The Crowley Post-Signal from Crowley, Louisiana (2024)

Th Crowley Daily Siajnal, Crowley. Monday. Aofust fi, Wl the race for third place In ro irrwuiaM Man Wifh Fnmilv jam VI TV IV X'AUll if MM AU1IIHJ Of Six Happily Receives Diploma From High School i mm "id saks and pr.alm'Kjn In New York, retail Jewelers were told to 'op fighting each o4h el and to join forces against out ii- conioetitioii lor luxury dd Ian the travel agent, the stock broker, flontt. the appliance store the auto dealer The attack ill ome later in the year the b.ggest nationwide promotion cam paign jew retailer and iue ever attempted. Fierce competition among bev erage producers resulted in a reshuffling of top management personnel by Joseph E.

Seagram Sons major If. whisky distiller The announced objective: To clear the corporate decks for a stiffer competitive battle in liquor bales. In the hosiery field, two of the nation's biggest manufacturers of sheer "stretch" stockings pooled their patent rights and know how The stepped-up fight for consumer sales was reflected, too, in king-sized advertising budgets. Printer -Ink magazine said advertising expenditures in 1955 would set an all-time high of S': billion dollars with newspapers and TV leading the way. Indications were that the biggest sales push, all around, would come from the auto makers.

Chief weapons in their arsenal would be: New engineering and style refinements and more poweiful engines for 1956 cars: fatter sales bonuses for dealers. First to enter the fray was Ford's Lincoln division which this week started production of its 1956 line. Completely restyled. the 1956 Lincoln and later Chrysler's and Packard's top luxury cars uill try for a slice of the Cadillac market. CROWLEY La.

Doris John-on at 'M firulU ftp a diploma tilv ir, to the compW-tion of tu-uy i-ii. to 12 years of public MiK bi work and if a a Ion-; louii pull for a nan with a aiIi- znci use children. Juhnon. a farm machinery part nan at Leonard-. Inc is doubly rappv Uut las diploma Ml rerti-iic-d thru ih St.

Mic hael High school he ha three chiMren attending St. Michael at the prc-ent tune. Hi other two children are too oun4 to attend school. Johnson left school in the 7th jrr'de because? it became nece--Mn for him to go to work to maintain a living A little over four years io. with a school na in mind.

John-on attended 'niyht classes in adult education. Periodically he took examinations and periodically was promoted to a hi-iher gade. Recently he pa-s-! his examination testifying i education was complete through 12 grades of public school. The 'row ley man in the past few weeks has been continuing on! in the adult education field taking i business courses such as book-! 1 c.ninu and typing, which he feels' will aid him in his present em- ployment. Si i Doris Johnson 5 safety program.

Governor Ken-nen is a member of President Eisenhower's Highway Safety Committee and Von Hoene is president of the Louisiana Safety Ccuncil. Robert F. Kennon. More than 1500 of these pottert have been pieced on company trucks and on outdoor telephone booth throughout Louisiana in one pi as of Southern Bell't current SWISS CHEESE BLINDS Perforated sunshades re conspicuous on balconies of new apartment houses In the If, se, tur uf West Berlin. Hvies permit limited vision.

HIGHWAY SAFETY wit the min tapic of conversation when Southern Bell's Lotmian Mint gtr, A. Von Hocno, ditpltytd now Itlephon company potters to one of the ttato'i nwtl avid utety nthutistt Covtrnor Business Column Daigle in Church Point. Ponds I are to be constructed in the near Year-Round Insulators, Now Operating In Crowley And Area designed the famous Rankhead tunnel in Mobile. Roth tunnels, along with the new Mississippi bridge now under con-itructioB, will be vital arteries in the new West-ide Expressway, ft new part of Highway 80. I'nlike the residents of Mobile.

tration at SLI, must possess a va liJ driver's license. Persons under 21 years of age must have a written authorization for possession of vehicle from their parents or guardian. The office will assign earn car. properly registered at -LI. aii area in a parking zone.

When cars are on the campus, they may not be parked any area, except the ones assigned by the traftic office. Parkir.g regulations on the campus will he in force from 7:30 a. m. until 4:30 p. m.

daily. Business Gets Set For U. S. Spending Dollar By WALTER BREEDE JR. NEW YORK.

Aug. 22 Jf Busi ness got set last week for what may be the hottest battle of all lima for your spending dollar. The battle was expected to be in' full swing r.v fall, reaching its cli-, mactic stage during the Christmas shopping season. But its beginnings were already apparent as the econ i omy, half way through its busiest August yet, hummed along at close to record levels. Signs of developing competition.

and of steps being taken to meet It, were visible at several points. In Detroit, a new. automated V8 engine plant was formally opened by Chryilsr'i Plymouth By Nov. 1 it will be turning out 3 000 a day. John P.

