The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)

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VtjA I vv I irI I I a ir 1 I ifMT STERLING ADVOCATE TUESDAY frX2Wt i 0 tit a tHEADACHE ifBoth rut wife mid mynelf Imveben utynelfhavebeenYr Mains CASE cAnU1S and raoy arc the best medicine we bare over had In the house Last Week my wife was frnntla xnth headache for twodaya she IT a soma of yonrCASCARETS Jt and they relierpJ uc rmm In her head almost immediately Vo mtur commcndCasctrets Gil AS STEDEFiHD Plttaburg Sate Deposit Co Pltuburg PA CANDY CATHARTIC TRADEMARK RIOISTSRCO JI rv TPleasant ralatablfi Potent Taste Good nO OOOd Yever Sicken Veakeo or Gripe lec C5Oc CURE CONSTIPATION find lr ad rrpu7rrlarkatrrdaew rat 11 Hn Tn DIP Sold and Btinranteed by nil drug 6 1I0TO HU 1 UBAb Kilt lo CVJIK Tobacco Habit Mt Sterling National Bank Showing 1 Wo call attention to the state i ment of this favored institution made public in this issue of the AUVOCATK Every man interested i should give thoughtful moments nt to its solvenqy and its powers for money making This bank has 11 capital stock of 50000 individual i deposits j2711 OnEifl and with young mon to manage and show business aggregating 858 7781 and a gross profit oT 704815 for six months work or an annual gross earning of 1520030 on capital stock of 50000 This showing is really marvelous CLEANING AND DYEING Have 7011 nIPP i Silk mist to lt Acanod Suit to lie colored or efoniud OirrrcoaU Kirt Glivon or any article if Idtlieii or gents wearing apiuiil to 10 I made ai good as new send to j1 HENRY A JI rULO DYER CLBANER AND i fly 1 I Fifth Struct IOUISVIL1K KV I At Natural Bridge Robert Cole in an and fourteen friends of Lox iiift i a as hoBte accompanied by sixteen ladiesC begin camp lifo The I guests are Mrs Elliott Shanklin I Mrs Hugh Bronston Misses Alice i Bradley Carrit llarting Corn i Brown Phulie icknor Win hester Mary Weiser UespieDun lap Eva Grant Danville Leila Voriuan Mary Stoll Harriet and Shelby Darmill Elise Womack Louisvillo Laura Estill Kate Alt Paris Two colored 11111 sicians will UC011l pun them and I asxist the ohef in ministering toe the 0111 fort of the party IC With a Tail The tIC II with a tail is the trademark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic IILook for it on the light blue enameled metal boxi Each tablet stamped Never sold in bulk All druggists ice One trial of Yale Coffee will make you appreciate what good collee is Buy the best from Buuui BaumGet Get our prices on Coal before buying HEIUUWTT PIANO CLASS MRS PROF ROGERS New England Conservatory of Music Boston Will iHirhi instruction to now Piano Claw September 9th U8Vlt bad lung nliorteDtt 10 teaching girls to natmnapoof play on thEf IwlllJ I iiUno valati I hijrt Iten qn IOlicltll liac the and ability that comer only from Um ex er fence IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE American AfflerleallGirl Girl Shoe I will for the next 20 days sell my MENS SHOES at 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT Snooe hitido to order and KepalrluK neatly done ft BRUNNER I I I Ie tJ fJft I tr aP 1r i toe 1 ir h0r STREET lt FAIR INI I CAlffil To En Bra ill This Gily Hi I Last of input Under Auspices of the A 0 Wand Red Men fe At recent meetings of the A 0 and Red Men of ihisYity it was decided to give a Street Fail and Carnival the last four days in August Committees were appointed to solicit unds from the mor chants to be used ONLY in paying expenses of advertising and giving free exhibitions We understand that those committees pure met with fairly liberal responses and we are assured that the Street Fair is a go Now let those merchants who have not contributed give these committees a hearty reception and thus prove to their patrons that they appreciate their years of patronage by giving them a four days holiday where all may make merry Mt Sterling has not had a street fair nor in fact a fair of any kind for several years and such an event as these lodges propose to give will bring crowds of people from this al adjoining counties The lodges want it understood that not cent contributed by the merchants will ho used for any purpose except advertising and free attractions The management arc in corres lOt doucc with some of the best attractions in the country and will In all probability secure them The attractions will consist of Ferris Wheel German Village Diving Horses Races Prize Shooting Contest Bowens Big rc sari funny Street Parade in which you will see our local boys ns clowns the fat man the living skol 3tou etc A splendid band of music will ho in attendance each day Now let us all pull together and prove that we can give our people a good time as well as other