Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)

PAGE TWO -Second Section BLUFFIELD DAILY TELEGRAPH. Bluefield, W. Va. Sunday Morning, June 30, 1935. Pilot Of Champion Braddock Stands Out As One Of Games Ablest Managers 0 0 JACK KEARNS HOW DO LIKE IT, TOE SWELL! WHEN TAMES J.

TOOK THE CROWN, GOULD FELT AS IF HE TOOK ONE, TOO. HIS UNFLINCHING FAITH IN HIS CHARGE TURNED THE DARK CLOUDS INSIDE IN WHAT WAS TO BE A SUICIDAL MATCH, WITH BAER, THE ACTOR, PLAYING THE LEADING ROLE, BRADDOCK STOLE THE SHOW, HOW MAXIE FEELS KEARNS IS NOW SELLING REAL ESTATE, AND BORDERTING ON POVERTY. HE TALKED AND SPENT BIG MONEY IN HIS EASY COME, EASY GO- MORE TARGETS TRAPPED AT LOCAL CLUB NOW THAN ALL OF LAST YEAR; LOW AVERAGE Although more targets have been trapped at the Bluefeld Gun club to dato than were trapped all last seacon, shooting averngen few marksmen breaking above percent of their birds in the 16-yard target events. Skeet averages show but few shooters getting more. than 70 percent.

of their targels. However, about as many sportsmen are shooting skeet as are shooting the lar targets. As the season advances the averages are expected to improve. Virtually every member of the club was a novice at skeet shooting which was inaugurated as an added feature of the club this year. Some shooterg have shown a decided improvement over their initial events.

In the 16-yard targets averages J. Skewes. of Pocahontas, heads the list with perfect score of fifty targets. Skewes set this record on the opening day of the season "and has not visited the traps since. Some shooters that Skewes la: waitIng.

for his. record to be shattered before he returned to set another, mark. Curtis Walters has the second best average at 16-yard. targets like Skewes, he has. fired at only 50.

targets of which he broke 48. Such' few targets does not give a true test of' the ability of the shooter. C. H. Bivens 'has an average of 16-Yard Shot 'Broke: D.

Andrews Bratton 125. GO 37 C. H. Bivens 325 310 W'm. Beury 875 330 Ray 25 16 J.

C. 50 37 Walter Brumfold 50 22 F. Brooks 500 400 Dr, J. J. B.

Belcher 60 25 423 B. 50 41 Tom Cooper 150 70 Tom Cooper, Jr. 160 87 J. C. Dully, 425 336 Mrs.

Ed Dally 195 38 d. H. Elaom 75 1. 150 126 W. French D.

French W. Jr, 196 68 C. 11. Goody 50 34 Jess Groseclose 300 930 Gillespie 25 30 Frank Hunter 100 79 Lay Hall 35 20 A. Hawley 25 W.

P. 100 c. T. 50 Lale James 76 65 Ernest Keekee 50 40 Bunny Kirtner 50 30 J. Lincoln 250 230 Leslie Maxwell 50 Mitchell 350 298 Mitchell 75 28 W.

25 43 Itoy Stitchell 50 38 Dr. John 32 Henry Newton 118 153 Alex Nelson 30 26 Howard Peake 25 18 Dave 50 27 H. Rateliffe 600 518 Simmerman 633 460 A. 14 Sunith 525 407 Jack Smith" 15 53 W. C.

Snyder 315 31A R. Rmlley 426 316 Chiper Shrewabury 23 1G Dr. M. W. 173 104 W.

J. Skewes 5-0 Dr. 50 33 Fred Wobh 160 103 J. C. Walters 60 48 Doubles Shot Broke J.

C. H. Baldwin 24 16. Bivens 24 21 E. Callaway 122 103 J.

C. Dally 39 Lyle James 18 Ornost Keesee 19 H. Rateliffe 98 F. Simmerr an 08 A. L.

Smith 24 11 BLOCH TO BEGIN DEFENSE OF GOLF TITLE ON MONDAY (Concluued from Preceding Page) Bluefeld olub. It may be that other mezubers of the Southside club will Joln the trek to "The White." Dick McQuail, three tlues winner of the Blue Grass championship. and a member of the Bluefeld club, will likely not be in tho fold, ha has said. For the Brat time in history, the state tourney will likely Include more entries from the Mercer club than from the Bluedeld club. It is likely that Bernle Wagner, Sam LubMiner, Max Turk, Max Mats and Lewey Lubliper will be in the amatour Held.