Man- field. Plymouth president, said he's counting on the plant to push; Plymouth ahead of Buick this year! The late new businos-ii firm inj Crowley. Year Round Insulator-. Inc is new ready to insulate homes commercial buildings in the parishes o( Acadia. Varolii ion, Jell lbs is, and Lafayaie Year Hound Insulators lias ent-ered buUnuu in row ley to serve I future on the farms of Houston Doucet in Hranch.

Reme Thibo-c'eatix in Vucr. and Winston (los-near thr Acadia AcauVmv Belle Chasse Tunnel Reported Near Completion RATON ROUGE, La. Something completely new for vehicular traffic in Louisiana will go into operation in about 60 days. That "soniethliiK new" is Ijuisi- Ala who fought the construction of the Bankhead tunnel when it was proposed more than 13 years i ago on the grounds that it was not needed. Plaquemines and Jef-1 traftic congestion and hazards at Soutnwestern.

will begin operation his fall. Rules given below should be carefully observed. General Dorm saia. Cars will be regisered during the NflllfaT fall registration per iod. Students will register their vehicle- on September 7, 8 arid 9 i.i the Men's gvmnaslum.

Faculty and staff rr.enibe.'s are to register their cars on September 1, 2 and 6, also at the gymnasium. All tars must be registered wihin 48 hours, from the time they are brought to the campus. At the time of registration, the driver must furnish proof that bodily-injury and property-damage liability insurance are earned, to the exteiit of for bodily injury, and $5,000 for property damage liability on each car. Each car user, entitled to regis 50.0COth 1955 Pontiac Goes To AAA In Washington The sno.nooth Pontiac. which came the assembly lines last week, was presented to the Amen can Automobile Association i Washington, Friday, it.

Critchfield, vice president of One Mjitors rnd general manager of PonuM Motor Div ision. The car, a Safari custom station wagon, was the AAA for the Use of Professor Amos E. Neybart, of Hiah School Driver Edu- SLI PERSONNEL, STUDENTS MUST REGISTER CARS LAFAYETTE, La All students, faculty and staff members at Sou nwea tern Umisiana Institute, who plan to have automobiles on the campus this fall, must register them with the traffic office at the SLI Men's ghymnasium in September. General Charles Doran. ad-rainiaraor of the parking plan formulated last spring by a special committee appointed by SLI president, Joel L.

Fletcher, emphasized the importance of the new parking plan. The i 3 designed to relieve ferson voters lead the fight for these radical innovations designed to help motorists and barge operators in the busy and growing New Orleans area. DM ttcrMSiUfl demand lor rock wool uisiiiation of buildings. Burwin iteed is the manager of the firm! with sales asaisUnci from John "Jack" Everett Alfred Dupiiis ot Egari is Uie blowing machine specTtlial ami field opera tor ana's first highway underwater i tunnel, the Belle CliaMC Julius Caesar established a town on a hill near what is now Geneva, Switzerland. About 10 million convention guests visit hotels to attend 18.000 meetings each year says the American Hotel Assn.

Arizona gains 38,000 people by migration in an average year. tunnel In Plaquemines parish. Incorporating several unusual en gineering technique! nut commonly needed in other areas of the countrv, the liclle Chasse tunnel opening will be followed in about a jreir by the dedication of an even bigger S4.354.00O tunnel un-Her the Harvey Canal. The lunneu will break a serious barge -automobile bottleneck in this area, which has been developing since the er.d of World War II. when inland waterway business be-Han to climb to an unprecedented Safety of Pennsylvania Sate Uni- versity, and AAA Consultant on Road Training.

"'Twenty wars AAA came to the Pontiac Motor Division fori I holp." Critchfield said in making the award Courses and text rna- I tenal had been prepared by the bin there were no cars avail teachers and Pontiac cun able for 111 rtni'. tributcd Here's why we say New Chevrolet Task'Force Trucks arc the most Modem trucks for any job today! 1 1 'i nui all lor the cars loaned to schools thi purpose. In 193S, four bfgan givim; the courses, ir. more than 400.00ft su itizens of uquemines and Jefferson parishes got together with Louisiana Department of II i h-ways planning engineers and the U. S.