towns but these people propose to give a better bigger and more up too now Street Fair than our sister cities and a glance at the following officers will prove that they will do it OConnell President Joe Kemper Vice President A Wilkerson Secretary Sam Greenwade Asst Sec A Chiles Treasurer EXECUTIVE COMMITTEK Stokeley It Sledd 1 Conroyt 1 Hunt Richardson RichardsonsOIICITIKC SOUOITIKQ COMMITTED 1 Wilson Media Tail JUSHU Iluhiliiio IHIKTINO ANn AUVKIlTlfllNO Wood Chas OCouuoll Sam Levy LevyAUfUNOBMBNTS AUfUNOBMBNTS A Chiles II Kempor Wilson A A llazelrigg Henry Watson Dr WillisAMUsem*nTS AMUsem*nTS A Wilkerson OOonncll Sam Greenwade It II Mynhcirfir fir fJf This signature Is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the comedy that cares a cola fa one day I Private School Utultcd For information call on 40 4t 5Ius Two HKUUIOTT I CORRESPONDENCE isvo FARMERS 4 The Odd toUows will celebrate July 4tli JiStimluy School Couyantiori will be held here the 2nd d1tjQf July Wires are being stretched which sro ti coirtiect this plaSe ahd More head Lightnitig struck the bed on which jyilg If enlQt1 Stephens was lying I i dowti tq rest ijiirtFif Wt bedstead into kftidliiig wood anal stunniiig Mrs Stephens Dr Thos A Evans came near dying last Saturday hut by the help of Drs Jones of Mt Sterling Pierce of Salt Lick RoBin Urns of Moehead Carter iicClease I and Evans of Farmers ho is lipw able to be up again Train robbers robbed a tram at Midland lust week Quo of tile robbers came through here and in attempting to arrest him he was shot in the foot but made his escape Biggstaff Sues Judge Ed ORear Biggstaif on June 28 filed suit in tlto Montgomery Circuit Court against Ed 0 tear Judge of the Court of Appeals They formed a law partnership Novem bee 1888 which continued until July 1890 when it wits dissolved by mutual consent The matter at issue is as to whether Biggstall entitled to share in certain fees which he claims OKear collected from the concerns operated by II Patterson in the Pinoville boom ORear claims that these fees were not the property of the partnership The amount involved is about i 20000 The differences may lie adjusted out of court Grain Stored at reasonable hates 52 fit HKUKIOTT LAND STOCK AND CROP Ray Moss to Wilson 21 loifors and steers 050 Ihs at Ito Those are extra cordfed I10 Hall sold to Greene Gil aspic 32 hogs delivery this week tit 5c and 1 car cattle to Gillas pio Aug 1 about 1200 lbs It fie City Postal Facilities During the recent visit of Postmaster Hull 1 Washington he was authorized to employ another clerk and to locate three letter box stations in the central portion of town The department at Wash ngton is considering a free rural delivery service in parts of the county 1 Many Ills BesuU front Constipation Its of vital Importance that you give this trouble your immediate attention otherwise such Ills as as Aoocndlcitls Iiiilamuiatlon of the Bowels TYf Iver Kidney Troubles and other nil IDenls will result Lyons Laxative Syrup Metb hM cured thousands that IWere afflicted as you arc Jt I 1 and it will cure you oalso Its the best lama 1J1 tive because pinount In 11 1i take mild effective ri rev strengthening to the en ii tire system and perfectly I 1i harmless i i IWomeu I rI I Wonieu and children childrenr 1 i 1 Yonuy a bottle today and If It Isnt the best lax tivt NTitrrutwsa Yon Pn I ymir drug wp iMi iu itit gist refunds your money 25 and 50 cents at alt Druggists LYON MEDICINE COMPANY Louisville Ky For sale by Lloyd druggist Dating Prof Gunn is out on the banks of Slate creek this week with Catlett Everett James 111 Wells Chas Nesbitt Thompson Coleman Harry Lqekridge and Hunt Priest The fish frogs turtles andII other insects will stiffer On Sunday morning Juno 211 lightning killed 0 fine yearling cattle for Geo DUll tOil They wore oil a hill top away from any tree I The South Bend 0i1 f7o Jest diiy began drilling a well on the Cassity farm ut Yale A HURRICANE OIF1 ITjJ1 Bargains for Cash Buyers THE BUSY BEE CASH STOREI I HAS decided to throw their entire stock ofmenjlmndise upon the iiiarket twr tfO days the most uuheardp slaughtered prices ever before nahifed in the history of Mt Sterling Backward season Wrljuying overstocked and the crowded cpudition of our store ldlM caused this sale We are compelled to have money to meet bur spring bins and great sacrifice sale helps our customers and helps us 1e shall take each Department as it conies and spare not a single atttcleiii anr ol them We play no favorites Nothing reserved They must all goT T7 Tvr vvr We commence this week with Clothing and Shoes If you are familiar with our prices I in these departments you could not recognize them now The cold steel of our keenedged