Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

Agreement Delays Hearing in Playboy Cafe Eviction Case Application Filed For Permanent Injunction JULY 6, 1945 THE CORPUS CHRISTI TIMES 10 Mainly About People The Rev. B. Y. Dickinson has been recalled for another year as pastor of Mexican Methodist Church. He has been in his present pastorate for the past four years.

"Hop o' My "The Drake's Tail." and "Toads and Diamonds' are the stories to told at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at La Retama Public Library. Mrs. Louis Sheiness will conduct the story hour to which all children are invited. Cpl. W.

T. Mizzell, is home on a 30-day leave from the Army Air Forces Convalescent Hospital, Fort Logan, Denver, where he reported June 2 after 17 months duty overseas. son of Mr. and Mrs. when Suthe zell, 1324 Tenth Street.

Ground engineer with the Eighth. Air past Force 16 in months. England, Sgt. Homer B. Boyd, son of Mrs.

S. J. Lindley, Route 1, Box 16 is home on a 30-day leave. Former employee of the San Anhe wears two campaign ribbons tonio Machine and Supply with two stars and took part in the Battle of Normandy and the air offensive over Germany. Pvt.

Elias Foty, of Houston, and his uncle, Nicy Foty, 1011 Leopard Street. will be entertained with a buffet supper at 8 o'clock tonight at the home of Mrs. Sam Salem. 713 Lexington Avenue, sponsored by the Ladies' Friendly Club. Foty, who is visiting his uncle here, has just returned from a German prison camp.

where he was interned for six months. -three motorists a p- peared in Corporation Court on various traffic charges yesterday. Thirteen were found guilty of traffic offenses by Judge Joe P. Hatchitt and 10 were acquitted. trial was continued defendant is Another, released from a local hospital where she remains for treatment of injuries.

Robert M. Jackson, editor of The Caller-Times, discussed the San Francisco Conference and conducted an open forum on United Nations Charter at the regular meeting of Henry Cohen Lodge No. 70, Order of B'nai B'rith, last night in the Temple Beth-El Annex. Jackson attended the opening weeks of the conference. Ben Marks presided and introduced the speaker.

Refreshments were served after the meeting. A free for servicemen and their guests will be held at VFW Hall on North Port Avenue tomorrow night. The hall is open as an off-duty center for servicemen, -servicemen, and veterans each afternoon at 3 o'elock. Births Mr. and Mrs.

F. A. Miller, Aransas Pass, announce the birth of a daughter July 4 at Dr. White's Maternity Hospital. A daughter was born to Pic.

and Mrs. G. C. Cleveland, 1905 Pear Street. July 4 at Dr.

White's Maternity Hospital. A. F. Thompson, seaman secclass, and Mrs. Thompson, 1001 co*ke Street, are parents of a son born July 4 at Dr.

White's Maternity Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Soltera Bocanegra, 2222 Coleman Street, are parents of a daughter born June 30 at Dr. White's Maternity Hospital.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jose Cerautes June 30 at Dr. White's Maternity Hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. Agapeto Vega, 2521 Juanita Street, announce the birth of a son June 30 at Dr. White's Maternity Hospital. Announcement of the birth of A son July 2 at Dr. White's Maternity Hospital has been made by Mr.

and Mrs. Encarnacion Ranja, 2109 Ayers Street. Pvt. and Mrs. George R.

Endez. 2603 Morris Street, announce the birth of a son Tuesday at Dr. White's Maternity Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.

Abraham Garcia, 506 Sixteenth Street, are parents of a son born Wednesday at Dr. White's Maternity Hospital. A son was born at U. S. Naval Hospital, July 5, to Coxswain and Mrs.

Carleton Byron Barrett of 1309 Tenth Street. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Crowley, of 346 Cole Street, are parents of a son born July 5.

at Fred Roberts Memorial Hospital. Maj. and Mrs. John Paul Balkman of Robstown are parents of a son born Thursday at Fred Roberts Memorial Hospital. Clifford Eugene Smith, aviamachinist's mate, second class.

and Mrs. Smith, of Route 4. Box 70, announce the birth of A daughter Thursday at U. S. Naval Hospital.