In addition to these entries. Porter George. pro Mercer, will be In. the pro competition, and will play with Lubliner 1u the amateur. Rocky Sohorr, of course, will be baok for another shot at the crown he has come 40 close to winning on several occasiops.

Rocky NOW. £5.33 at 325 targets. Other, shooters In the 90 to 100 class 'are William Boury, John J. Lincoln and W. C.

Snyder. R. E. Callawey, one of. the best shots 'of the club, is just a fraction below the 90 to 100 class, Tom Cooper Il has the best average among the junior.

shooters. and incidentally it compares favorably with gone of the older shooters. Mitchell with 41x50 has the best average at skeet but this de all skeet targets he has shot this season, Charley French has proved to be the best skeet shot developed at the club this year. Out of 400 targeta he has broken 317 for an AVerage 'of 79.25. Lee Hall has an average of 76 percent at 350 Roy Callaway has broken 334 out of 450 for an average of 74.22 and Howard.

P'eake has broken. 211 out of 800 for an' average of 70 percent. Dr. J.E: Blaydes also has average of 72,89 at 225 targets. Some several other, shooters are.

bordering on the 70 percent class. The club's award of $5 to the first. shooter turning a pertect score at. 25 targets over the skeet traps still standing. No one has yet.

collected and there have been but few being the nearest. Comparatively. few doubles and handicap targets have been trapped. The season averages up to and in-, cluding June 19 aro as follows: Targets Skeet Av. Shot Av.

74.00 75 29 38.66 61.60 76 38 60,67 95.38 176 10 40.04 93.33 150 97 61.67 60.00 35 8 32.00 74.00 44.00 80.00 31 41.33 225. 03 41.93 .36.00 235 164 72.80 89.85 25 20.00 82.00 430 334 74.23 52.61 58.00 50 28.00: 83.76 19 36.00 26.40 800 150 60.00 64.00 33 64.00 81.00 30 60.00 61.10 400 317 79.25 68,00 175 96 04.86 73.83 830 108 56.67. 80.00 15 30 40.00 79.00 130 318 48,44 80.00 200 167 55.07 80.00 350 366 76.00 82.00 88,00 13.33 500 340 68.00 80,00 100 GO 60.00 60.00 300 172 67.33 02.09 60 24 48.00 15 45 60.00 82.00 335 221 68.00 87.14 130 86 57.83 87.38 02.00 60 $2.00 16.00. 64.00 50 24 48.00 87.48 52.00 40,00 72.00 300 311 70.00 54.00 $5 28.00 74.35 131 58.77 13.60 275 57.73 925 110 52.31 18.67 78 41 54,61 00.26 300 119 59.00 54.00 160 470 62.67 04.00 173 168 60.38 59.48 295 131 68.22 100.00 48.00 65,61 25 20.00 96.00 50 28 56.00 Handicap Av. Shot Brake AY.

87.50 25 15 60.00 66.61 86.07 25. 20 80.00 54.17 23 84.00 51.17 19.17 79.11 80.00 61.22 45.83 25 'it 68.00 likely will play. with Dr. Compton in in Several the pro lady golfers from both clubs will probably be in the ladies competition of the state tournament, Finals Friday Finals in each division ere set for Friday, July 5, after a week of play. Other contests also will Include the annual pro-amateur tournament Thursday and mixed foursomes on Saturday, July 8.

Other practice scores recorded yesterday op the championahip course Jack Hoblitzel, Parkersburg. 75, and Billy King, Wheeling school boy, 75. Other players practicing but who did not turn in cards included Fritzi Stitel, defending wopien'8 champion, Mrs, Evorett, a former champion and runner up a year ago: to the winner, and Larmon, an outstanding young amateur from Charleston. Lurmon la looked upon by many as one of the real gorses of tho tourpament. ROBBER LASHED Georgetown, June P.

