The Breeding Ground - Chapter 145 - megamatt09 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Perfect Way to End a Hunt(Jo Harvelle( Alona Tal) from Supernatural)

"You will pay!"

The large horned demon said these words when Harry Potter took him down with a glowing energy sword stabbed into his chest. The creature began nothing but dust and decay. He long since stopped caring about how many times some hideous creature or powerful sorcerer or really enemy of any kind, said he would pay to be perfectly honest. It was getting to be a bit tiring to hear it.

"The portal's shut!" his companion yelled over his shoulder. "No more of them should come in! At least…."

"They won't, not with the portal shut, and their king taken down," Harry said.

The short blonde woman stepped over, walking next to Harry. She dressed in a black top and a pair of black leather pants with an overcoat. She strapped a blade to the shoulder, a gift from her companion, after he allowed her a second chance.

"So, that's the king?" she asked.

"It was the king, Jo," Harry said.

Joanna Harvelle, Jo to her friends and loved ones, looked down at the pile of dust which once was the king of this particularly nasty race of demons. She could not even say there was any sorrow. It took a demon to stop a demon a lot of the times. The world was saved, well at least until the next time some hideous creature tried to consume every inch of it. Which happened on a particularly regularly basis.

"They never learn," Jo said.

"I must not be a very good teacher, if they never learn," Harry said.

She slapped him lightly on the shoulder and smiled. Their fingers intertwined briefly for a moment. "Oh, I disagree, you're a very good teacher. It's just when the students can't seem to get it through their skull the lessons you're trying to teach them.

Adrenaline pumped high after a hunt, as it normally did after a hunt. Jo slowly moved closer towards Harry and planted her lips firmly onto his with an intense kiss. Harry grabbed onto the back of her head and returned the kiss, slowly guiding their lips together. They really worked well together.

The two faded into a night remote cottage. Nothing too fancy, but cozy seemed to be the right word. Jo smiled when she slipped off her coat and allowed it to drop to the ground.

"Well, it looks like our hunts are going to end like all of our hunts do," Jo said. "With both of us sweaty and dripping."

"Hey, you say it like it's a bad thing," Harry said.

Jo attacked Harry with another sexually aggressive kiss. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her deeper into this very intense, very passionate kiss. Her warm mouth latched onto his proved to be one of the most intense feelings Harry ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Her hands were very active.

Harry decided to temper the fire by shoving Jo against the wall. He pulled back from her and planted a kiss on the side of her neck. More kisses followed and caused her passions to escalate. Harry stopped and sucked behind the side of Jo's ear. He licked the spot behind it which caused her to shudder.

"Oh, that's dirty, you know that's a weak spot," Jo said.

"You never let a demon know your weak spots," Harry said. "I seem to have found all yours, like right here."

Harry pressed a spot on the middle of her back and caused Jo to shudder. The two entered an intense kiss one more time. Harry's fingers lightly touched the top of Jo's scalp, and he proceeded to work his tongue deep inside of her. Her mouth molded with Harry's sucking his tongue in. She moaned, smacking her lips against his. Their tongues danced together with a pleasurable exchange of salvia.

He reached for her shirt, and slowly slid his hands underneath her breasts, cupping them underneath her shirt. A smile spread over Harry's face when he leaned towards Jo and lightly whispered in her ear.

"No bra."

Jo bit down on her lip and nodded. She pushed her hips closer against his, grinding them up against Harry's. She tried to get a reaction. The incubus would react when he was good and ready.

"I didn't want draw this out too much."

Harry smiled, fair enough he thought. He removed Jo's shirt and slowly ran his hands down her body. Her breasts were a nice handful and Harry just had to squeeze them. Her body tensed up underneath Harry's touches. He stimulated all of the nerve endings at once, like a good incubus might like to do. He could see Jo's body thrashing underneath him. Those nipples hardened.

"Harry, please, don't tease me," Jo said.

Every touch he delivered to her, was made with the express purpose of getting the horny hunter riled up. Harry lightly touched between her thighs and it shuddered.

"I'm going to have to get you out of those pants soon," Harry said. He wrapped a strand of her blonde hair around his finger and slowly kissed the side of her neck. He pulled up. "Those must feel very uncomfortable….and I wonder if you've bothered with panties today."

Jo didn't even respond on the account of Harry's tender affections switching to her breasts. And her body really was wilting underneath Harry's touches. Her heart skipped a couple of heavy beats the moment Harry rolled his fingers over her nipples. He sucked them, and made her body go with tingles.

"It's not fair, how overdressed….you are," Jo said.

"Patience, you'll get to indulge soon enough," Harry said. "And I'm only maintaining the illusion I'm clothed right now."

Jo didn't have much of an opportunity to respond. Harry slowly slipped off of her pants to reveal her mound, dripping wet, shaven to a small strip of hair. Harry slowly ran his hands down the smooth thighs of the shorter woman, lightly touching her inner thighs. She gasped.

"You're wet, I can slip into you easily now," Harry said. "But, what would the fun in that be?"

No time for a good answer, not when Harry slipped a finger inside of her dripping wet c*nt. Harry pushed his finger into her depths, moving deep inside of Jo's squeezing puss*. He stretched her out with a couple of light pumps inside of her.