Weather Summary U. S. Weather Bureau Report Stations- High Low Rainfall Amariilo 92 56 0,40 Atlanta 40 71 0.00 Boston 86 68 0.00 Brownsville 93 75 0.00 Chicago 83 0.30 CORPUS CHRISTI 92 0.00 Fort Worth 87 0.00 Harve, Mont. 48 0.00 Indianapolis 83 65 0.02 Jacksonville 90 75 Kansas City 82 0.40 Laredo 0.00 Louisville 0.00 Memphis 69 0.00 Miami 76 0.00 New York 83 Raleizh 90 0.26 San Antonio 96 75 0.00 San Diego 62 0.00 San Francisco 66 54 0 Salt Lake City 88 52 0.00 Seattle 52 0.00 Allied Powers Agree To U. S.

Plan for War Criminal Trials Jackson Reports Collective System Will Be Used LONDON. July 6. (P)-Justice Jackson said today that the four major Allied powers had agreed in principle on the American plan for the collective trial of major war criminals before an international military tribunal. As chief prosecutor for United States. told the Association of 'American Correspondents in London that there remained a number of questions of procedure to be worked out among the United States.

Britain. France and Russia, including that of reconciling the trial methods of the various countries. He reiterated his hope that the trial itself could get underway by late summer. The prosecution of arch war criminals of the Axis, he said, not be carried out on a "note of simple vengeance" but must serve instead as a concrete lesson on to prevent future wars of aggression. Women Convicted of Disturbing Peace Appeal $113 Fines Two women, described by DepSheriff Pete Hood as members of the Jehovah's Witnesses sect, who were arrested in Robstown, June 26, for disturbing the peace, today filed appeals in Court from $113 fines assessed by Justice of the Peace F.

L. Harigel. The women, with five others, were arrested by Constable A. D. Bailey and subsequently brought before Harigel at Robstown.

Each was charged with using "loud and vociferous, obscene, vulgar and indecent language in a manner calculated to disturb the peace." The defendants who filed appeals were: Mrs. A. F. Cox and Lurlee Johnson, both of Robstown. The disturbance took place on Avenue B.

outside the home of R. C. Jackson. 'Bouncer' at Negro Cafe Released on Bond in Slaying Perry Boone, 56, negro of 907 North Staples Street, employed at the Dudley Jones negro cafe, 2219. Laredo Street.

as a "bouncer. was free under $1,000 bond today. Asst. Dist. Atty.

Joe J. Alsup filed a murder charge against Boone yesterday, following the death in Memorial Hospital of a man Boone is said to have shot in a fracas at the cafe late Tuesday night. Boone was arraigned before Justice of the Peace Carl W. Crow, who ordered him held under bond for the grand jury. The victim was Luther Ramsey, 44, of 1904 Coleman Street, an employee of the Port Compress.

Boone said Ramsey had threatened him with a knife when he attempted to evict the man for creating a disturbance at the drinking place. Striking AFL Machinists in Houston Return to Work HOUSTON, July (UP)F Five hundred striking AFL machinists returned to their non-war jobs at the Houston Cameron Iron Works plant here today. The men returned to work on the morning shift, ending a work stoppage which began Monday in protest of company failure to renew their union contract. The machinists, members of Local No. 12, International Association of Machinists, agreed at a meeting late Thursday to resume work pending outcome of a jurisdictional bargaining agency election next week.

Gas Committee Begins Mapping Strategy AUSTIN, July 6. (P)-A A committee named by Gov. co*ke R. Stevenson today began mapping strategy through which the state's right to control natural gas will asserted before the Federal Commission. Meeting here yesterday the group appointed sub-committee chairmen to place its program in operation.

The sub-group chairmen were Charles I. Francis of Houston. legal problems; D. A. Hulcy of Dallas, economics; and E.

DeGolyer of Dallas, engineering. Membership of the sub-committees aside from chairmen will be composed of persons already named to these committees by the Texas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association. The FPC has indicated its hearings will cover all aspects of the gas industry. It announced they are for the purpose of "developing information for use by Corporal Newman Gets New Ribbons And Chevrons FORT WORTH, July 6. (U.P.)They bought new ribbons and new chevrons today for Cpl.