knife went to the quick and not a single old price is left to tell the tale Suits that were 15 to 18 are l1Qwg to 11 Suits that were 10 to 1250 are now 650 to 8 Suits that were 750 to are now 348 to 498 and our lowe priced suits tire almost thrown in to make up your bundle Our Boys and Children ijsuits and pants puntshn have been cut so deep that you cant possibly recognize them When We say half price we dont exaggerate Call and see for yourselves dOll take our word for it Bring your boys along for you will wish you had The suits cant stay with uslong at these prices We mean business AYe know it is death to competition to turn loosens lig a stock of Shoes as we carry at pric63 vu are turning them out at timing this sale but we cant help it We are forced to do it They must go or we must and we prefer to stay I Come and buy all the Shoes and Slippers you expeet to need this spiihg and summer while this sale lasts You have beets our friends and we pp ecinteitTliia is good advice we give you Profit by our loss while you can This sale cant last long Watch our circular for sale date of other departments They Will all feel the knife before we ease up This is the verdict of the Busy BeeCash StOle corporation id cant be changed I Hoping our many friends and patrons will avail themselves of tins unprecedented eliiincet i to buy all the goods they need for months to come we are Very Respectfully rYyA i OLDHAM BROS CO Busy Bee Cash Store Attempted Jail Delivery An attempt at a wholesale jail delivery in which Caleb Powers and Jim Howard the twq chief conspirators in the Goobel murder case was frustrated in the Frankfort jail on Saturday night Powers and Howard were at midnight placed in the steel cage and their escape is now impossible A Frankfort dispatuh says ExSecretary of State Caleb Powers and James Howard whom Jailor Lawrence alleges attempted i to escape deny the charge I Powers declared that the story is a fabrication originated for prejudicing public sentiment against him and Howard in their trials Changed Ed lion who has been in the employ of Louis Valz in the meat business for the past year has ac with cepted a I similar position Wilson where he will be glad to wait on his old friends Hd is a good bOYF sober industrious hardworking and always looks to the interest of his employers Mr Wilson is to bo congratulated 1 upon securing the services of this excellent young man sv Edacnto Your Dowel With Viii caret Candy Cathartic euro constipation forever 10o2 If mu drplfRlsts refund money Sacks furnished for Wheat 51 fit HKIUUOTT HFRRIOTTi xd cl i xayer yer Pnw wsl Ml Thanks Wo thank the oillcials of the andC 0 roads for so arranging their train service that people can come from Jackson and all points on the to our city transact their business and return same day Travelers from it going east on 0 will thus avoid delay at dt Junction See Change of Schedule in this issue Time table will soon bu furnished furnishedC A xc Ja Burl the Tba Kind You Have Always Bought 9iQnatnraof IJP TIio Storm The storm of rain and lightning last Tuesday night was very heavy Beyond Judy toward Plum Farn lands wore badlywushed and crops damaged Lightning kilted It cow for Henry and a horse for Dick IJayljss Stops the Coigh and Works Off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents 11 yr Store at Levee Virgil Hainlhie has built a stor at Levee mid this week opens up II I new tok of general merchandise Tale CoiFce Yale Coffees for salt byD Baum tfi i iz i 1 fl Mad on IllStitflte IIICIISIOND KY A Firstclass Boarding School FOR GIRLS McOAH VEV IB Principal tfACtTIiTY of ten teacher who were educated nt the lending Institutions of America and 1111 one and Imvu made brilliant recur in etructore every one rt spccinllst in her department Music department exceptionally strong strongNo al equipment excellent sad table Frucincnt illustrated lectures free liv the pilncipai oa his recent travels In Egypt Palcttlne rind Flo rope iKiiRiitlul nnil nenlilifu iiicnliou only ono nerloitfliiifco BlckiiffA In ten years Prices no higher tmin other ihvtclii8s schoulu nor than many inferior ones Send for catalog CO jt rr lltn I Big lV10ney VI l1 jll lAulericas 1 ltlrgest slit a IIclhllion b0bk house CARIl JIOOK COM 1 O14I Miss Lytda Crooks JCfilrc to announce that In 8K1TKMRER I silO rill Ixsgiii a class in Ir I lstraril ta Music rIN THIS CITY SFor iiartlonlnrs call on nildiess her I 1Osep 1 CASTOR I IA1 For Infants and Children 1 Ihi Kind Yon Have Always BiHffct Bears the Signature of It 1 riWciltf 3ft 1 1t5 I 1.

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The Mt Sterling Advocate from Mount Sterling, Kentucky (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.