29. (P)- Walter Edell, alias Walter Davidson, 28, convicted of robbery received 10 lashes at the whopping post in Sussex county Jail today. Warden Hugh Smith of the prison laid on the lashes, ordered as part of Davidaon's. sentence. He also serve seven years fo prison.

NEW YORK YANKS USE HOME RUNS TO WHIP SENATORS (Continued from Preceding Page) ting pitcher -Coffman. Losing pitcher -Bridges. Summer, 51c- Gowan and Marberry. RED SOX WIN TWO Philadelphia, June 29. )-The Boston Red Sox captured both ends of A doublehendet with the Athletcs today, winning the first 6 to 4, behind Lefty Grove's pitching.

and slugging their way to a 13 to 6 triumph second. Grove struck out seven members of hig old team in winning the opening clash for his seventh triumph. Ossle Melillo, with two singles and A double and three ruus driven in, led the hitting support. Carl Reynolds' home run with two on base In the frat inning sent the Red Sox off toward thel reecond victory. FIRST GAME Score by Innings: HE Buston 001 212 000-6 11 Philadelphia 010 100 200-4' 8 Grove and R.

Ferrell: Wilshire, Benton, Caster and Berry. SECOND GAME Boston AB IL Stellilo, '2b 3 Almada, R. Johnson, Cronin, 86 Reynolds, HE Ferrell, Werber, 3b Dahlgren, 1h Or 00 Welch, en Totale .40 13 Philadelphia AB R.H MORER, rf ('remer, ef 0 1 9 0 Foxx, 1b. 10 Higgins, 35 McNair, 8R Warstler, 2b Richards, Blaeholder, Benton. xMarcum xx Newsome Caster, 0 0 0 00 0 Totals .33 6 6 37 12 xBatted for Benton hth.

xx Ran for Marcum in 5th. xxxBatted for Caster in Stir, Boston, 332 010 001- 121--13 6 Pl 002 000 Errors--Higgins McNair, Warstler, Cronin 2. Runs batted In Reynolds 3, Mellilo, Cronin Dahlgren, Werber 2, Almada, Warstler, Cramer, B. Johnson. Two- hits -Welch, Cronin, Werber.

Almada. Home runs Reynolds, Werber Sacrifice -Almada. Double plays--Cronin, Melillo to Dahlgren. Left on bases -Boston 4, delphin 8. Base on balls--Welch 3, Blachoider 2, Caster 1.

Strikeouts by Welch 5, Benton Caster 3. HitsBlaeholder 6: In 1 2-3, Benton 3 In 3 1-2, Caster 6 4. Passed bails--R. Ferrell 2. Losing pitcher- -Blaeholder.

Umpires- -Ormaby, Geisel. INDIANS WHIP CHI Cleveland; June 29. (AP) The Cleveland Indians rifled two home rums. a pair of triples and a double off. three Chicago pitchers today to defeat the White Sox; 6 to 5,.

Trosky, Tribe first baseman, 'hit his thirteenth. homer of the season: to open the fourth for Cleve-. drove over. the right field -screen for a homer in the Beventh, no teammates on. Chicago AB Faas, ri Hayes, Bonura, Radcliff, If 2h, 1b 4 1 2 2.11 001 donor Simone, cf 0 0 Appling, 35 as 2.

Dykes, 1:1 Sewell; xHopking Shea, Phelps, 2.0 00 xxConian Fischer, D. xxx Washington Salveson, Totals 40 5 15 24 12 xRa pfor Sewell in 7th. xx Batte Phelpa in 7th. xxxBatted for Fischor in 8th. Cleveland AB Galatzer, cf Knickerbocker, 88 Vosmik, 11 Campbell, rt ib 14 02 Berger, 'Phillips, Hudiin, Brown, Chicago Totals 000 6 100 9 310 18 Cleveland 120 101 10x-6 Errors--Hayes.