Jim Newman, the soldier who is living on borrowed time: so he'll be in proper uniform when he gets out of bed and strolls down his home town streets again. The decorations six of them authorized by the Army for the boy who fought on Bataan, spent three years in a Jap prison camp and then came home to die as a 92-pound doomed man -will be pinned on a new uniform for Corporal Jim. If he lives to wear it. the two stripes of a corporal will be strange to him. He got the promotion after his liberation from the Jap camp on Luzon.

Still very much alive and still co*cky in the face of a medical verdict he is dying, the soldier awoke with a grin today and resumed his eager reading of the fan mail aland telegrams pouring in from America. Canada To Resume Meat Rationing OTTAWA, July 6 ((P) -Canada wil resume rationing of meat shortly, Prime Minister Mackenzie King announced today. Meat has not been rationed here since March 1, 1944. The government will establish comprehensive control of the slaughterings in order that supplies of meats may be divided equitably between export and domestic needs." King said this step would put the prices board (Canadian OPA) in a position to stamp out black market operators. Air Forces (Continued From Page 1) added the Army Eighth Air Force of European fame, under Lt.

Gen. James H. Doolittle, which is to include Superfortresses. The Strategic Air Forces, the Eighth and the 20th, have been placed under command of Gen. Carl A.

Spaatz, whose Strategic Air Forces delivered the longrange aerial knockout blow to German industry. There has been announcement concerning Kenney's 13th Air Force, now supporting Borneo operations. Without waiting for additions, or for completion of the planned 25 miles of runways on Okinawa, the air forces already within reach of Japan were pounding away steadily in a war of attrition. The Fifth Air Force fighters hit the Kyushu cities of Tojimbara, Byu, Izumi, Chiran and Omura, and sank three enemy float planes in the Northern Kyushu harbor of f*ckuoka. Those were the only enemy planes they sighted in two-hour sweep over Japan, although antiaircraft fire was moderate to heavy.

000 0. Shimmering black TOWN TAFFETA Gleaming fashion highlight far your for around the town smartness. taffeta mid-season in new ensemble brims and bonnets black $500 Sleek, svelte, and very new! MILLINERY SALON SECOND FLOOR BROTRERS La COMMAND 2 ONE HOUR FREE PARKING ON THE HILL Congress, the commission and the public." A schedule of hearings in Texas probably will be announced in the near future. Scheduled to date are sessions in Kansas City, Sept. 18, Oklahoma City, Oct.

9 and New Orleans, Oct. 30. It has not been determined when Texas interests will appear, that iS whether they will be docketed at hearings already announced or wait for settings in Texas. Woman Hurt in Fall Sues for $6,000 Local Building Corporation Is Defendant The Medical-Professional Building was Corp. named of Corpus defendant in Christi a $6.000 today 0 0 .000 damage suit filed in 117th District Court as outgrowth of an accident which woman today, slipped on a newly waxed floor and fell.

The mishap occurred on Dec. 28. last year, the petition states, as the victim walking through a corridor mowas the office of Dr. E. T.

Bickley. William Bradford Plaintiff Plaintiff in the action is William T. Bradford. whose wife, Elaine, was the injured party. She is said to have suffered injuries which necessitated prolonged treatment at the Scott White Clinic at Temple.

Bradford asks $5,000 actual damages plus $1.000 for past and anticipated costs of treatments at Temple. Joe J. Alsup is counsel for the plaintiff. Oxygen Firm Sued In another action filed in 117th District Court. Chrystal M.

and Frank B. Smith of Davenport, Lowa, seek recovery of $219.63 from then Corpus Christi Oxygen result of an automobile, accident on Aug. 17. 1943.0 The plaintiffs they were traveling on Highway 77, and were crossing the San Antonio River bridge 20 miles south of Victoria when a truck driven by the defendant's employee sideswiped their car. The driver fled.

failing to stop and render aid, the petition states. The damages sought represent actual costs of repair of the Smith car. British Foreign Office Members on Missing RAF Plane to London, the Air Ministry an- He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Ednounced today.

