fence into the pasture of Rdbinson and attacked another bull, and Tabor, on a horse, attempted to drive the Jersey out, when the bull attacked him, goring tho horse, causing' lum to fall, labor barely had time to get away from the infuria ted beast. It is said tho horso will die. Tabor had a narrow escape, but was uninjured. Drew CamlHcttl Is found Guilty By Federal Jury.

Farley Drew Caminetti, son of tho Commissioner General of Immigration, was found guilty on one count of the indictment charge ing him with violation of the Mann White Slave Act. Whhkeas, At the intorscctfon of North Maysville street, with tho north line of High street in tho City of Mt. Sterling, Ky. tho curb lino for said North Mays villo street is for a thlrty-fivo foot street in width, nnd whereas, tho said North Maysvillo street is now undergoing a course of original construction from Sheet Asphalt, under a contract with Cary-Reed Company (incorporated), py tho terms of which said contract tho said street is to bo thirty feet wide its entire length; and whereas, it isdecmcdadvisablo.and necessary that said street beginning at point at the north lino 6f High street and extending north bo widened and made the width of thirty live feet extending north a distance of ono hundred and eighty-eight feet; and whereas, said contractors have an agreement with the said City of Mt. Sterling, whereby it is necessary to have Jho consent of said Company boforo a change in the plans and specilications for the construction of said north Maysvillo street can bo made, when said contractors are working in the block so proposed to be changed; and whereas, they arodesirous and willing to makc this proposed change and nro withholding their work at said point in anticipation thereof; and whereas, they arc willing to sign an article giving their consent to said change in said plans and specifications: Now, be it ordained by the Mayor and Board of Council of the City of Mt.

Sterling, That what is known as North Maysville street in tho City of Mt. Sterling, be widened so as to be thirty-five feet jn width at the point of intersection of said North Maysvillo street in tho north line of said High street, and continue said width north a distance of one hundred and eighty-eight feet, to bo made, however, of tho same material and in tho same manner as originally contracted except as to width. Provided, however, the said Cary-Reed Company (incorporated) shall sign the hereto attached expression of consent to said change boforo same shall be made. This otdinanco shall take effect from and after its passage and publication as required by law. W.

A. SAMUELS, Attest: Mayor. II. M. R1NG0, Clerk.

September 2, 1913. Huvler's delicious candies can be had at tf Geiger's Pharmacy, Sole Agent. Kicked By Horse. Russell Cox had a narrow escape from serious injury at the heme of his father, Dr. G.

N. Cox, when a horse hitched to 11 wagon began kicking. Byron Wood, who was driving animal, jumped 1 0111 the wagon as tho horse began to kick, and as Russell Cox grabbed for the lines, tho animal kicked him on the right leg just below the knee, inflicting a serious wound. It was lirst thought the leg was broken, but careful examination shows it to be only a serious cut to the bono. He will be laid up for a number of days and will have to use crutches.

Farm For Sale. Two miles from Mt. Sterling on Hinkston creek. It contains 190 acres, about half of it in Blue Grass, tho remainder in cultivation 1 1 has good residence, tobacco barns, stock barns, out-buildings, everlasting water. An inspection invited.

For terms write to or call on the undersigned. 10-2t W. Hoffman Wood. Broken sizes in men's suits i off. Punch, Graves Co.

Buys Cattle. Mr. Marcus Prewitt last week bought 38 head of export cattlo from Mr. Prewitt Younir at 75c. They were a very fine lot of cattle.

Get a can of "Sani Flush" at Yanursdell's. Moon to Go Into An Eclipse September 15. Tho moon will be in eclipse in tho early morning hours of ben tcmbcr 15, so says the tho 1914 almanacs. The eclipse will hardly show in tho Eastern States aud will bo even less plain in this section of th'o country. Tho moon will bo in tho shadow from about 5:11 a.

in. until 9:03 11. but this will not bo discernible after 6:25, as tho sun will riso at that timo on tho 15th. for Sale. 'House and lot on North Syca more stteet J.


Acrobatic, Spectacular, Aerial and Equestrian SENSATIONS. Friday, Sept. 19th ARTERNOON and EVENING Big fire at Hot Springs. Fire which started from a negro cabin at Hot Springs, Friday afternoon, burned, a patch a mile long and from seven to ten blocks wide in tho eastern part of tho city, rendering 2,000 people homeless and doing $6,000,000 damage. The city waterworks and powerhouse, public buildings, several hotels and the Iron Mountain railroad shops burned.

Very Successful With Chickens. Judge Ben R. Turner won sev eral ribbons at the Frankfort air last week with his Rhode Island Reds. Judge Turner has shown his chickens at several fails and has won 33 ribbons out 40 entries. Walk-Over $4.00 oxfords i off.

Punch, FARM FOR SALE ON THE PREMISES ON iriar. Octota 18. 1813 at 10:30 a. we, Roger, Roy and Bessie Botts, will offerj for sale to the highest bidder a fine 190-acre farm, situa-. ted on turnpike 2i miles from Preston, 9 miles from Mt.

Sterling, in Bath county. This farm has about 40 acres under cultivation, the balance in grass. It has a two-story brick house containing six rooms, also good outbuildings. Farm is well fenced and watered. Anyone wishing to look at this property call on M.

Staton, adjoining premises, or apply to R. H. Botts, Ash land, or R. L. Botts, Salt Lick, Ky.

Terms made known on date of saleT- tov R. NINE BIG CIRCUS MUSEUM MENAGERIE REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE Thaw Deported to Vermont; Jerome Arrested for Gambling. Harry K. Thaw was ordered deported to Vermont by tho Immigration Board at Coaticook, Quebec, but immediately a writ of habeas corpus and prohibition de manding his presence in Montreal, September 15, was issued by the King's bench and rushed to Coati- cook by special train. William Travers 'Jerome, who has long been Thaw's nemesis, was arrested on a charge of gambling and.

held in $500 bail but was later acquitted. Five Prisoners Escape Jail at Lexington. Five prisoners sawed their way out of tho Fayette county jail in broad daylight about 11 o'clock Friday morning, and fled through the city, three of, them making their escape. T. MtfERS, Auctioneer; 1 Li tilt V-5 MS 7.J I il I1" 4.

'J "rt 1 .4.

The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.