Radcliff. Runs batted In--Vomik 3, Troaky, Phillips, Hudlin, JOE GOULD SHOWS LOTS SHREWDNESS While The Fighter May Make Manager, Gould Reversed The Order In Case Of Jimmy Braddock By JOHN J. ROMANO Jack Kearns la considered the smartest manager to pilot a fighter to the world'e heavyweight champlonship. The fighter WAS Jack Dempsey. There are two indictments against Kearns to disprove the theory that his master- aided Dempsey in business dealinge, The letter was a truly great stand-out attraction and really did not need manager to.

collect the large purses which rewarded hie forts. When Ter Rickard proposed that Kearns take percentage of the gate in the Carpentler match, Jack was flabbergaeted. He Inalated on guarantee and got It. Had Hatened to Rickard, Kearns and Dempsey would have gotten something $300,000 in excess of the guarantee in the first million-dollar gate on record. Kearns Passed Up Wills Several weeks before Kearny departed for Shelby, where Dempsey was scheduled to defend his title against Tommy Gibbons, Mullins begged Kearns not gO Weat but remain in New York to tight Harry Wills.

"There's no money out there, Doo," Mullins prophesied. This was borne out when Kearns sat up in the early hours of the morning of the fight. vowing he wouldn't go through with the match unleas the guarantee was in his hands. He got it, and to be money would: be sate, sont Jerry the Greek out of Shelby with It. "Stay here and fight.

Wills," Mullins urged. "We are sure of a two. gate and half of it 18 yours." Kearne promised to. return after the Gibbons fight. He.

did but not to fight Harry Wills. Tho greatest match, from box office viewpoint, never took place and the DempseyKearns combination was out a cool million, Gould Learned Value Of Money Joe Gould, manager of. Champion James J. Braddock, will never reach the publicity heights attained by' Kearns. Gould will come within a quarter of a million dollare Kearns possessed by reason of handling the greatest box office attraction the game has known.

But Littla Joe will not regret It, He faced many lean years with unflinching courage and confidence in him He knows how many pennles there are in a dollar bill and counts them fore indulging in so-called luxuries. Kearns spoke in terms of thousands of dollars and spent them that: way. Gould did not because he: did not have the money to use. that way, The money came bard and he made sure: he got what was coming to him. This does not mean Gould has a misercomplex, It you know, the laughing.

personable, little fellow who watched his fighter grow un from gangling' light-heavy into.a full-fledged heavyweight, you would, know the difference between the perfumed Kearna with his: bigh-priced, allk pajamas, ten-dollar shirta and shoes and the. likeable Gould who dresses. taetily but not to the extremes of the dapper Kearne. Difference: In. Managers The difference between an a 80-called successful manager and ordinary one can be summed up in few words, Blessed with a fighter like Jack.

Dempsey, one has but to sit tight, take or reject offere nad he "tops." The ordinary, effloient manager in one who uses good fudgad- ment in piloting a fighter Into vantageoua matches where he CAN get the most for his' man. Kearns: was confronted with these conditions before: he hooked up with Dempeoy and the resulta were not flattering. Gould plugred along with a flutter hapdicapped with bad hands. Braddock was long on courage and punch but his mental facultios wore none too' keen. J.

did his best but It was not good enough for the fans who liked an Inspired fighter who could step on the gAS and make things Deapite thie Braddock made reputation. of coming from hebina and scoring over better-rated fighters, The edge from theme victories wAs coarsened by the slow method he employed in accomplishing them. The fans like a slam- fighter who roars Into sotlap with demoniacal fury and hammere his adversary Into the ground undor wetler of sledgehammer blows. Braddock not that type. Still Gould maneuvered his charge into what was considered suicidal matob great puncher and confounded the fans ABRADDOCK'S SHREWD AND COURAGEOUS MANAGER WHOSE KEEN MANEUVERING HAS FINALLY BEEN REWARDED AFTER THIS AND PYTHIAS' OF THE RING HAD SHARED THE UPS AND DOWNS FOR TO YEARS! SAMES S.

and. experts alike by emerging with the world's crown gracing his manly head, Gould' Love Of Game Rewarded Jack Kearna did have a James J. Braddock to test his patience for ten years. Joe Gould did, Today 'Kearns is selling real estate, and. Is bordering on poverty, if western dispatches are correct.