gar Mathis, 1116 Second Street. PRICES SUPER-CUTRATE lite EVERYDAY LOWER LOLY'S DRUGSTORE 500 N. CHAPARRAL ST. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Pints Values to 2.49 Regular $5.40 RUM Schenley's BRANDY VALDIERO Ron Zorro Carioca RESERVE And Many Others 84 Proof Blended Whiskey Fifths Imported $749 Buy It By the Case Choice 988 86 Fifths Proof $405 Buy It By the Case Buy It By the Case CANADIAN PAUL CLUB 37 JONES 90.4 Proof Fifths 86 Proof $223 Blended 86 Proof, Whiskey Pints Blended WATERFILL Buy It By the Case CEDAR BROOK FRAZIER Pints BLENDED WHISKEY 2.45 86 Proof BLENDED WHISKEY DAVID MEADE 86 PROOF WHISKEY Pints Fifths 86 Proof Pints $2.23 ON EVERY $2.22 $3.53 86 5th P. BLENDED Proof M.

DELUXE $3.62 WHISKEY Paul Jones Regular, $5.63 SPATOLA Imported A Blend of Straight Whiskies GOLDEN WEDDING 100 Fifths Proof $2.98 86 Proof BLENDED RT FIFTH Ceiling Prices to $4.50 Paul JONES (me $3.55 PANDORA PORT BLended or MADERA LOUISVILLERY Lansdowne Reserve WHISKEY Blended Whiskey Wines Choice $1.49 BOTTLED DISTILLERY 86 Proof. FIFTH Southern COMFORT $3.98 Liquer 1810 DAYTON CLUB 100 Proof UCKY WHISKEY. $3.98 Pints $3.55 86 Proof. FIFTH LONDON, July 6. (P)-Sir William Malkin, legal advisor to the British Foreign Office, was among 15 passengers and crew aboard an RAF Liberator missing since Monday on a flight from Montreal County Bond Sales Only $55,353 Short Of $2,235,000 Quota Leaders Confident Quota Will Be Met Tomorrow agreement of both sides.

hearing on the application for a permanent injunction to restrain Sheriff Harney from enforcing 'County Judge Joe D. Browning's judgment evicting the Cafe from the old Elks Club was passed to next week in 28th District Court today. A temporary restraining order tras signed by Judge Paul A. Martineau on June 27, after Harney had been directed forcibly to remove the cafe effects. Cafe Owner in Army It was served on him by Walter M.

Lewright, attorney for Joe L. Mayes, owner of the cafe who IS now a private in the Army and is stationed at Camp Hood. Mayes was sued by Bush M. Jackson on a forcible entry and detainer writ, trial of which moved through Browning's County Court. May 25-26-27, and ended in spectacular manner when a sixman jury four times refused to sign a directed verdict for Jackson.

The jury surrendered after a 15-hour holdout. Hearing Moved Ahead In consequence of printed storjes and editorial comment concerning the trial and the action of Judge Browning. three of the Caller-Times staff were cited by Browning for contempt of court. On June 8. hearing on the contempt proceedings was moved ahead to next term of County Court, beginning July 16, the defense having been unable to obtain a transcript of the testimony in the Jackson-Mayes trial prior to the end of the earlier term, June 9.

Four Youths Held In Two Burglaries Near City Limits With the arrest of four youths, one a juvenile, the office of Constable Lloyd Magee today disclosed the theft of merchandise valued at more than $500 in two recent breaks just outside the Corpus Christi city limits. At V's Package Store on Morgan Avenue, which was entered Sunday night through a rear window. bottles of assorted whiskeys and wines, valued at $201.59 on inventory, were stolen. A 14-year-old boy, taken into custody by Chief Deputy Constable B. A.

Carter, this morning, surrendered four botties and gave the a 16- unopened, year-old accomplice who is believed to have secreted most of the missing liquor. Three others are arrest for burglarizing the Padron Radio Shop at Sabinas, and Easley Streets, west Run Road, Wednesday night or yesterday morning. Seven radio receiving sets were stolen, of which five had been recovered this afternoon. Padron placed of more than $300 on the Entrance to the shop setalue was gained by ripping a screen from a rear window and smashing the pane. Drivers Uninjured In Auto Collision Automobiles driven by William H.