Corps of Army Engineers to come up with a bold solution to a v. ater uay highway situation that was builtnng up to paralysis. Citizens at Plaquemines voted a Imnil issue of $1,500,000 pledging the parish's revenues from 1 1 Lai dents took behind the wheel driver education courses iins; ti.W) cars contributed by civic minded automobile dealers throughout it Soil Conservation District Making Farm Stock Ponds MOST VCDF3N V8 in the industry. CROWLEY, La. Ww that dry i setting in.

f.irmers are WORK-STYLED HEAVY-DUTY MODELS lvok every bit us husky, efficient and modern us they are. beginning to funk about storing I weti for future use. The Board of WORK-STYLED LIGHT- AN3 MEDIUM-DUTY MODELS have theii own fresh, functional uppwance, Standard in Lmv Cab Forwapd models, an extra-cost option in all others except Forward Control models. lands, to underwrite a part of the cost of the Belle Chasse project. Jefferson parish voters lipped their ad valorem tax tu retire bonds in the amount of $1,354,000 their share 01 the cost of the Harvey Canal tunnel.

When eingincers began the Belle Chasse tunnel in March, 154. they planned something new in tunnel construction. Instead of beginning a tunnel at a certain site on the Algiers Cut-Off Canal, they built the tunnel in a dry land area They then simply cut a new seven-mile strip of canal and let the diverted waterway flow over the tunnel. This new approach enabled the engineers to avoid the expensive and tune-consuming process of burrowing into the earth and using tubular construction. The Harvey project, stretching Gene Griffin Gene Griffin Joins Advertising Staff Of The Daily Signal A A STfOKJ 3.0 A Supervisors of the Acadia Soil Con sorvatiou District has recently re ceived requests from a number of district cooporators for ronstruct-ing stock ponds on their farms.

The-" ponds serve as a reservoir for water for livestock, fish production, and a source of water for firs The relatively small cost of constructing such a pond maker tins a practical conservation practice on any farm where needed. The County ASC Committee i presently assisting fanners in the payment for stock pond. The fish needed fur stocking ponds can be obtained through the Acadia Soil Conservation District according to Chester F. Bellard, work unit conservationist A stock pond has recently been completed on the farm of Windsor Thomas Eugene Griffin, a native i of Crowley and a graduate of Crowley High school and South western Louisiana Institute of Lafayette, has joined the staff of The Daily Signal as an advertising tales ifiresentaive, according publish r. and John R.

Hanah, Central manager. Griffin l- now actively servicing advertising accounts for The Daily Signal aiu a period of orientation into the technicalities of Newspaper advertising Griffin, v. ho la known better by Ihe name of Gene, was formerly a sales representative for radio station KSIG, Crowley. Mr. and Mrs.

Criffin and children reside at 322 W. 10th St. 180 feet from to portal, will carry four lane traffic, the 800-foot Belle Chasse tunnel, two lane traffic. The bottoms of both tunnels are 40 feet below low 1 Gulf tide level, and both are equip-i ped with every conceivable mod PANORAMIC WINDSHIELD sweeps around the corners to give you a wider, safer view of the road ahead. OVERSQUARE DESIGN means less piston travel longer V8 engine life.

em safety device. Planning engineers for the projects arc Palmer and Hake r. of Mobile, lunnel experts who REVOLUTIONARY NEW L.C.F. (Low Cab Forwatd) is much lower than former CO fi. models yet it offers COT maneuverability.

Five new high-com- Plus nrs-ssion alve-in- head sixes the most advanced sixes in the industry! New, roomy Flite-Ride De Luxe cab the truck driver's "dream cab!" Huge new Full View rear window (optional at extra cost). NEW CONCEALED SAFETY STEP stays clear of snow, ice and mud for greater safety regardless of the weather. HIGH-LEVEL VENTILATION provides a more constant supply oi outside air. TO SEEK aid of consumers of beei" and ale in law observance is one of several objectives of the brewing industry. Laws are designed to help preserve the rights of everyone, and the brewing try proudly does its part in encouraging mflkJmtmmi These are just a few of the reasons why new Chevrolet trucks arc the most modern trucks for any job today.

Come on in and see why these great new trucks will save hours and dollars on the job! Come see why anything less is an old-fashioned truck! Wc seek consumer aiiistoncc in the pro- gram or law observance through thctr un dcrstondinq of these requirements: 'ft No jaVs to minors; 2 No sates to into bico ted prrions; 3 No orderly conduct; 4 No persons ot questionable character on the premises. law observance. NEW 12-VOLT SYSTEM delivtrs double the putich for quicker starting and finer NEW CAMEO CARRIER is the flagship of the Chevrolet truck Beet! It's the first truly beautiful truck ever built! Year after year America's best-selling truck 1. JERRY ASHLEY CHEVROLET, INC. 900 West Second St.

Crowley, Louisiana Phone 1000.

The Crowley Post-Signal from Crowley, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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