Kearns had his fling. wade plenty of monoy And wae found wanting. Gould came into his own by sheer sagacity and unshaken confidence In his fighter's ability, Kearns won his reputation hitched to luminous star. Gould on one not '50 scintillating. Both men' achleved, their Aim In pugiliam but it la extremely doubtful Kearns was as bappy or as ellthusiastio' about the game little Joe Gould.

The latter has the faculty sharing his fighter's woes and joye. Now that James J. Braddock 1s champlod, Joe Gould has forgotten the headaches and' heartaches and accepts his honors without getting a swelled head, SPRINGTON-N -MATOAKA TOSSERS CHALK UP THEIR FIRST VICTORY (Continued from Preceding Puga) the second. half, will. be.

mapped out and schedule, The most important thing will be a discussion concerning. the schedule. It 11a8 beon suggested by some of the teams that the, second half schedule. cull for each team to play fifteen and not ten, as the first halt sohed-1 ule calla for. It had been muggestod that the meeting ho held touight, but league premidont, said vould not be made for such a gathoring tonight and the mooting date be Wednesday night.

MIDDLE ATLANTIC LEAGUE STANDING OF THE CLUBS W. 1. a. Pet. Zancaville 30 19 .612 Huntington 25 30 .883 Akron 80 38 Johnstown 06 .549 Dayton.

82 .108 P'ortsmouth 92 .440 Buckley 8: ,438 Charleston .381 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Zaneaville. Johnstown, Huntinaton, 7. Akron, Dayton, 1-4: Bookley, Charleston at Beckley al Dayton. Huntington at Johustown. Portamouth at Akron, SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION New Orleans, Atlanta; (11), Birmingham, 6t Knoxville 5 Chattanooga, Si Mquiphia, (13), Only games played, Learn TO FLY 125- Airport GOULD OUTGLORIES SAMES S.

HOYT HEAVES WILD IN TWELFTH FRAME TO LOSE OWN GAME man, Klein and Bar. MUNGO, OUTDUELS GIANTS Brooklyn, June 29 (P) -Van 'Lluglo (Continued from Preceding Page) belt, Kampourls 2, Byrd, Two base hits Medwick Riggs, Kampourlk. Threebase hits- Medwick, Delancey, Myers, Home' Goodman, Medwick. Stolen Sacrifica J. Collina.

Left. on bases--St. Loula 10, Cincinnati 9. Base on halla--Nelson 1. Hollingsworth 1.

Strike -P. Dean 1, Colling 1, Johnson Hollingsworth 3. Hits-P. Dean 9 In 6' (none out 7th), Walker 5. In 1,.

Collins 2 in 1, Johnaon 6-in 2, Nelson In. 3, 1-3. Hollingsworth 4 In. 2-3; Bronnan 0 In' Wild pitch- Winning pitcher Passed Hollingsworth, ball. -Campbell.

Ing pitcher Walker. Umpires -Pfir- Mungo, Brooklyp's mound mainstay, outpitched two of tho. Giants' Fred Fitzeimmona and Carl Hubbell, today gain his tenth victory of the season pa the Dodgers wou 3-2 and evened the series, The sooked Hubbell for the payoff run in the. after cominx from behind to the the score against in two provous tuninge. A pasa to Tony and singles Mungo jand Ralph Boyle.

produced the winning run. New York AR if Critz, 0 xxx 1 0. Terry. I ott: Ft et Poleis 34 0 Ratted for In 6th. bait 1.1 th.

Lotted for Mite fu 01 or. Tb Ph 1 Tb Thy or, 1f Koere Cool 26 3 1 'or, 14 Mungo, Poto'a 39 9 91 10 0'0 100 Ascolrigg 000 111 00x- Runs betted in' Hoote. ro-luzo FitzBordazaray, 14 6 hit 10 Storincen Gritz. Double play Critiz and Terry. Left on hases- -New York dyn.