Lester, 54, of 409 Del Mar Boulevard, and John C. Rose, 62, of 1514 Eleventh Street, were in collision at 8:10 o'clock this morning at the intersection of Santa Fe and Elizabeth Streets. Neither driver was injured, but Lester's vehicle was towed from the scene by a wrecker service. Traffic Accident Investigator Dave Molder signed a negligent collision complaint against Rose. Molder said Rose ran a stop sign into Lester's path.

Deaths James E. Feely Funeral services for James E. Feely, former Corpus Christi resident who died Wednesday in Houston, were held there yesterday. A former employee in the post office here, Feely was transferred to Houston several years ago. Surviving are his wife and son, of Houston; six nieces in Laredo; three nephews, C.

E. Feely, Edward Feely and Alfred Feely, and a niece. Mrs. E. B.

Houser of Corpus Christi. and two nephews who are overseas. Alfredo Fernandez Funeral services for Alfredo Fernandez, 54. of 423 Artesian Street, who died yesterday in a local hospital, were scheduled to be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon at Sacred Heart Church, with burial in Holy Cross Cemetery under direction of Gonzalez Funeral Home. He is survived by one sister, Mrs.

Guadalupe Fernandez, and a brother. Jose Fernandez. John Thomas Walston Funeral services for John Thomas Walston, 87. of 429 Virginia Street, who died yesterday morning at his home, will be held in Kenedy, Texas, tomorrow eral Home local afternoon. Murray Jackson, Funarrangements.

Born in Henderson County, Texas, Walston had been a resident of Corpus Christi for the past year. Surviving are three sons. W. A. Walston of Corpus Christi.

John Brazoria. and Arthur of Kenedy: six daughters. Mrs J. H. Dorick.

Mrs. T. C. Taylor. Kingsrille.

Mrs. Lola Dryers, Kingsville. Mrs. J. T.

Copeland. Dublin. Mrs. J. H.

Bruton, Avondale. and Mrs. 0. H. Moore of Austin: 42 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.

Rallying to an approaching deadline Saturday night In the Seventh War Loan, Nueces County bond sales rose through yesterday to $2,179,646.50, only 353.50 short of an assigned 235.000 quota. Sam chairman of the county campaign, is confident that the quota will be reached and that the only factor withholding attainment of the goal is the failure of salesmen to process bonds at banks. Corpus Christi has come to the front in Bond sales amounting to $1,870,776.50. Robstown sales totalled $237,807.25 and Bishop, $71,062.75. Total sales represent 97.5 per cent of the quota.

The report of large sales by individual issuing agencies made within the past two days indicates, that large sums of money been collected from bond sales but have not been reported. Totals to be tabulated tomorrow. it is anticipated, will reach the quota; however, if sales in a quantity necessary to meet the quota are not reported, Saturday's sales will be counted 01 Monday toward the county goal. Issuing agencies daily report sales made during the past day. Driller Suffers Skull Fracture As Tire Explodes H.

E. Weltner. 35. of 3027 Dempsey Street. a driller for the E.

C. Hubble Oil Well Servicing Co. of Corpus Christi, was admitted to Santa Rosa Hospital at San Antonio today for treatment of a skull fracture. Weltner was repairing a flat tire on his car near Robstown. late last night, and, while he was pumping air into the tire, it exploded in his face.

A rim, flying off. struck him in the face. He was rushed to Robstown Hospital for emergency treatment and was later transferred to San Antonio. Flight Officer To Receive Discharge From Army Today Flight Officer Tom Mathis will receive his honorable discharge from the Army today and will arrive in Corpus Christi tonight, he telephoned his parents last night. The former glider pilot, who spent 15 months England and France, first thought he would be the given: a 30-day leave at home and then be ordered to further duty.

tom boy. Sailing Plies Put on your SHORTALLS Put on your shortalls those short, becoming ones done in Sailing Blues. Wear them for all your summer busy ness tub them often nothing is too hard for them to take. 3.98 SPORTSWEAR. SECOND FLOOR BROTHERS COMPANY INS 3 ONE HOUR FREE PARKING-ON THE HILL BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS.

Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.