"Yes!" she breathed.

"You want more, don't you?" Harry asked. "Who am I to deny a beautiful woman in need?"

Another finger slipped inside of Jo's dripping wet center. He pushed his fingers inside of her tightening vice. She clenched down on Harry's fingers and released them. Harry eased them deep inside of her and stretched her core with his intruding fingers.

"No, you can't, you really can't!" Jo screamed underneath his ministrations.

Harry slipped his fingers deep inside of her and watched her nipples harden. He could hardly wait to take them into his mouth, suck them, make them his. Jo's warm center caressed Harry's intruding fingers. Each push of his fingers inside of her made her feel really good.

Then, he stopped, denying Jo her org*sm. Harry grabbed Jo and scooped her up before taking her into the bedroom.

Jo wondered what was next. She had been dropped down on the bed. The Incubus climbed on top of her, still unfortunately, clothed. His warm body crawled on top of hers. Every single inch of Jo's skin burned from when Harry climbed on top of her. Her breathing grew more labored, more intense when he was on top of her.

"I have you now."

"You have me now," she breathed. "Haven't you always had me?"

Harry leaned in and kissed her on the lips, before running his hands over her firm body. Her thighs spread, hoping for attention. Harry denied her the attention, at least for right about now. His fingers teased her, but did not take the plunge. He smelled the scent of arousal and knew Jo would be moments away.

Already wound up from the hunt, Jo did not know how much more she could take of Harry's teasing. Every touch he brought between her legs lit her completely up. She tried to gain control of the situation, only to realize it was difficult to do so. Harry had her underneath his palm, literally, pressing down between her legs.

Finally, Harry rolled over onto the bed. His clothes slowly faded away. Jo rolled towards Harry, climbing on top of him. She saw every inch of his toned muscular body underneath her. Her lips moistened at the thought of what could be done. Jo crawled on top of Harry and kissed him on the lips.

She took extra special care to worship Harry. Her body ground down on every single last inch of Harry. He could feel Jo working down against him. His loins throbbed.

"I want you in me so bad," Jo said. "I think I'm on fire because your co*ck is not in me!"

"Help yourself."

The permission caused Jo to first lick Harry's co*ck to get it nice and lubricated. She pushed her fingers between her sopping core and then moistened then. She stroked Harry's length to get him all nice and hard, and ready to pump inside of her.

"Is it bigger than I remember?" Jo asked, studying it.

Harry smiled, he had gotten that question asked by him through many beautiful women. He never answered the question, because he liked to offer an air of mystery.

"I can't get enough of you," Jo said. "I want you, so badly right now."

Her arousal dripped onto Harry's co*ck.

"You know all about sheathing a sword, Jo," Harry said. "And you know how it slides into you easily."

Jo closed her eyes, feeling the moment of his co*ck penetrating her tight center. They said, no pain, no gain, and she gained a huge filling inside of her body. Many inches of throbbing co*ck started to penetrate her lips right into her central core. She could feel it entering her, inch by inch, more inches. Huge throbbing Incubus co*ck stretched inside of her body.

Harry grabbed her hips to steady Jo when she rose up and slammed herself down onto his co*ck. The woman's endless energy made Harry feel pretty good with himself. Her puss* walls tightened around him with the first volley.

"You must have been pretty wound up."

No answer needed other than her endless driving herself down onto Harry's hard co*ck. Jo filled her puss* up with so much of his rock-hard manhood she thought it would split her in half. The muscle control she developed allowed her to accommodate the large intruder.

Harry leaned up and grabbed Jo before pulling her into a kiss while she rode his co*ck. Their tongues battled for dominance. Harry gained a further advantage, shoving his tongue deep inside Jo's throat. She moaned when Harry practically worked her throat with his tongue.

The magic surrounding both of them heightened in intensity. Harry gripped her around the hip and pushed her down onto him. The bed underneath them started to rock as hard as Jo rode him.

Jo needed the co*ck inside of her. Harry went behind her and grabbed her ass, squeezing it. Jo's warm puss* walls slid all the way down Harry's hard co*ck. She stretched around Harry and released him with a couple of fluid pumps.

"Time for you to channel everything you feel," Harry said.

A concentrated attack on her weak spots encouraged the juices to flow down Jo's thighs. She shoved more of herself down onto Harry's engorged pole. It slipped deep between her thighs and slid almost all the way out between her. Harry held onto her and drilled more of his hard pole between her.

Jo's body sized up with an amazing org*sm and came down on Harry. She kept bouncing up and down on him.

"Stop," Harry told her.

Why did he tell her to stop? Oh, he could be so frustrating at times. Jo reluctantly pried herself away from him. He sat up on the bed and motioned for her to get off the bed.

Harry lightly cupped his hand underneath Jo's chin and gave her another burning kiss. His co*ck slapped against her defined abs, and her inner thigh as well. It did not go inside of her just yet. He sucked on her lips, making her moan.

"Get over to the dresser, turn around and bed over," Harry said. "Make sure you're looking in the mirror at all times."