10, Annes 011 hella nionA S. Hubball 1: 4. 6 In 5 innin-s, Hubhell 8 In 3. Lowing Impires Stark, Rigier and Pinc'1 Time PRILS PASTE BRAVES Boston, June 29 (P) -Righthander Curt Davis held the Bostoy Braves to seven scattered today when his Philadelphia teammates put OD four-hit barrago In the fourth Inning to chalk up their third straight win The 09 Boston tally, registered la the Arst Innings, came over Mike Haslin And Dolph Camilli "booted" grounders by Lea Mallon and Hal 1.00 and Wally Berger singled. Philadelphia AB Allen, ct Watkins, J.

Moore, rf Hastin, Verger, Camilll, 3b 1b Chlora, Davis, Totala Rosion AB Urbanaki, 68 Mallon, Tee, If ct Jordan, Whitney, 3b Hogan, Mowry Spolirer, Mach st Thompson Benton, Totals 1 1 ed for In Boston 100 000 030 000-3 Errors Runs batted 41-ADen. Chlossa, Wilson. Berger. Two- Wilson. BecriMoore, Double plays- Chiossa, Healin to Camille: Camilli, Haplin to Left on Boston 5.

Bases on Hits elf MacFeyden Macraydon Innings, Benton Losing pitcherUmpires- -Reardon, Stare and ate Radcliff, Halses, Haan, Dyes, Wash. Ington. Two-base Appling. Simmons. -base hits Knickerbocker, Campbell, Home runsTrosky, Vosmik.

Stolen Doublo ploys Bonurn and Appling: Flale, Berger and Trooky: knickerbocker and Trosks. Left on hagen- Chicago 3, Cleveland 5. Das6 on --Pholpa balis-Phelpe 1, la 1, Brown Brown 1, 1. Strikeouts off Phelps 7 In 6, Fischer 2 in 1. 'Salveson In 1, Nudlin 18 in Brown 0 In 1-3.

Winning pitcher Hudiin. Losing pitcher-Phelpe. Owens, Quinn, Morlatty, BASEBALL BIG SIX Joe Medwick of the Cardinals became the first no for league player to make 100 bite this aeason when Ite banged out a home run, triple, double and eto In five times up against Cincinnail. That feat also Improved his standing great' In the big six, lifting his average el fat points to .370 and putting him In secand place Ahend of Bob Johnson and only 22 pointa behind Arky Vaughau of Pittsburgh, who returned to action after two weeks' Vaughan hit only twice in nine attempts in a doubleheader, and dropped eight polnts to .392. Johnson slipped seven pointa with one blow In reven tImes up while his American rue rival, Joe Vosinik, hit three out of four for six-point gain.

The standing: AB Pet Vaughan, 64 190.51 79 .302 Medwick, 64 270 63 100 .370 GO 245 63 .88 .850 Voamik, 60. 257 31: 01 .754 Myer, Senators. 62 255 46 88 .015 Martin, 37 251 64 86 .348 JACK FARNS WHOSE RATING AS RING'S. "SMARTEST DOES NOT CARRY THE GLORY EARNED GOULD. HE NEVER ENCOUNTERED HARDSHIPS MADE KEARNS, BUT GOULD OMAHA ADDS LINK TO TITLE CHAIN BY WINNING DWYER orite with Tearout, set a bilatering: pACe for a mile, but faded badly and finished last in a field of six, Toarout was fourth, with Gusto fifth.

Late Date raced the distance over a good track in 2:06 4-5 and added $4,200 to owner: Caldwell's bankroll. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt'e Man O'War Identify, won the governor's handicap over mile and furlong today in the. record-breakIng time of 1:50 3-5 at Pawtucket. Second to J. W.

Y. Martin's Dark Hope in 'the King Philip 10 days ago. when the latter. had a three-pound weight pull, Identity gave the latter the same advantage' tor Identity In Ave New England stake events In which both horses have net. Jockey.

W. Hilley today became the Charles Town track's Arst four8-day winner for: thi aseason, ridIng the winners in the Arst' three races and in the fifth. He also up on Dutiful which showed in the seventh. Hilley was up on both ends of 'double combination worth only $14 tor $2. Aella, owned by Mrs.

G. Hutchins, took the drat by a longth and a 'halt ovor C. G. Overcash's Lodorus with Shaun Padralc, owned by E. T.

Ganse; A head. back in third. Aella paid $4.40 to win. The second went to Mrs. G.

Hutoh128' Ado by' four lengths over Broad King, owned by Baumgardner, with Koncheloe'a Blind a length back In third. Ado paid $18.30 to wIn, to place and $4 to show, the highost price of the day. Stool Pigeon, owned by A. L. Rodan.

won the third. by three lengths over F. Baruhurdt's Pukka Heaven, to pay $5.80. Mrs. G.

F. Cook's Gon was three lengths back of Heaven. Milo, owned by Mrs. M. Nelson Bond, won the fourth by length to pAy Loch- Londou, owned by Flolda, was secoud, a head before Carls Choice, owned by J.

McCormick, Dark Law, owned by Mrs. T. Smith, won the fifth by a nose. ahend of E. C.

Kirby's Topste I. Pencader took the sista to pay $4.40 with Brown Wren second and Braw Scott third. The seventh went to Cherry Point, with Cliftons Mario second and Dutiful thied, 'Cherry Point paid $10.80. The eighth went to Porphyry, which paid $4,40. Bright spirita wax FOUR AMERICANS REMAIN IN PLAY (Continued from Precodlug Page) Germany against Vivian McGrath of Australia.

Miss Jacobs WAR carried to one deuce set by Nancy Lyle of England, but Won at 7-5, 6-1, while Mrs. Moody eliminated the British squaeh racquets star, Susan Noul. 6-1, 6-3. On Monday tho American champion will play Mrs. E.

C. Peters of Great meets Miss Britain, While Cepkova Mrs, of Czecho- Moody slovakia. WILL NOT FIGHT DUEL Wimbledon, June (AP)- A fury of honor meeting at Paris today decided Jean Borotra, French tenuls star, and Didier Poulta, Paris sports writer. need not fight their proposed duel. Tonight, Borotra said, "all I have to worry about la beating your nificent American doubles teams" in the all-England tournament being played here, Borotra, whom the mporte writer had challenged by letter After an exchungo of remarks concerning the "bounding basque's" de loa not to play Davis oup singles while entering the Wimbledon touruey, has ubviously pleased at Settlement of.

the Incident. "Everything has been mottled to my satisfaction," be sald, faud have been assured Poullan never meant I was a poor sport. Now It is all over." INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Rochester, $: Mantreel, Buffalo, Toledo, Albany, 1: Baltimore, 8. Syracuse, 10; Newark, HOME RUN STANDING HOME RUNS YESTERDAY Werber, Re la Reynolds, Red Sox Trosky, Indiana Vostnik, Indiana Higgins. Athletlea Chapman.

Yankees Combs, Yankees Kiels, Cuba Modwiek. Cardinals Deinncey. Cardinals Goodman, Reds THE LEADERS Greenberg, Tigers 23 J. Collins. Cardinals Johnson, Athletica Berger, Braves 15 Camilli.

Phillies LEAGUE TOTALS National .324 American Total 644 Genuine White Pigskin Easy to cleani and to keep laam Nunn-Bush Ankle fashioned FOR MEN No man's wardrobe is really complete without a pair of sporty whine pinkie shoes. The ones we are showing one Ankle fashioned to give you fit, comfort and trie appearsa Try on a pair. See and feel de difference Ankle fashioning makes) Bluelield Shoe ROY D. PHILLIPS, Federal Street Bluefold, W. Ya.

AN Osteo-path-iks stylish flexible white buckskin sport shoes with the nailess heel seat $7 MOST STYLES they need no breaking in You'll take real pride in these in their -distinctive lines and in the luxurious quality of their white buckskin. And of course there never were more comfortable sport shoes for the revolutionary Osteo-path-ik construction gives your foot perfect freedom--follows every twist and turn of your foot--and still gives perfect support SHAMAN'S DIXIE CLOTHING CO, 410 PRINCETON AVE..

Bluefield Daily Telegraph from Bluefield, West Virginia (2024)


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Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.