He squeezed Jo's ass to get her attention and she nodded.

"Yes, I understand," she panted.

Jo walked over, swaying her ass. She put her hands on the top of the dresser, her legs spread. The hunter looked at the mirror from her vantage point. She saw Harry approach her, co*ck at the ready. It looked much larger when approaching her from behind in the mirror.

Her toned, sensual body pushed against Harry. Harry took the point of his co*ck and shoved it in between Jo's waiting lips. The woman's breathing increased the second Harry slipped a couple of inches of his stiff prick in between her thighs. She moaned when feeling his co*ck buried deep inside of her.

"You're going to get it all now!"

She got it all, every last inch of his throbbing co*ck. Her puss* expanded to meet it. Those balls slapped against her from behind. Harry raked his fingernails down her, making sure to pay attention to that spot on her back. After Harry tormented Jo there for a few minutes, he switched tactics and made his way to his ear.

Harry could feel the blonde's very tight puss*. She had to get up onto her tip-toes for Harry to properly f*ck her from this position, but it was worth it. She scratched up the side of dresser holding onto it.

Jo looked at her own hazed expression in the mirror. Lust burning through her eyes every single time Harry shoved his co*ck inside of her. She got turned on by the evidence of her own arousal etched on her face.

"Batter me until I can't stand!" Jo yelled.

"Oh, we'll see about that," Harry said, smiling. He pushed against her, ramming his hard co*ck against her puss*. It stretched out and he filled her deeper.

Jo thought they would see about that. Her moist canal clamped down on Harry and received a hell of an org*sm. She almost slid to her feet. Harry held her up tightly around the hips, and squeezed her ass. A finger touched her forbidden hole for a minute.

"What kind of hunter succumbs to an incubus co*ck?" Harry asked.

"A horny one!" she moaned, feeling him stretch her out.

Harry smiled, fair enough he guessed. He planted his rod inside of Jo's eager feeling center. The warmth surrounding his co*ck made him feel really good when entering her from behind. He pushed his thick rod inside of her. He pulled almost all the way out of her and planted himself back into her.

Pleasure spread through the loins of the hunter who had been pushed against the dresser. He bent her over, and shoved his co*ck inside of her. Every time brought more intense feelings inside of Jo's loins. He really hit all of her buttons.

"Again, cum for me again!"

Jo eagerly accepted it. Her canal slickened enough for Harry to push his manhood inside of her. Those big swollen balls struck her, leaving marks on her thighs when they connected. Every time his heavy balls struck against her, Jo felt really good.

"Look at yourself, look at how horny you are."

One stolen look her face inside of the mirror only caused Jo's loins to clamp down onto her intruding lover even harder. His hard co*ck penetrated her slick walls. He pushed himself as far into her as possible and then pulled all the way out. His co*ck slammed into her body, releasing her with each shove.

"Yes, I am," Jo breathed heavily. "Oh, yes, I am! Yes, I am for you!"

Harry picked up the pace and planted his thick rod deeper inside of Jo's moist cavern. She stretched around him with multiple thrusts. Harry picked up a steadier pace with his rod impacting her. She oozed from her core, dripping wet with cum.

Did she know how long it went? Did he know? Did it really matter? Jo doubted she could even piece together an idea of what was going on. He buried his hard co*ck inside of her tightening loins. He stretched her completely out and then pulled himself from her. He repeated the ritual numerous times, getting her excited.

"We're close now," Harry said. "Cum for me."

Jo came for him alright, her loins clamped down on Harry. She released a flood of juices down onto his engorged co*ck when it pushed inside of her body. He pulled all the way back from her and shoved more of his length inside of her. He buried his prick inside of tightening vice.

"It's time," Harry told her.

Jo nodded, biting down on her lip in the most sensual manner possible. She could tell her incubus lover was going to gift her with his seed at any moment.

"Cum in me!"

One more look at her face screwed up in pleasure in the mirror excited Jo. Harry decided to gift her with one last org*sm, before unleashing his load inside of her body.

Jo dug her nails into the side of the dresser. He held her up by the legs like she was a wheelbarrow and slammed his co*ck into her. She held onto the dresser and looked up. Passion burned through her eyes, drool spread over her. He fed off her tantric energy, while also filling her with more energy.

Some Incubi were wasteful, and Harry was not one of them. Feeding off of a women forever, even if it meant sacrificing a little bit of energy, would be preferable for a one and done. Especially a woman so lovely as the one who he filled with his demonic seed.

The final few splatters filled Jo's body. She held onto the edge and almost dropped down to the ground.

Harry pulled her up to a standing position. Jo watched when some of the cum buried between her thighs dripped on the carpet. Harry held her tight into him and leaned down to kiss her. Jo breathed when feeling Harry's lips on hers one more time.

"I'm not done with you," Harry said. "Not until you I take you over every surface in this house."

Despite being f*cked raw, Jo's libido had been refilled once again. She responded by grinding down into him and looked at him with a very sultry look which said one thing.

'Bring it.'


The Breeding Ground - Chapter 145 - megamatt09 - Harry Potter (1)

The Breeding Ground - Chapter 145 - megamatt09 - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.